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Music & Sound FX / The radio/ walkie talkie effect?

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Joined: 1st Jan 2011
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Posted: 14th Nov 2011 00:43
hello, how do I make the radio effect so it sounds like the voice actor is speaking over a radio. Any tutorials out there?


Years of Service
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Joined: 11th Nov 2011
Posted: 23rd Nov 2011 15:47
If you have Audacity for example start by talking really close to the microphone and don't worry about distortion.

Apply Effect > Leveler in Audacity. This is a brute force compressor and it's pretty much perfect in the higher settings.

Then High Pass Filter set to about 300 Hz and Low Pass Filter set to 3000 Hz. Tune those two for the telephone and squeezed audio effect.

Or If you have any other sound editing software, try setting the equalizer close to:

60 Hz = -24
150 Hz = -24
400 Hz = -12
1000 Hz = +12
2400 Hz = +12
6000 Hz = +6
15 kHz = -12

Play with that settings and tweak to get the sound you want. You may want to lower the total volume by about 12 dB.

Thats it

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