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Music & Sound FX / Extracting sound from movies

The Zoq2
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Location: Linköping, Sweden
Posted: 4th Jan 2012 19:44

This years new years eve I went out and filmed some of the fireworks, mostly to test my new phone camera. When I watched the movies I realised that the sound was pretty good and could be used as explosion sounds in my game. The only problem is I have no idea of how to extract the sounds from the move.

Can anyone tell me, is it even possible?

Thanks in advance
AGK Backer
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Posted: 4th Jan 2012 20:47 Edited at: 4th Jan 2012 22:05
Use an audio manipulation tool... or insert it into an video editor and export... There is a million ways to do it...

Try using windows movie maker... export it in .wmv and remane it to .wma dont you have any video audio manipilation apps?


Typo Dont

If the wma rename works you then can try converting it to an mp3 or WAV or OGG even...

I buy a lot of software and over the years tallyed over £2500 in purchases some of which I barely got used to... so have something for everything... what I do not like is a software firm charding you full rate for an upgrade that brings very little in difference...

The Zoq2
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Posted: 4th Jan 2012 21:58
Quote: "Try using windows movie maker... export it in .wmv and remane it to .wma dknt you have any video audio manipilation apps?"

I don't think so, I havn't focused so much on audio.

Thanks for the tip!
AGK Backer
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Posted: 4th Jan 2012 22:05
See edit above...

The Zoq2
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Location: Linköping, Sweden
Posted: 5th Jan 2012 15:32
I managed to do it using VLC and the crop it in Audacity

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