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3 Dimensional Chat / Who can help me with animations?

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2011 21:24
Hello, i'm not that kind of good but i got a good character for my game. Only I want to make it with animations! but im really bad in animations. so im not team requesting (or if I do where can i post this else "geek culture"?) so yeah thats my question

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the 3ds look like a monkey !

-Whale Games

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2011 22:09
is it rigged to a skeleton?
can you provide a file that 3ds max can import?
what anims do you want?

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2011 22:15 Edited at: 22nd Dec 2011 22:18
i can export it to: Autodesk 3DS, is that fine to because I think max support 3ds?.

its almost grouped, body and fingers, feet and tail not (legg and arms are grouped

(I'm using milkshape)

i want like:
- Idle animation (only tail is waving and hes breathing)
- Running animation (Just running like humans)
- Walking animation (Just walking like humans)
- Crouching animation (Crouching)

This are the four i want, i saw al u're good animation topic so i guess you can do this easy!

3DS of spidermonkey.

-Whale Games

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2011 22:24
I can't animate it if it's not rigged sorry

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2011 22:28 Edited at: 22nd Dec 2011 22:32
Im not really good in 3d or animation. but i can rigg it for you, but can it load Autodesk 3DS?

and how do you want it rigged like: 2 legs (both side), 2 arms (both side), 1 neck, 1 head, 2body, 1 hands(both side), 10 vingers(both side), 10 toes, 5 tail? or do you want more

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2011 22:35
I'll make it fully rigged tomorrow ok?

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Posted: 29th Dec 2011 23:32 Edited at: 29th Dec 2011 23:33
If your into old school character design / animations i can help with the use of model prop.

It depends how your character is setup.

Here is an example screenshot of a character that has movable detachable parts.

(im a bad drawer but a good modeler could do this easily)

Anyways this type of character is very easy to rig and animate with model prop and will even save to the .dbo format animated or the .x format animated.

Send me an email and i can hook ya up with a key if interested


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Posted: 3rd Jan 2012 02:59 Edited at: 8th Jan 2012 22:15

So many games to little time.

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