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AppGameKit Classic Chat / Identify this code, is this AGK?

fallen one
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Posted: 14th Mar 2012 17:52
I want to identify the code below, I hired a coder from these forums to code in AppGameKit, but they then made/or used there 'own engine' that used AGK. which I did not ask for, I asked for a program to be made in AppGameKit and to have the source.

The problem is, there are bugs and I cannot release the application, I am having problems in communication and have not received communication from them.

I am leaving this persons name from this post for 'now' as I am hoping the issues with this application can be resolved. If the code snippet below is AGKs language, then I perhaps I can put the project into AppGameKit proper and fix their bugs, if it is not AppGameKit scripting language, then I have no way of getting to the (real) code and they have basically built a wall with the so called (engine) and I have no way of fixing the application for which they was paid to make.

code example below

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Posted: 14th Mar 2012 18:08
Hi Fallen one,
it isn't tier 1 agk code. It could be a script for an engine done in agk... but agk tier 1 is basic and this code isn't basic...
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Posted: 14th Mar 2012 18:24
Looks like some kind of xml variant which would be parsed into AppGameKit Tier 1 or 2 using their own parsing system.

I think if you paid for the code the person who wrote it should be providing it in the format you requested it in. Of course I don't know exactly what your agreement was but it should be in a format you can at least compile. Whether you understand it or not is another matter.

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Posted: 14th Mar 2012 19:12
That's the XML code for a menu system. I use a similar system, but not written in XML.

You don't have any code there, just the metadata for the menu.

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Posted: 14th Mar 2012 19:33 Edited at: 14th Mar 2012 19:49
Quote: "Looks like some kind of xml variant which would be parsed into AppGameKit Tier 1 or 2 using their own parsing system."

Yep, that's what it is, and it has problems. I dont even know why they would create the project in this manner, it leaves me no way to fix it, adapt it or change it, I am left with something that cannot be used. I have emailed them to fix it giving a deadline, after that I will have to report it to paypal, his site gave the impression of a charity, coding to raise money for the National Trust, I took that representation as a guarantee of service, so I will be forced to contact the National Trust to inform them that they are being represented in a negative manner, that's if the coder is 'authorized' to represent a National Trust charity or is doing so fraudulently.

I am very unhappy, not having access to the code means I have had no control over the project and it has been extremely stressful. I have hired a number of coders in my time but this has been the worst experience.

AGK is made to be a simple way to implement code, TGC offers products that enables an easy gateway into the world of coding. This has been the reverse, something that is relatively simple has been a 2 month stressful experience, I made a html and javascript version in a couple of days, without knowing anything about coding at all. I now wish I had coded this myself in AppGameKit tier 1, and saved myself 2 months of stress and expense, and at the end, I still dont have a working program I can release.

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Posted: 14th Mar 2012 20:26 Edited at: 14th Mar 2012 20:27
Yeah I can say I've gotten stuff that I wasn't promised. Hopefully it didn't cost you too much. Tier 1 isn't hard to learn. I would say get in and do it yourself. The forum is here for help if you need it.
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Posted: 14th Mar 2012 22:18
Fallen One, I have a strong indication who this guy is!
I really pity your situation. Good luck getting your money back from paypal!
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Posted: 15th Mar 2012 03:01
It wasn't me, I don't work with AppGameKit and have my own engine. Just so people who have seen my posts on contracting get any ideas..

If this DOM was for content management it's a good idea. If it was said to be engine code or some type of proof of work it's bad.
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Posted: 15th Mar 2012 09:48
He wanted to buy the RIGHTS to all the CODE so that he could make updates himself.
The programmer seems to have played a prank on him and did not give him full source code.
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Posted: 15th Mar 2012 11:23 Edited at: 15th Mar 2012 14:31
There's a simple process to follow here:
Have you received everything you asked for that was requested in some form of written agreement?
Yes->No complaint
No->Is the person you hired willing to give you what you asked for?
Yes->No complaint
No->Get your money back

I would suggest that in future you don't pay until your original agreement is met. If your agreement was payment in advance then it is his/her responsibility to meet the agreement.

