You can do this in more ways that one. You can use PASTE IMAGE to display it on-screen, like this:
sync on : sync rate 60
// load in the image to bitmap 1
load bitmap "",1
// divide it into separate images
img = 1
for y = 0 to 768 step 256
for x = 0 to 768 step 256
get image img,x,y,x + 256, y + 256
inc img
next x
next y
TotalImages = img - 1
// we don't need tohe bitmap any more, so we'll get rid of it
delete bitmap 1
// play the images
img = 1 : xpos = (screen width() / 2) - 128 : ypos = (screen height() / 2) - 128 : // center the image on screen
delay = timer() + 80 : // delay it a little bit so we can see them okay
ink rgb(255,255,0),0 : // yellow text
text xpos,10,"Press SPACEBAR to exit."
paste image img,xpos,ypos
if timer() > delay
inc img
if img > TotalImages then img = 1
delay = timer() + 80
until spacekey() = 1
You could also use CREATE ANIMATED SPRITE or just use SPRITE to manually change the images.