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Work in Progress / [DGDK] Survivalism - FPS/Tower Defense zombie shooter!

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Posted: 20th Mar 2012 01:58 Edited at: 8th Jun 2012 01:32



A cross between First-Person Shooter and Tower Defense, Survivalism is set in a gothic cathedral overrun with zombies. You better be a good shot!

Many gametypes are going to be added (in addition to classic wave play). Currently you have a few weapons in your arsenal against the zeds:

Current weaponry:
- G36C
- M16
- M249 LMG
- SPAS-12
- One-handed Sword
- M32 MGL
- Desert Eagle
- Chainsaw - NEWEST!

- Sentry Gun
- M18 Claymore Mine
- Flamethrower Turret - NEW
- Explosive Barrels - NEW
- Gas Barrels - NEW
- Sandbag defences - NEW!
- Wooden palisade - NEW!



Newest screenshot(s) Newest is at the bottom:


NEW VIDEO 30th/May/12!!!

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Posted: 20th Mar 2012 02:21
Did I see that church on polycount? Either way, it looks great!

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Posted: 20th Mar 2012 02:28
Thanks No I didn't see the church on polycount. Can you link me? All map inspiration is from real-life gothic cathedrals and drawings
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Posted: 20th Mar 2012 08:38 Edited at: 20th Mar 2012 08:38
Nevermind. I know exactly where I saw it.

I knew I had seen it in a WIP area, my memory just made me think it was from Polycount's. Somebody there is making a church (although, it's a differnet one), I just figured you might've had an account there and had my wires crossed.

Quote: "inspiration is from real-life gothic cathedrals and drawings"

You nailed it! Be cool to see a new video with the new enemies. I know it's a WIP, but I would suggest some idle and walking animation for the gun from just what I saw on your older one. Just to give it that much more *sparkle* Great job!

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Posted: 20th Mar 2012 10:57
Yeah, I slapped the screenshot onto the 2012 working thread :p hmm you raise a good point, just a little movement on the screen to make it more "fluid". I'll upload a vid as soon as I can record it! (that'll be later today)
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Posted: 20th Mar 2012 15:32
Weapons self made? That Hands and Weapon Types reminds me of counter strike
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Posted: 21st Mar 2012 01:23 Edited at: 21st Mar 2012 01:27
They're edited Errant AI weapons, store-bought and a custom texture edit by me (lighten, remove scratches, etc.).

Also, I've updated the first post with the newly released gameplay video. It seems that the compression is very bad though, it looks a whole load better ingame!
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Posted: 21st Mar 2012 02:50
Video looks good to me! What is the red/green thing? Looks like a barrier of some sort, but you walked right through it while it was red in the video.

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Posted: 21st Mar 2012 09:31 Edited at: 21st Mar 2012 19:15
That's the "tower" in tower defense. It's currently a lot like playing King of the Hill where you have to stop the enemies entering and capping the objective. It turns red when enemies are inside, as you can see the "Altar" health on the right slowly goes down

edit: I'll probably change the opacity of the zone so that it looks like you can walk through it.
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2012 15:17 Edited at: 22nd Mar 2012 15:19
Very nice work...

Constructive feedback...

Make the buns move while walking around not just solid...
The light casts on the floor feel washed out... perhaps deeper colours might fix this...
I did not notice any healing location... maybe indicators floating above? or something like in Team Fortress 2?...

Crit feedback...

Bullets seem to shoot in a straight line even in consecutive shots...
Enemy A.I. seemed to just head for the capture zone... perhaps make them more defensive too? rather than just HEY LOOK HERE I AM SHOOT ME!...

hope this helps...


I thought you means a healing spot oh the actual health of the capture point... perhaps have it as a HUD instead?

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Posted: 22nd Mar 2012 19:43
You mean move more? The guns already have sine wave bobbing and rolling, very subtle effect however. The health auto regenerates, maybe I should make it play a noise or something (a la Halo). The zombies are programmed to walk towards the cap point and only follow the player if they are close. Basically, they are "dumb" zeds. More enemies shall be added like smarter ones, etc.
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Posted: 28th Mar 2012 01:25
Wow this is cool! What did you use to make the church? CS4 or 3DWS? Or something entirely different, like Maya? Though how anyone affords Max or Maya I just don't know...


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Posted: 28th Mar 2012 10:57
Good ol' 3ds Max! Cartography Studio is pretty limited by having to use CSGs for the level, and the lighting effects that you can acheive with Max is unparalleled; I use a high percentage Radiosity on the cathedral to give it extra pizzaz. Went through atleast 3 weeks of building the it and then a further 2 weeks on tweaks and lighting editing to come up with the final product.

I hope to improve upon it further closer to the game's release! (Maybe hiring an artist to give it a final "sheen" layer).

