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Geek Culture / Pentium 4 and Windows XP

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Posted: 13th Sep 2002 17:39
Just curious if this is just my PC or if anyone else has this too. I was totally amazed the other day when one of my programs crashed and I couldn't get out of it ... in the end I got pissed off and decided to go get a drink, so I hit the power button to turn the computer off. Suddenly the window minimizes and all my programs are shut down one by one and then the computer shuts down.

Is this a Windows XP thing? Or a Windows XP combined with P4 thing? Or is it something to do with my ATCS tower case? I just think it's real cool I never have to click shut down again .. I just hit the power button and it's all done for me. Who elses computer does this?
Machine: P4 2200, 512MB, GeForce4 64MB, Audigy Platinum

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Posted: 13th Sep 2002 18:07
I think its to do with the motherboard, and specifically how you define the on/off button (shutdown, stand by etc etc).

I never (unless something has seriously gone wrong) just press the on/off button - it could cause problems with NTFS. XP reporting bogus scandisk error messages doesn't help either.

Yes, I really am THAT good...
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Posted: 15th Sep 2002 18:54
Take a look in Control Panel | Power Options | Advanced tab.
At least on my computer, there's an option to set what happens when you press the power button.

I'm not as think as you confused I am!
Martyn Pittuck
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Posted: 15th Sep 2002 19:03
MrTAToad: If you have NTFS you should never need to ScanDisk, the file system automaicaly hides bad file sectors from your Motherboard and moves corroupted data into a good sector.

Any badparts of the disk are never used, as long as you Defrag once a month everything else should be OK.

But there is an option for NTFS check or somming (You can schedual one.) I do this every 2/3 months, just to make sure everything is OK.

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Posted: 16th Sep 2002 00:04
I scandisk every week, generally from the Recovery Console. What I dont like about XP is that there are 3 scandisk routines :

The AUTOCHK/CHKDSK routine at startup (which doesnt seem to fix anything), the CHKDSK on a command-line in windows (which always reports errors, especially in $Bitmap. At least it reports what errors it found), and CHKDSK in the Recovery Console (doesn't say what it finds, but seems the most reliable - always seems to find something though, although I'm not sure its checks as much as that from the command line)

Which are you supposed to trust as all accept different parameters and return different results ?

Yes, I really am THAT good...

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