PureGDK 2.0 Release Candidate 1 is out! This is it. It's almost done.
The current release is still in release-candidate status. However, the new website provides a download link for the full commercial version (for those accounts who purchase it) which does not expire as the beta releases have.
Please delete any files installed by a previous release of PureGDK 2.0 beta before installing a new one! The default user path is "%appdata%\PureGDK", the default install path is "..Program Files (x86)\PureGDK"
PureBasic users: You "must" uninstall any previous release of PureGDK 1.0 before installing PureGDK 2.0. Older releases are not compatible and you will not be able to compile.
Quote: "
PureGDK 2.0 Release Candidate 1
Bug fixes:
- The gdkc.exe tool will no longer evaluate invalid string table entries which do not have exports.
- Added registry keys to HKLM/HKCU which identify the PureGDK install path and version number for third-party developers.
- Added an uninstaller and an entry for it in the add/remove programs dialog in the control panel.
- The installer now expects a serial number to install. This number can be obtained from your user account at http://puregdk.com.
- Reverted renaming of "chroma" back to "color" as the key is actually 1-bit instead of a range of colors.
- Removed the builddocs tool and its source code from the PureGDK SDK for the time being.
- The installer now provides better context menu handling.
- Corrected some erroneous constants which did not match the documentation."