Updates to the game: I've made the walking anims MUCH better, gun sway, etc. Also, I've tweaked the post processing to reduce the bloom and included a sharpen shader in aswell! Since last night, I've started to work on a particle system so that fire effects, smoke, etc. can be added. I hope to implement new enemies to fight, and make the zombies a *bit* easier to kill (to offset how hard these new enemies are going to be! -hint hint-)
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Posted: 29th Mar 2012 08:46
I really don't understand how anyone can spend weeks on a single level and even a single model. How do you not get completely and utterly bored with the game?


Mychal B
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Posted: 29th Mar 2012 13:19
I think it all depends on how much time the player spends in the level. If I know that the player is going to spend a long period of time in the level then I want to spend more time on it making everything perfect for them.

The fastfood zombie killer
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Posted: 29th Mar 2012 20:42
Yeah, if the player only quickly passes through that part of the level, it'd be a quick job to make it look decent. But as this is like the whole arena the player is in, meticulous detail is needed. Lots of motivation and coffee later, the cathedral was completed!
Mychal B
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Posted: 30th Mar 2012 00:14
I think it would be pretty cool if you could represent the enemies being in the danger zone in a different way, for example the building starts to shake, maybe the altar cries out somehow.

It just really seems to detract from the awesome atmosphere of the level. All in all it's looking great, here's more coffee

The fastfood zombie killer
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Posted: 30th Mar 2012 00:58
Yeah, I've been meaning to create a sound for it. Needs to have a sweep through fixing and making everything more polished! (Infact, first things first, I need a zombie model!!)
Mychal B
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Posted: 30th Mar 2012 02:51
I would highly suggest the zombie apocalypse pack, there are a lot of great ones in there and they have tons of animations. If you do end up getting that pack I can also tell you what most of the animation frames are, unfortunately I was unable to find a document with them

The fastfood zombie killer
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Posted: 30th Mar 2012 10:52 Edited at: 30th Mar 2012 17:54
Wow I was thinking of buying some models from TurboSquid, the apocalypse pack is so much cheaper! Thanks I'll buy it tonight and implement it later on. Saved me quite a sum of money, cheers! Have a beer

edit: Just bought the pack, waiting for the order to be accepted now.

Wow, 5.2k faces?? Any idea on how to reduce this? Like a low LOD rather than a high one?
Thanks for the offer, but the animations are being trimmed (from 3.5k frames): there's a LOT of unnecessary frames for shooting, firing rockets and other stuff. Just gonna cut all that out and make the files smaller.
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Posted: 1st Apr 2012 11:00
Quote: "Wow, 5.2k faces?? Any idea on how to reduce this? Like a low LOD rather than a high one?"

If you have any money left, you could try Action 3D. I played with the trial version and it seems to work really well.


Mychal B
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Posted: 1st Apr 2012 12:46
Not a problem, just hurry up and pop out a demo!

The fastfood zombie killer
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Posted: 5th Apr 2012 03:50
Managed to upload a 3rd gameplay video with the changes added over the past week or 2. Included is zombie models, tweaks to the anims, particle effects and more!!

The game is pretty much playable, I'm going to spend the next week tweaking the gameplay to make it much more fun and then I can hopefully release a demo

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Posted: 5th Apr 2012 06:33
looks fun.

Dr Tank
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Posted: 8th Apr 2012 03:43
Looks really nice, but for me the zombie energy bars detract from the sense of immersion.
Mychal B
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Posted: 9th Apr 2012 00:34
Looking great! Did you manage to cut out those extra animations? I also agree with Dr. Tank, those life bars really detract from all of the work that you put into the level, but this looks pretty awesome.

The fastfood zombie killer
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Posted: 9th Apr 2012 00:43 Edited at: 9th Apr 2012 00:57
Thanks. Yeah, I cut about 2.5k frames from each zombie, reducing the file size from about 4mb each to 1.2mb! Hmm, I guess they get in the way a bit, I'll do a quick run through of the game making it more refined and immersive.

Just uploaded a new screenshot (1080p):

Matty H
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Posted: 10th Apr 2012 02:56
I remember your last FPS, I presume you probably used code/experience from that project.

This looks awesome, I thought the health bars were there for debugging, if not I agree with above posters. If bars are needed for the game perhaps put the current zombies energy in the HUD somewhere.

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Posted: 10th Apr 2012 04:57
What health bars are everyone talking about?? I can't see any health bars except the player's.


Mychal B
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Posted: 10th Apr 2012 07:57
@Clonkex: The health bars are shown in the video.

@prasoc: Something that might also really help is if you make an array that has a list of the order in which zombies die. If I'm correct your probably respawning the zombies the player killed. With the array you can select the first one when he needs to be respawned and start turning him transparent. Once he is completely transparent you then respawn him. Sometimes when you shot him with the shotgun it looked like he vanished on spot due to the speed of the transparency. What do you think of the idea?

