I came across this thread while browsing through the snippets
It is fantastic. I had a bit of fun with it after i added a way to just take user input and keep looping through that so you didnt have to close the program each time. A fantastic snippet but ultimately relies on google translator and also can only provide 1 voice.
Now i know there are a lot of tts programs out there. I know some of them are quite expensive. I also know that db can write to text files, also it can read in from text files just as something like windows speech can convert speech to text.
So with this two way thing that can go on, is there anyway to mediate it all through dbpro.
This is a bit far fetched so bare with me. Before i even got programming with dbpro i had this idea.
You use a speech to text program to "talk" to dbpro. A function thats written tests how close you are to an npc in your rpg game. Using the old logic from the text based adventures (not easy to program but doable) it first off makes a text file out of what you said using something like the windows speech thing, db pro reads that file. Then filters out what you have said into keywords just like text based adventures do.
"Hello npc, i want to know where i can find Lord Smegface"
Condenses to "where", "lord smegface".
Npc then responds but instead of in words. What it outputs goes into a textfile, something then makes the text to speech program read that file.
Larger possibility for communicating with npcs and such in game without relying on voice actors for every single line of speech, plus it could even say your own name back to you if the game flagged you as being known to them, all you would have to do is to provide your name in text first for all text based instances of your name and a tested phonetic version for whenever it is spoken.
You could get dynamic conversations then based on where someone was exactly and mix up sentences to suit your needs.
"The" + "Golden" + "Orb" + "should be somewhere" + "north" + "of here by my guess"
Another thing would be how to make that tts change the voices and pitch etc but if you could find something with many voices, then change them slightly to suit them better with pitch etc you could instill that personality into each npc easily.
NPC 1 - Voice type Jane, pitch 80
NPC 2 - Voice type Mike, pitch 40
NPC 3 - Voice type Jane, pitch 60
Not quite 3 completely different sounding npcs but a little variation would be better than nothing. You could even do demons perhaps by duplicating the mp3 it created, lowering the pitch even more on one and playing both the sounds together or just slightly offset