I have a level building routine which uses
createsprite(loadsubimage()) to build the level from 32x32 blocks from a 256x256 tile sheet, with about 20 different tiles.
I will want to ad-hoc replace these blocks with any of 20 from the same sheet later, so is it:
1. better to create each sprite as above (200+) and reload a subimage each time I want to change it, or-
2. Load each tile with the 256x256 image as an animated sprite with an animation frame (effectively a 32x32 view of each tile) where I can set the frame using the sprite animation to quickly change the tile.
I currently use (1) but I would want to know that the 2nd method will not create 200+ instances of a 256x256 animation sheet in memory if I use CloneSprite() to display the repetitions.
Not being able to "copy/paste" an image and reading that the sprite engine is optimised for such things, I guess that (2) is the preferred option, but I can't see how 200+ sheets wouldn't be instantiated unless somewhere in the background of "clonesprite()" is just a pointer to the original image, thus being the best way forward with this.