Hi all, I'm from Russia, and I apologize for my bad English. I have a problem.
In my project the camera (view) moves with a bullet, as in Angry Birds. construction is the following:
first we get a shot in the right direction:
setSpritePhysicsImpulse (2, getspritex (2), getspritey (2) + getspriteheight (2) / 2, 50 * cos (getSpriteAngle (1)), -60 * sin (-getSpriteAngle (1)))
2 - Bullets ID
then we attach the camera
bla bla bla..
setViewOffset (x, y)
where x and y - coordinates of bullet in the flight. so we following the bullet in the center of the screen and so flew around the world
)) But the problem is that the sprites by which we fly start to flicker quite! Why does this happen? Long drawn and the problem with the backbuffer or something? I am using PC,windows