Hey everyone!
This is my first real big solution for the AppGameKit community, a great way to split a string up by a delimiter. It doesn't require global variables or arrays - just pass your data through a function, which split segment you want returned, and it will do it.
(Making this code also made me find a bug with AppGameKit, which I'll post at Google code
To test this code out, create a new AppGameKit project (I chose vertical) and replace the code in the main.agc file with this:
SetDisplayAspect( 0.66 )
rem print out how many segments there are in this string if split by a comma
Print(str(SplitStringCount(",FOO,CAKE,BANANA,", ",")))
rem test cases
rem invalid segment (negative number)
Print(SplitString(",FOO,CAKE,BANANA,", ",", -1))
rem first segment
Print(SplitString(",FOO,CAKE,BANANA,", ",", 0))
rem second segment
Print(SplitString(",FOO,CAKE,BANANA,", ",", 1))
rem third segment
Print(SplitString(",FOO,CAKE,BANANA,", ",", 2))
rem fourth segment
Print(SplitString(",FOO,CAKE,BANANA,", ",", 3))
rem fifth segment
Print(SplitString(",FOO,CAKE,BANANA,", ",", 4))
rem invalid segment (too high a number
Print(SplitString(",FOO,CAKE,BANANA,", ",", 5))
rem no delimiter found
Print(SplitString(",FOO,CAKE,BANANA,", "!", 1))
rem this gets the amount of 'segments' that a string can be split into
rem this is based off of 1, not 0. so, if the string and delimiter you pass in
rem returns a counted valueof 3, you can get segments 0-2 from it.
function SplitStringCount(pString as string, pDelimiter as string)
delimitCount as integer
i as integer
rem get length of string
pStringLength as integer
pStringLength = len(pString)
rem parse through the string and count how many delimited chars there are
for i = 0 to pStringLength - 1
if mid(pString, i + 1, 1) = pDelimiter
delimitCount = delimitCount + 1
next i
delimitCount = delimitCount + 1
endfunction delimitCount
rem this splits a string by its delimiter and will return one segment of it.
rem to see how many segments there are, use SplitStringCount.
rem NOTE: SplitString is 0-based, whereas SplitStringCount is 1-based.
rem This is so that SplitStringCount will return a total value of segments (e.g., 3)
rem and to access them in SplitString, you'll use values 0-2.
REM NOTE, if this function 'errors' out - e.g., invalid segment (negative number or too a high a number)
REM this function will return the ENTIRE string back to you.
REM if the function was successful, it will only send back a segment as the return value.
function SplitString(pString as string, pDelimiter as string, pSegment)
delimitCount as integer
myReturn as string
myReturn = ""
charCount as integer
segmentCount as integer
exitSearch as integer
i as integer
rem get the length of the original source string
pStringLength as integer
pStringLength = len(pString)
rem count how many delimiters there are in the string
for i = 0 to pStringLength - 1
if mid(pString, i + 1, 1) = pDelimiter
delimitCount = delimitCount + 1
next i
rem if there are no delimiters found in the original source string
rem or there was an invalid segment number passed in (negative, too high a number)
rem return the original source string
if delimitCount = 0 or pSegment < 0 or pSegment > delimitCount
exitfunction pString
rem this is only applicable to the non-first segment.
rem this finds the first character after a selected delimiter.
rem if we wanted to split up 'foo,bar' and get the second segment, this would return the position of 'b'
rem since the first letter of the first segment starts at 0, we can ignore it
if pSegment > 0
for i = 0 to pStringLength - 1
charCount = charCount + 1
if mid(pString, i + 1, 1) = pDelimiter
segmentCount = segmentCount + 1
if segmentCount = pSegment
next i
rem return an empty string
rem if the last character in the original source string was a delimiter: foo,bar,
if charCount >= pStringLength
myReturn = ""
exitfunction myReturn
rem now we search through and add characters that we need to our return variable.
rem keep adding eltters until we hit a delimiter or the string ends
while exitSearch = 0 and charCount < pStringLength
if mid(pString, charCount + 1, 1) = pDelimiter
exitSearch = 1
myReturn = myReturn + mid(pString, charCount + 1, 1)
charCount = charCount + 1
rem return value
endfunction myReturn
Hi there. My name is Dug. I have just met you, and I love you.