Quote: "And that explains why major companies use Linux for their internet servers? Google is completely Linux-based; Blizzard's game servers run Linux. Microsoft was even forced to revert to it when their servers were under attack a few weeks ago."
Linux is free and will run happily without regular maintainance.
Thats the only reason it is still chosen, costs.
Windows Server 2003 is actually cheaper in the longrun but costs alot in License... whereas any host master cna sit there on a 250mbit line download RedHat in a matter of 10-15mins and then use the self-installation to get going.
As for Microsoft, they only reverted as a precautionary measure.
Thier currently converted Server 2003 systems weren't breeched, however systems that connected that were using older systems were. And they're weren't sure what the problem was at first.
They're not a stupid company...
you know why Windows has such a bad rep and Linux doesn't?
it's because it is the stupid hate mongering Linux kiddies that seem to have a personal grudge against Bill Gates (regardless to the fact that he is just a suit, one of 24 on the board with no greater or less power than any of the rest) and think its big and clever to hack Windows and plant something nasty. Just to prove its possible.
Oh and it is ALWAYS a Linux kiddie, it is never someone who uses MacOS or Solaris or FreeBSD... it is always the Linux crowd.
Probably think thier somehow being all amazing showing ::coughdocumentedcough:: weaknesses within the Windows Operating System, it isn't going to stop people using Windows though no matter what they think. All they do is piss everyone off who is currently using Windows.
Might have a few other begruded users who would rather use Linux, sit there and go "serves M$ right" (god i hate that $ symbol regarding microsoft, i know of companies more money hungry ... SONY for example. Just checkout the FFXI account details if you wanna know what i mean) ... and you have like the other 80-90% odd who are just like "what the hell are people making MY life a misery for?"
most users don't give a crap what some script kiddie thinks is the best OS, they just want THIER system to work the way it should. So all that happens is you hear about another virus and another worm aimed at windows and microsoft users ... all you think is "what the hell did i do!?"
Quote: "I think KDE 3 looks far better than XP's default theme, and it's far more stable."
Matter of opinion, i've crashed KDE countless times without effort ... alot of Linuxians said "you should learn to use Linux better then!" - but quite frankly I don't see why the hell i should understand an OS intimately before being able to use to any decent degree.
And honestly I prefer the bright colours of WindowsXP and Windows .Net/Nx ... they're softer on my eyes and although thier big and like 'duplo' honestly, it makes it seem more friendly to use.
Quote: "The mouse does nothing but slow you down. Keyboard is faster for everything "
Not everyone wishes to work at the speed of light
Some people prefer a graphical representation to everything to give ita friendlier face.
And in certain situations the mouse can speed up tasks, oh yeah not forgetting with the mouse you only have to remember -
Right-Click = Menu ... Left-Click = Action
rather than... copy is blah blah, delete is blah blah, etc... you don't need to remember.
Not to mention selections are far simpler, say you only wanted to delete 2 types of files from 2 folders.
In windows you can Search->Delete
Or open both folders, set to details view (so far each folder is 1xdouble click, 2 clicks to set view) click on the type detail to group them to types, then scroll clicking and holding over the first time pulling down the window to select all. Then using the scroll bar going to the next file type and then using Ctrl-LMB selecting the new box of files to add to the selection. Do for both windows and then press delete.
All gone! (under Linux this would be a very different story to pull off and it would require knowlage of the CLI commands to do at any speed)
Windows isn't without its own version of CLI anyways, it has the Command Environment.
Oh yeah and not forgetting the far simpler and faster to use and modify Multiple Desktop/Montiors.
Quote: "'most software is always in a 'in beta' state'
Curse of open source..."
these OSs however don't make everything opensource, ONLY what they must. Which means basically the Kernel and that is it.
There is often minimum community particupation in the large version of the software,
Knoppix, Mandrake, RedHat, etc...
really they're now developing and designing similar to Windows.
Hell you know you can get Windows Source for FREE (well cept p&p) from Microsoft Developers Network right?
Everything open to current high-end linux packages is also open to Windows packages as well.
To Survive You Must Evolve... This Time Van Will Not Escape His Fate!