This line crash the compiler.
dim agk[ 530 ] as integer = [ 154, 226, 151, 219, 148, 212, 145, 204, 144, 198 , 142, 192, 141, 186, 140, 175, 139, 169, 138, 161, 138, 155, 138, 145, 139, 137, 139, 134, 139, 129, 139, 126 , 139, 121, 140, 120, 140, 119, 142, 115, 148, 110, 150, 107 , 150 , 107, 159 , 102 , 169, 95 , 174, 92 , 176 , 90, 180, 88, 187, 86, 189, 85, 190, 85, 202, 84, 206, 83, 209, 83, 217, 83 ,222, 83, 223, 83, 233, 86, 239, 88, 240, 89, 245, 92, 250, 96, 254, 99, 258, 104, 262, 108, 264, 115, 268, 122, 270, 127, 271, 133, 272, 141, 273, 148, 273, 154, 273, 164, 273, 171, 273, 175, 273, 180, 273, 192, 273 ]
Is there a fix for that ?
Also is it possible to split a long line into more lines perhaps something like in javascript:
dim agk[ 530 ] as integer = [ 154, 226, 151, 219, 148, 212, 145, 204, 144, 198 , 142, 192, 141, 186, 140, 175, 139, 169, 138, 161,/
138, 155, 138, 145, 139, 137, 139, 134, 139, 129, 139, 126 , 139, 121, 140, 120, 140, 119, 142, 115, 148, 110, 150, 107 , 150 , 107,/
159 , 102 , 169, 95 , 174, 92 , 176 , 90, 180, 88, 187, 86, 189, 85, 190, 85, 202, 84, 206, 83, 209, 83, 217, 83 ,222, 83, 223, 83,/
233, 86, 239, 88, 240, 89, 245, 92, 250, 96, 254, 99, 258, 104, 262, 108, 264, 115, 268, 122, 270, 127, 271, 133, 272, 141, 273, /
148, 273, 154, 273, 164, 273, 171, 273, 175, 273, 180, 273, 192, 273 ]
Please let me know, im stuck here
best regards Preben Eriksen,
best regards Preben Eriksen,