I'll help you out by re-writing it all in Tier 1 if you like. There's no reason this simple app needs to use an XML parsing engine, sounds like you paid for this person to test their engine out and they don't want to share the actual engine.

Of course this is all just one side of the story.

Edit: slight rewording

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Posted: 15th Mar 2012 11:52
Most probably the app was not even written in AppGameKit, but some iphone/android simple app generator. you find a lot of them on the web
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Posted: 16th Mar 2012 06:20 Edited at: 18th Mar 2012 06:01
baxslash - Yes that's what it seems to be, testing their engine, that's exactly what I thought, the app is too simple to warrant using a custom engine.

Apart from the app being broken, not having the source means one cannot release it to the public, an open source joke app is an easy introduction for newcomers to pick up and adapt and be able to release their own creations from.

This was a mock up I made in html and javascript.
flash film

Additions for agk was to add in sound, and another menu that pointed to 3 joke catagories. Also developer page played a random - developer.mp3 once, and the first menu play a random menuspeak.mp3 once, and then a looping mp3, or play a a random menuspeak.mp3 once with another mp3 looping at the same time, though I am guessing playing two mp3s is not possible so the former option is the one.

problems, joke category 1 tells jokes from joke category 2, so problems in the array, I tried editing but it doesn't work.

Not being able to add my own font sprite sheet, adding your own font sheet breaks spacing placement, new fonts can only be added if I send the font to the programer and he adds them with a font sprite maker and settings that only he knows, and even then line spacing is off.
I have a font sheet I created and released to the community here
Its from a custom font I designed based on ariel font as seen in text documents, its a perfect font for very small text as it can be read perfectly.

App has no bounding box for joke text, you have to use code

to tell the engine to go to another line, well each of the 3 categories has 400 jokes, that's a lot of manual editing to a lot of lines of text.

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Posted: 16th Mar 2012 08:45
You already have my email. Send me everything you need and I'll help you out. We can discuss it properly then.

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Posted: 16th Mar 2012 09:28
Fallen, this app was made in AppGameKit T1.

You need to ask the programmer to give you the main.agc source file. Right now you only have a script file and no way to adjust the exe.
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Posted: 16th Mar 2012 10:07 Edited at: 16th Mar 2012 16:22
How much did you pay him for this. There are a lot of code on the forums for free. I would of hired someone that post on the forums like baxslash or if you wanted I could of made it for you. I been really been busy with my investments and looking forward too next update of agk. Next time hire someone how post here a lot I don't have A job and, I bet a lot of other people here don't have a job. Of course making money in stocks does not motivate me getting a retail job. The problem with fontsheets is that you cant use them in xcode it seems I always get a messed up word. Intead i use sprite animation for right know because it does not mess up in xcode.
Yes this guy gave you code in xml format it look like all it does is say this is a prank on the screen. I am quite good with xml and fail too see why the programmer put almost all the cobyde in xml format. I would of changed it by using xml, but not as much as this programer didl. This programmer looks like he used xml too make the program editable from outside the code so you could add button and jokes outside in xml format so the rest of the code is hidden.
you have too also have source code with this in order too publish different jokes. From what I have seen the programmer what's too charge you every time you want too change jokes. All he does is edit the xml file and updates the jokes. Sorry if I have spelling errors I useally post with my small ipod or kindle making it hard too type.

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Posted: 16th Mar 2012 11:47
Fallen, send everything back to the programmer, report to Paypal, and report him here for others to avoid.
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Posted: 16th Mar 2012 11:58
I would just like to re-iterate that we have only heard one side of this story. I am willing to help where I can but I don't think a witch hunt is fair from only one person's perspective.

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Posted: 16th Mar 2012 23:39 Edited at: 16th Mar 2012 23:41
I'm away on holiday for 3 days and I come back to this...

