thanks for the suggestions, but after some troubleshooting, where I removed all elements and "remaked" all functions in main loop, I discovered that this simple code ate all CPU
if getSpriteExists(leftbarSpr)=0
So Box2D is innocent.
This code created a simple side bar as a background where flipper messages (game over, shoot again, bonus, ball in play, etc) are displayed.
Leftbar image is a totally white PNG of 64x512. I do not understand this is problematic for AGK
So I had no more problems on Windows.
On Android the app crash if I load the flipper elements from a file in a subdir "tables" of media folder. I use setCurrentDir, getNextFile, etc to load ".dat" file that contain CSV data. If I hardcode the data in a function assigning each element array as a statement, let'say
for each element, the flipper is displayed correctly.
I think there is some bug in file commands (and I suppose it is true since bugfix requests have been issued for).
In the app I will publish, if TGC does not finish the upgrade soon, I 'll adopt the 2nd method, i.e. to hardcode flipper data in functions.