Wow - thankx for the responses - this is a pickle (didn't get emails Or I would have responded sooner - I musta shut them off even though I checked "send me replies via email
Ok.. The whole vertex lock thing each loop I appreciate (which would stink - There goes old character shop pro out the door - no limbs!) Real bummer - fortunately a buddy of mine is making a "proxy" with all the animations I am looking for, limbed so this problem hopefully goes away
(MAN we have issues trying to convert models with animation to DirectX format - is there any exporter that is DECENT?)
Blender one - not reliable to date - fingers crossed for update.
Also, the vertex locking and getting the VERTEX x,y,z is not the X,Y,Z of world space - its the relative offset from the 0,0,0 position set within the model (generally by the the modelling software or whatever was used to make a mesh)
So - thank you for the input - and I'm glad you two validated my lines of though: Lock, vertex hunt (calc world space location - thread question bit), then place Gun or something there each iteration - workable but speed impact VERY likely - add multiple models with same issue - AAHHHHH
Thank you for your responses - Hopefully my modelling guru buddy can come to the rescue - (again converting 3ds models and animations to DirectX format for DBPRO has been another thorn)