I've looked at Cshop, and it produces some terribly unoptimized models...
If you have the money, I recommend
AC3D. I've been using it for 3.5 years, and it's by far the most payed-off tool I have. AC3D is great for landscapes, scenery, and it has a really powerful UV editor. However, it can get a little tricky if you want to make characters.
Milkshape 3D is great for making animated characters. I've never used it myself, but I've seen some great results from other people.
If you have the patience,
Blender is one of the most powerful modelling tools out there, and it's for free. But man, it's a beast to understand... It took me 5 hours to learn how to make a cube o.O
And if you're looking for a free animation program,
CharacterFX is the way to go.