Creating independent modules in AppGameKit tier 1 is almost impossible due to the fact there is no way to declare global variables inside other modules, and also all variables declared in those other modules are not even global inside it.
#include module.agc
my_counter = Increment()
Print("hello world - " + str(my_counter))
Global counter = 10
Function Increment()
// do something herer
EndFunction counter
So declaring counter inside module.agc should make it global and persistent inside the functions declared in module.agc - this would be perfect since we could simulate "private" variables to that module.
The problem is that we can't do that, and also declaring "counter" as Global also doesn't make it global to the whole application, which could be fine too. What happen is that counter will be always zero, not 10.
This behaviour basically blocks any kind of reusable module we could create, without having to declare its variables in main.agc.
If one of the behaviours above are not possible, at least we could have the header file concept, where it would contain the global variables to the whole application as well.
I've added this same text to the bug system as feature request, but I'd like to hear from you guys what do you think?