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3 Dimensional Chat / What is better to load 3d objects

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Joined: 21st Jan 2011
Posted: 17th Feb 2012 16:17
Well im in the process of making a FPS game and i am wondering is it easier to load by a bitmap like this

or is it better to load 3d objects by making the level like in blender than loading the 3d object in the game btw im using Darkgdk

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Posted: 17th Feb 2012 17:24
Depends on what you are wanting. I would most likely use a modeling program to make something like that.

But, then again, it seems like you already have a system built for taking the chars out of your czLevel[] array with some for(){} loops. Seemes like you've also got {}s setup to separate rooms. If you had a level editor to create the level instead of typing it by hand, that could possibly be easier. Really depends on your workflow and what you have planned.

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