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iOS and MacOS / AGK Viewer LAST ERROR

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Posted: 4th Dec 2011 17:49
my initial attempt to use the AppGameKit viewer on iphone 4 is failing...

There are apparently two errors...

"Tried to flush data on an unconnected socket", and the other flashes too fast to read.

I'm on a windows 7 PC, with the windows firewall turned off, and my wireless router has it's firewall disabled.

What could be happening here?

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Posted: 4th Dec 2011 17:59
Did you try rebooting your computer AFTER you have disabled the firewall? I had a the same problem with a similar setup and rebooting worked for me.
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Posted: 4th Dec 2011 19:39
I just tried that... no dice.


The thing is... I have many devices that communicate perfectly over wireless... iphone, ipad, wireless cameras, apple tv, wifi robots, other PCs and macs... everything works *perfectly*.

Not AppGameKit Viewer.
Steve Ancell
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Posted: 4th Dec 2011 19:53
I get the same thing happen to me sometimes with my iPod. When this does happen, I just click Unblock in the box that pops up then exit the game. Then I just exit and restart AppGameKit Viewer, then press [F5] again and all is well.
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Posted: 4th Dec 2011 22:33
Odd... I don't get an "unblock" box... is this on the PC or on the mobile device?
Steve Ancell
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Posted: 4th Dec 2011 23:14 Edited at: 4th Dec 2011 23:17
That's just what the firewall does on my PC sometimes, when I transmit to the iPod.

It brings up a box with: [Keep Blocking] [Unblock] [Ask Me Later]
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Posted: 5th Dec 2011 11:50
Thats the windows firewall, it may not be turned on.

Quote: "I'm on a windows 7 PC, with the windows firewall turned off"

Yep, it's turned off. lol

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Posted: 8th Dec 2011 00:26
Is this issue still happening and are you using the latest AppGameKit Viewer update from the App Store? Thanks.

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Posted: 8th Dec 2011 08:24
Hello, yes, it happens both on the iphone and ipad. Everything is the latest, as I only bought AppGameKit just over a week ago.

Nothing unusual about my system... Windows 7 PC. Linksys WRT54G wireless router. I would be happy to collect information for you to help troubleshoot.
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Posted: 8th Dec 2011 23:46
Just realised yesterday we have a new latest version that did not get uploaded to App Store. Being uploaded now

I drink tea, and in my spare time I write software.

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