Hi guys,
I'm not sure whether what I am doing is wrong, or there is something not quite right happening with particles.
When I run this code, the particles fade in like they should, but I am expecting, because of the life variable of 120, that they will last for quite some time. Instead, they are "popping" out of existence after roughly 15-20 seconds of life.
You can just copy-pasta this code and it will run in AGK.
CreateParticles ( 3, 101, 25 )
SetParticlesStartZone ( 3, -100, -25, 0, 25 )
SetParticlesDirection ( 3, -1, 0 )
SetParticlesAngle ( 3, 10 )
SetParticlesFrequency ( 3, 1 )
SetParticlesLife ( 3, 120 )
SetParticlesSize ( 3, 30 )
SetParticlesDepth (3,14)
AddParticlesColorKeyFrame( 3, 0, 256, 256, 256, 0 )
AddParticlesColorKeyFrame( 3, 5, 256, 256, 256, 100 )
AddParticlesColorKeyFrame( 3, 120, 256, 256, 256, 0 )
SetParticlesColorInterpolation (3,1)
Am I doing something wrong here? I have toyed with the properties of the particle system quite a bit, and can't find a solution. I created a new particle system and discovered the same problem. It seems to not like lifespans longer than that 15-20 second mark.
Any ideas? Help will be rewarded with much love and good will!
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