Thanks the timer() command did work, and from that I managed to work out the effect I wanted.
This media free program demonstrates how to make a sprite bounce from high to low. This basically means you need to set a value then subtract from it, or if you want it to bounce higher and faster rather than lower, then simply increase the value.
I've placed the variables at the beginning of the program so you can adjust these until you get the result you want.
height# = 10
yspeed# = 0.01
multiplier# = 25
xspeed# = 2
xdec# = 0.001
xlimit = 1000
bouncemultipler# = 55
SetVirtualResolution( 1000, 550 )
SetSyncRate( 60, 0 )
sprite = CreateSprite(0)
SetSpriteSize( sprite, 64, 64 )
SetSpriteColor( sprite, 255, 0, 0, 255)
height# = 10
yspeed# = 0.01
multiplier# = 25
xspeed# = 2
xdec# = 0.001
xlimit = getdevicewidth()
bouncemultipler# = 55
xspeed# = xspeed# - xdec#
x# = x# + xspeed# : if x# > xlimit then x# = 0
SetSpriteX(sprite, x#)
height# = height# - yspeed#
b# = bounce(height#)
y# = 550 - 64 - ( bouncemultipler# * b#)
SetSpriteY( sprite, y# )
Until height# < 0
print("ended") : sleep(5000) : end
function Bounce(x as float)
result# = abs(sin(6.28*(x+1)*(x+1)) * (1-x))
endFunction result#
I think this program more or less gives a classic bounce. With a little more work I'm sure you can make it produce the effect you need.