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Work in Progress / [DGDK] Survivalism - FPS/Tower Defense zombie shooter!

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Posted: 8th Jun 2012 08:36
any tutorial???? to make game like this?
Mychal B
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Posted: 8th Jun 2012 08:51
heh, I think that such a tutorial would take a vast amount of time to create. There are so many different things that go into a great game like this you are much better off learning the skills on smaller projects, then once you have a good skill set trying to do something like this

The fastfood zombie killer
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Posted: 8th Jun 2012 13:30
@Wana, I've been developing in DGDK for about 5 years now. In that time you just "pick up" little tips and tricks that make it easier to develop projects, like I made a set of classes over a couple of months that I can use with lots of projects to do all of the backend stuff, etc. to make the game quicker to develop.

Most of the polish (so far) was added using Photoshop. The interface is very finely-tuned to fit in with the style of the game, lots of indie-developed games don't bother with making the whole package look good which decreases immersion. Polish is one of the hardest gameplay "elements" to achieve, on-screen items have to bounce, rotate, fade, etc. very subtly to just make the game "feel" nicer and less stunted. You have to make every action have a well-defined result that the user can see. That only covers the surface of what polish is, but you get the picture.

What I can say to you is that starting smaller projects rather than tackling a full-blown zombie shooter. Practise is what you need. Also it takes a LOT of time to develop, you will have to sink quite a bit into each part of the game to make it fit in and look polished.

If I have the time, I *might* make a set of tutorials to create a decent-looking game with DGDK but that wholly depends on whether I have the time to make them (they would be pretty in-depth)

Mr Bigglesworth
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Posted: 8th Jun 2012 19:30
Quote: "What I can say to you is that starting smaller projects rather than tackling a full-blown zombie shooter. Practise is what you need. Also it takes a LOT of time to develop, you will have to sink quite a bit into each part of the game to make it fit in and look polished."

I very much agree.
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Posted: 9th Jun 2012 21:07
hmmmm agreed....!!!! i just want to know how to create 3d level????
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Posted: 9th Jun 2012 22:42
Any 3D modelling program will work. A free one such as Blender can be used. They're pretty difficult to get to grips with but it takes practise. I personally use 3DS Max 2009 x64 with Pandasoft DirectX exporter, but I've seen some good results with Blender and Wings3D.

YouTube is your best friend when it comes to actually learning; there are so many tutorials around for all of the major modelling packages.

Mr Bigglesworth
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Posted: 10th Jun 2012 07:06
Wana7262, you could try Mapscape, it is easy to use and it is made for DBPro/DarkGDK:
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Posted: 7th Jul 2012 21:43
Wow, it's been a while! Sorry for the silence! I've been really busy with my final exams, but they are over now. Been working on the Tower Defence overview map, got it pretty much 100% working! There are upgrades to turrets, sandbags, etc. and I'm working on the lightning effects of the Tesla Coil

Game is coming along very nicely now. No video unfortunately, but LOTS of sprites in the game have little effects to make the game look polished: harmonic oscillators, transitions, etc. I've noticed on some monitors the menus can look quite dark, in the next few days I'm going to up the contrast of all of the menus to make them more readable - I develop on an LED backlit monitor whose colours are really vibrant compared to most normal TFTs.

Click to enlarge

Showing off the whole new interface, this is an implementation of an earlier mockup I posted on this thread, really nice to see it in action! (finally!). Shows the current upgrades on the Tesla Coil, and each object can be seperately moved and rotated into place, for example on the sandbags which *are* directional.

This is the Marketplace, items can be bought and placed all within this Overview menu. Scrolling is silky smooth and everything works!

Once the "Purchase" button is pressed on the marketplace, a confirmation dialog appears asking you to confirm. This is the first step in developing the whole Alert and feedback system which is going to be implemented. I can alter and add buttons on the fly, it's highly customizable!

Brendy boy
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Posted: 8th Jul 2012 04:44
this looks great, I want a demo!

Mr Kohlenstoff
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Posted: 8th Jul 2012 14:00
Wow, I'm just seeing this for the first time, and it looks really amazing.

The game looks really good, so do the menus. I'd like to see some actual action gameplay though.

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Posted: 8th Jul 2012 14:18
That is a good point. Everything is implemented but I just haven't shown off the gameplay for a while! I'll endeavour to get a video up soon, with just the zombies and gameplay elements - AI is one of the more challenging features to get right, so many little tweaks you can make, etc.

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Posted: 15th Jul 2012 11:48 Edited at: 15th Jul 2012 11:54
You MUST live in the US to start a KickStarter project. However, IndieGoGo is VERY enticing... just saying...

EDIT: Forgot to mention: That pic with the chainsaw reminds me heavily of L4D! Actually, bought L4D2 today, going to update tonight and play tomorrow


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Posted: 15th Jul 2012 17:38
I might set up an IndieGoGo, it depends on how refined I can get the game before I publish the page :p Yeah the blood splatters are animated and everything, it fits in well! L4D (1 and 2) are such good zombie games, so well thought out.

Just finished implementing better explosion effects, I've also made it highly customizable so I can create all sorts of particle emitters and systems!

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Posted: 29th Jul 2012 00:43
I've just returned from an internship at Criterion Games - I couldn't work on Survivalism until now.

Fortunately, before I left, lots of AI work was done - the bots are actually pretty decently "intelligent" now, they can pathfind around obstacles if there is a shorter route around rather than over (the tower defence part of the game), and there is a round timer where the next round doesn't start automatically. Small changes like that definitely add to the atmosphere of the game. You can also play the whole game through now with a final highscores screen and it actually resets so you can play again without restarting.

All in all, it's decently progressed towards the finish!

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Posted: 9th Aug 2012 14:55 Edited at: 9th Aug 2012 14:58
Keep up with the progress on - ModDB!! Authorized just this morning and it's soon to be on Desura The latest videos and screenshots will be posted there for the time being, slated release date is Mid-September 2012

I think its time to move from the WIP board to Program Announcements!

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