The fastfood zombie killer
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Posted: 10th Apr 2012 13:22 Edited at: 10th Apr 2012 14:49
The zombies are spawned in waves, and at the end of every wave the vector that holds all of the zombies is cleared (and the zombie models deleted). The reason they "disappear" (it only happens at the end of every round) because the bot's animation doesn't have time to play thru before the vector is cleared. I can fix it by adding a wait timer between rounds (doesn't have to be long, like 5 seconds+).

Clonex, the health bars in question look like this: (notice over the bot and sentry gun)
Mychal B
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Posted: 10th Apr 2012 22:21
OK, I got you. I must not have realized that it was the start of a new wave

The fastfood zombie killer
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Posted: 29th Apr 2012 17:48
Sorry for the lack of updates, very busy lately! Anyway, I've designed and implemented a completely new interface. It fits much more into the style of the game!

Mychal B
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Posted: 1st May 2012 03:35
That does indeed look very nice prasoc. I wish I could make a nice looking menu like women.

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Posted: 17th May 2012 22:11
Been working quite a lot on the new interface style, finally got the whole thing implemented (new highscores, main menu, marketplace, options AND the hud!!).

Here is a new screenshot showing flamethrower turrets and sandbag defences (they both work fully!). Sandbags make the zombies slow down, and your flamethrower turrets can take care of the rest! Definitely adding more TD-style mechanics

(click to enlarge)
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Posted: 17th May 2012 22:38
Very nice prasoc! I hope to see more!


Brendy boy
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Posted: 18th May 2012 00:08 Edited at: 18th May 2012 00:08
it looks great, can't wait for the demo!

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Posted: 30th May 2012 23:44
I've just uploaded a new video, details all of the alterations over the past few weeks Thanks for the comments everyone!

It's starting to look like a finished game! thats definitely a first haha

Mr Bigglesworth
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Posted: 31st May 2012 01:40
Looks great! Is it just me or do the weapons looked stretched out on the Z axis?
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Posted: 31st May 2012 01:51 Edited at: 31st May 2012 01:51
Thanks! Also, its to do with the high-ish FOV and the manual positioning of the guns. Each of the weapons is moved by hand (how far forward it is, to the right, etc.). I chose a "far-away" look for the guns to make it more natural (like holding a gun from the hip, or with the pistol, holding it out in front of you). It also looks better IMO than guns that are close up to the camera. The "strethed" look is the perspective. 70 degrees FOV definitely doesn't keep the straight lines at the edge!

Mychal B
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Posted: 4th Jun 2012 07:40
Your game is starting to look extremely awesome. Keep it up!

The fastfood zombie killer
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Posted: 4th Jun 2012 22:31
Thanks Mychal hoping for a mid-August release. Got finals the next 2 weeks or so, after that will be clear (minus a week in July for a Criterion Games intership!)

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Posted: 5th Jun 2012 01:19
I've just added dynamic blood splattering on the screen, and a chainsaw! Prepare to mince some zombies!

Mychal B
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Posted: 5th Jun 2012 03:21
hmmm...I'd probably pitch in a few bucks to a kickstarter campaign for this

The fastfood zombie killer
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Posted: 5th Jun 2012 04:19 Edited at: 5th Jun 2012 04:22
Was thinking of a Kickstarter, but I'm pretty sure you have to be in the States to run a project :\

Quote: "
1) To qualify for kickstarter you need an "Amazon Seller Account" thing - which is essentially as if you are a reseller on

2) To get one of these accounts you need an american bank account, social security number and to be a resident of the united states "

Unfortunately the closest I can get to a SSN is a ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number), by sending off W-7 and I cannot set up a US bank account with it

I've pretty much planned the whole project in terms of labour and art assets, so there wouldn't really be any need for a KS.
Best thing would be to spread the word, social media is a very under-appreciated asset!


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Posted: 5th Jun 2012 04:22
You can always have me create the kickstarter account so I can run off with all the cash

The fastfood zombie killer
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Posted: 5th Jun 2012 04:28
so that does mean I still have a chance to start my own version of KS ^^ sweet ^^

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Posted: 5th Jun 2012 14:18
@Mychal - haha you can run off with all of the $10 that is raised :p

@MrV - good luck, but theres soo many legal issues, be prepared to spend a lot of time for a solicitor just to get through all of the legal mumbo-jumbo (contracts, IP theft...)

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Posted: 5th Jun 2012 14:56
ill leave it on the back bench for now then ^^

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Posted: 8th Jun 2012 01:26
Implemented soon: an overview map. This is the start of the Tower Defense gameplay mechanics. From this menu you'll be able to take control of the level, place barricades, upgrade them, etc.

Also a sneak-peak at whats going to be added in the top-left corner of the image

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