I'm the one he's on about. I'm not ashamed to announce it to everyone here. Lets hope that by coming out in public and admitting it's me will go some way to assure people I'm not a time waster, thief or whatever it is you're labeling me.

Now on to the issues at hand..

Quote: "I have emailed them to fix it giving a deadline"

Actually, you didn't. I still have all emails you've sent if you'd like a transcript.

Quote: "I have had no control over the project"

You have full control over everything which can be edited. Enough to continue to release similar applications by only editing the one xml file.
You said it yourself you didn't have time to program everything yourself and so far, you haven't.

Quote: "I still dont have a working program I can release."

I beg to differ. You in fact do.
Here's the current video of it in action. (For everyone else, excuse the clients placeholder graphics.)

Quote: "The programmer seems to have played a prank on him"

The programmer most certainly did not play a prank on him.

Quote: "Most probably the app was not even written in AppGameKit, but some iphone/android simple app generator."

It was written in AGK.

Quote: "I have the project files here"

And now you've released the app, the instructions, and everything needed to release an app that YOU paid for onto a public forum, possibly harming my own work in the future.

Quote: "I would of hired someone that post on the forums"

He did.

Other than the font issues, which granted are less than perfect and have since been altered with version 5 of his fonts, the only issue that was apparent, was due to a schoolboy error (on my part) in the definition file which I have informed the OP of via email.

I like the idea that forums can help people with problems, but I dislike people using a public forum to complain about someone who is essentially under their employ. It's unprofessional. I understand the OP has issues, but that's between both business parties and not the residents of an internet forum.

Despite this, I'm still happy to continue working for my "employer" to resolve any issues he has, as I have always said from the start.

I shall no longer be posting into this thread as I believe I've said far too much to people who never needed to become involved in the first place.

Quote: "I don't think a witch hunt is fair from only one person's perspective."

Thank you.

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Posted: 17th Mar 2012 01:19 Edited at: 17th Mar 2012 01:20
mobiius I think most of us are sorry it was you. I dont think the person that paid you does not understands a few things. If I have hurt your repesentation any way then I apologize. I pressure sure the person that is paying you does not know what is involved in creating an app. I watched the youtube video and looked at the program does not look that bad to me. If the person is mad that they didn't get what they wanted then I think it is part there fault.

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Posted: 17th Mar 2012 09:44
Well now we have the full picture. I have no doubt that you are more than capable Mobiius from what I've seen of your work. Sounds like the two of you need to resolve this professionally and in private.

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Posted: 18th Mar 2012 05:52 Edited at: 18th Mar 2012 06:04
The problem arose because the programmer was contacted March 6th, and didn't reply until March 16th, that was the same day I brought up a PayPal case.

The program had errors that prevented it from being used, if a breakdown in communication occurs in normal circumstances, then the client has the possibility of salvaging the project, but as the client does not have the source it means problems cannot be fixed, so a broken program has no chance of repair, and if the problems are big enough, it renders the program unusable.

I am well aware of development cycles, I have hired many programmers, a contractor who lacks experience can run into problems, either through lack of ability, or over ambition, or under estimation of a projects scale. This is not new to me, and that is why the brief asked for the source, it offers a chance of salvage of both the project, and offers the chance to compensate both parties for the work that has been done. The unexpected use of an XML parsing engine and not AppGameKit source endangered the safeguarding of both the projects completion, and potential fair compensation for both parties. It makes for an all or nothing situation, and it is why the project manager becomes extremely concerned when a programer stops all communication with the developer.

Communication has now since resumed, and the projects progress is now moving forward.

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Posted: 18th Mar 2012 15:32
Fallen, seems like you changed version of your story now.

Good luck with your project.
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Posted: 26th Mar 2012 03:56 Edited at: 27th Mar 2012 06:01
Post deleted and reposted in full at this link.

Displaying clear test in AppGameKit?

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Posted: 26th Mar 2012 13:27

My signature is NOT a moderator plaything! Stop changing it!

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