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Work in Progress / The Magic Land - Ingame shots

Digital Awakening
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2002 18:17
Well since the RGT forums are down at the moment I thought I should show you guys over here what I'm doing. Sadly there are no attach function in this forum so I can't show you the latest shot but I guess that many around here haven't seen my game. I have 3 prety new shots on my site: Click on Projects then The Magic Land and then Screenshots.
David T
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2002 20:18
I thought there was something going on there. Usually my connection, lol.

I love Star Trek.
Especially the Episodes with Starships in.
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2002 22:42
that's some pretty realistic stuff man (especially the sky), i'm impressed.

your birth was a blessing, sent to live and die on earth as a lesson, we each have a star all you have to do is find it, once you do, everyone who sees it will be blinded - DMX
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2002 22:46
nice shots DG

Alex Wanuch
aka rapscaLLion
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2002 22:47
i honestly have no clue how you can use matrices that big at any decent speed

looking good

i'm looking at yooooou!
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2002 22:58
sweet! i liked screen 2 the best

John H
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2002 00:29
Today is going by so slow with no RGT, I live there. Ya DG nice work as always. Your gonna win!


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Digital Awakening
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2002 01:18
Thanks guys ,:')

I solved 2 nasty bugs today, I'm really happy ,:')

The sky is made in Lightwave7.5's SkyTracer2 and some Photoshop.

I got 2 100x100 matrices and DBP does the rest ,:')

Yes, I'm one of the 9 winners actually ,:')

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2002 02:47
except that recent problems may cause me too drop out... after all that work

Alex Wanuch
aka rapscaLLion
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2002 04:09
a 50x50 matrix in DBP for me runs at about 20FPS, not kidding. it gets exponentially slower with bigger matrices.

i'm looking at yooooou!
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2002 04:11
Is it a sky sphere or what? even with a skybox mine look a bit pixelated, how big is the picture for the sky, and whats the current fps?
John H
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2002 05:06
I think its a streched skysphere. Lol on RGT people were basically worshipping his sky :-p (how does that smiley work!!!) Its great DG, glad to hear you did well!

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Digital Awakening
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2002 14:17
Well, Iceman/Shane was probably not gonna make it either. I'm not 100% I got all the time I need either. Perhaps the deadline will be extended if many reports delays.

With a 50x50 matrix in DB1 I didn't have a slowdown (my max at 75). Now I use a 50 sync rate, probably gonna lower that to 40 but DBP seems to put the rate lower then 40.

I use a custom made sky.x model with a 1024x1024 texture. I get 46-63 FPS. This is with waving water. The FPS only rise over 49 when I look at the sky. It only drops below 49 when moving a lot.

Thanks ,:')

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2002 22:42
did you make the sky.x model? or is it from somewhere? would you be willing to post it online?
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Posted: 24th Nov 2002 01:18
Well if I had more time it would be possible, but they've already shifted the deadline (to January) so that people could take advantage of DBP.

Alex Wanuch
aka rapscaLLion
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Posted: 24th Nov 2002 13:30
It's just a simple model that can be made in any 3D program.

They have never shifted the real deadline. The september deadline was only to select the winners. You had to be accepted at that deadline to be able to continue working on the game.

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Posted: 24th Nov 2002 14:55
you could've just linked the images to here with the img tag

thy boss
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Posted: 24th Nov 2002 19:03
well actually, I convinced him to move it to january, the original dead line was sept. That was at the VERY beginnning though.

What about you, I kinda don't like the way Garth just disappeared on us... it was kinda a shock...

Alex Wanuch
aka rapscaLLion
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Posted: 25th Nov 2002 00:52
I'm not used to this forum and it's far easier that way.

Well, I wasn't in this contest that early ,:') Hwo's Garth? Did he disappear from your team? I'm getting closer one step at a time. I just got 2 irritating bugs sorted out. If I had no deadline I would probably rewrite half the engine as I realised I could have done things differently.

Digital Awakening
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Posted: 25th Nov 2002 11:30
I just got the recordings for the battle dialogs. Everything wasn't as good as I hoped for but most of them are really good, and funny ,:')

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Posted: 29th Nov 2002 00:30
Garth was the original leader / organizer.
Then one day he just disappeared. Sent us all a single email saying he was leaving, and Chad was taking his spot. No explination, didn't say if he would come back, nothing. Just he was leaving, and someone else was taking over. And the most I could get out of Chad was Garth was out of the country.

Alex Wanuch
aka rapscaLLion
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Posted: 30th Nov 2002 04:00
drug dealer! haha, wouldn't that be funny if i were right

i'm looking at yooooou!
Digital Awakening
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Posted: 1st Dec 2002 19:41
I don't know why Garth is gone but he is comming back in a few weeks. Garth and Chad are Astral Entertainment, they are both the original makers of the PeaGuy series. So don't worry =)
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Posted: 1st Dec 2002 19:45
ya, I know that now, but they didn't bother to tell us before. Oh well... better get back to work. Everytime I work around abug in DB, they release a new patch which fixes the original problem and breaks something else. I can't win

Alex Wanuch
aka rapscaLLion
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2002 00:33
Well they told me =) Win? The 9 games on the list are already winners we only need to finish the games and then we get a share of the profit.
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2002 00:37
... finishing is the hard part... enjoying the profit is easy!

Alex Wanuch
aka rapscaLLion
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2002 15:40
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Posted: 10th Jan 2003 20:36
Hi DG........

Yep mate, I needed some more time too!

But I have been told that the games dont have to be in for about another month, so its no probs to get it finished.

Hows your game going?? I have not had anything from you since I emailed you my game storyline.
(Tho I have been ill for sometime and I have not even checked the old RGT forums for, like, centurys!) lol.

CU mate

Shane (aka:Iceman)

PS: You never said what you thought of our DarkSide RPG...

Digital Awakening
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Posted: 10th Jan 2003 22:31
Oh, this is an age old thread =)

Well, there are lots of threads in here by me. New shots on my site. Sign up for my newsletter (on my site) if you don't wanna miss the updates. It's going prety nice =)

DarkSide RPG? My memory isn't good so you have to remind me on that.

[b]Digital Awakening
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Posted: 11th Jan 2003 02:41
Hey DG you already know I'm excited about this project, just wasn't around to say it in November Just went to your sight, nice logo with the sphere guy with the gun and your TML game looks very very solid Good luck with it

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Digital Awakening
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Posted: 11th Jan 2003 14:20
Thanks =) The logo will change to Digital Awakening later when I have the time. The sphere guy is a cyber agent from my game Cyber Control Alpha, I won the multiplayer contest with it.

[b]Digital Awakening
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Posted: 11th Jan 2003 16:26
Cool, I'll check it out

Digital Awakening
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Posted: 11th Jan 2003 17:06
It's a little buggy, playing more then 2 players really messes it up and it gets really slow =)

[b]Digital Awakening
Game in developement: 3D RPG - The Magic Land
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