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Work in Progress / Carnage Game Show

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Posted: 24th Mar 2012 23:32 Edited at: 6th Dec 2012 17:55

Kickstarter Project!
Carnage (now named Carnage Live!) has now been launched on Kickstarter. There is about a year of full time development left and a requirement for a lot of professional media, and unfortunately it can't be developed for free. Existing funding sources have dried up and now the game is dead in the water. So if you guys want to see this project made, please consider backing it on Kickstarter! Thanks guys.

Carnage Live! on Kickstarter

Don't forget to email Rick your username and email to get your backer badge once you've pledged.

If you want to show your support (whether or not you've pledged), you can use this banner code:

Carnage is a near-futuristic multi-player game show where competitors blow chunks out of each other for glory and cash. Set in an arena housing a horde of blood thirsty spectators, the player must please the crowd with excessive gore to make good TV. Frantic combat is the aim of the game, as well as creative use of weapons and arena booby traps to provide maximum spectator enjoyment.

In the demo thread you can download a prototype version of the game and play a death match against a load of BOTs.

If you have a Steam account, please vote for us on the Steam GreenLight project: CLICK HERE

Latest Video: Flame and Maim!

Latest Development Pics - Fire System

Flame Thrower

Gore Skinning

Features ...

MULTIPLAYER - This game was always meant to be multiplayer, and now that's where it's going. BOTs will still play a part to fill the game ranks or provide training, but blowing your friends to pieces will be the aim of the game now.

MORE CARNAGE - Gore and deaths will be taken to the next level. Rather than set death animations, the game will make use of rag dolls and a full dismemberment system which allows you to comprehensively take your enemies apart. Heads, torsos and limbs will all have a more detailed damage model, severed parts will be treated to rag doll physics, blood and arterial spray will be stepped up, injuries will be per limb calculated, so weapons affect the body as expected, and animations will be improved significantly.

LEVEL EDITOR - While discussing the best way to create cool levels, we decided it'd just make sense to include a level editor. You'll be able to click levels together easily out of prefabs, add spawn points, weapons and other basic game logic, drop in death traps and doors and place their triggers, and it'll all be light mapped nicely with the aid of Dark Lights.

WEAPONS - There were some cool weapons in the prototype, but there will be more in the full game. How about remotely detonated sticky bombs, toxic waste guns, laser trip mines and shuriken launchers? They'll be in, as well as other weapons, and several new turret types for you to control.

GAME MODES - Death match is a staple of multiplayer, but we'll also be adding in other classics like capture the flag. There will also be base assault game modes and really unique modes like:

Enforcer - An all against 1 game, played at about 65% game speed, where a single 'Enforcer' player (who moves at full speed and has more health) attempts to take out all the 'criminals' on the map. Whoever kills him becomes the enforcer. If he kills everyone, he gets big points.

Body Guards - 1 Team escorts a VIP from point A to B. They can die and respawn as much as they like, but they have to keep the VIP alive while the other team try to take him down.

Pitch Black - 1 small team play as ninjas with swords, while the remaining team have bigger weapons, but while the ninjas see all in the darkness, each player in the large team can only see a small circle around them. Ninjas can dart in and out of view, taking down their prey with a single attack, while the larger team must work together to hunt down the assassins.

All these game modes are currently just design ideas and are subject to play testing, but you get the idea. I want to give this shooter some unique gameplay modes which set it apart. On top of that, expect a more detailed commentator system to praise and mock you even more than before, and hopefully a step up in visual quality.

Development continues!

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Posted: 24th Mar 2012 23:33 Edited at: 25th Mar 2012 00:05
I've done some initial testing and am happy I can modify the vertex data of our animating character models to truly take them apart. Here are some screenshots from a DBP project test I put together with a VERY quickly made model (I'll leave the prettiness to Mark )

Here's Bob, minding his own business, running along happily with his bad case of rickets and otherwise poorly proportioned body. And what's this? Shot in the chest? Yes, there are 16 different locations which can be individually damaged. This stage of minor damage will be achieved by a simply UV data scroll to the damaged portion of the body area.

Unfortunately, it appears Bob was shot again in the same place (bad luck!) witch a much higher calibre weapon. Now Bob's chest piece area has been completely removed, exposing his internal organs (use your imagination for now). So rather than just changing the texture, you get some nice depth to the wound. Then no sooner has he noticed his spleen falling out, his lower arm is blown off too, showing exposed bone.

As if Bob's day wasn't bad enough enough, he also gets his upper arm blown off. And if he thought he could run away, next his lower leg and upper leg are blown off too, again, hidden bone and blood detail exposed.

While Bob lies staring up at the arena roof thinking 'Give me a break!', someone blows his entire shoulder area off, exposing the shoulder blade and eating into his torso. Then they take a shot at his face, blowing off everything from his lower jaw up to the top of his head, taking off his features and exposing his brain. Did I tell you this was an 18 certificate btw?!?

Bob's not happy about losing his nose. He'd just had that done! So imagine how he feels when the back part of his head is blown off too, followed by the rest of it, exposing his protruding spinal column.

Bob, resigned to his fate, then gets a cavity blown into his back, exposing his spine, and then just when you thought you couldn't do any more damage to a person, his body gets chainsawed in half, leaving a leg connected to a pelvis and his intestines poking out of the mess (again, use your imagination).

So that's a look at the 16 piece damage model the characters will have. It will be excessively gory, and not for kids, and not something to show your grandma. All you have to do is imagine projectile arterial spray particle effects coming from those wounds, blood on the floor, and the various severed body parts animated with rag doll physics, and you'll get the idea!

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Posted: 24th Mar 2012 23:48
Eppppiiic! Good luck bud and I hope you place in the Intel competition!

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Posted: 25th Mar 2012 00:39
Cheers Josh my man. I'm not holding out too much hope, because I stumbled upon some awesome entries (of which there are over 100), but it's worth a bash!

Here's some stuff about the EDITOR:

The editor will be a simple (to use anyway, not to code! ) drag and drop interface for making your own levels. The aim will be to make it as easy as possible, so all types of players will have a go, while ensuring it extends the games longevity.

Prefabs will come in the form of rooms and will be clicked onto a grid, rotated and moved vertically. You will not be able to run underneath any prefabs, so they'll extend all the way to the arena floor. This is necessary to make the game aiming system work and simplify navigation amongst other things.

Once rooms are dropped on, you'll be able to modify their perimeter walls by choosing a type (solid wall, half height wall, window, door etc), which will allow you to control flow. You'll also be able to choose the textures, to give you some control over appearance.

Prefabs will range from small platforms and corridors to large rooms populated with structures, which should allow players to a reasonable amount of design freedom, while keeping it fairly simple. There will be several themes, which players can mix and match.

Once the geometry is designed, players will be able to add the death traps, triggers, weapon spawns and other entities (not shown in the design diagrams), and they'll then be able to hit Render Lights, which will use Dark Lights to render lighting from 9 preset arena roof lights to make it look pretty.

This concept screen shows the arena grid, with rooms placed (in blue), with a green border which shows the area they occupy. The red room is being placed, and has a pop up menu to allow it to be rotated, raised/lowered or deleted. It also has edit buttons pointing to the outer walls which allow these to be configured.

Adding a prefab is as simple as clicking the room image, selecting from a range of categories and then choosing a prefab from a selection of sizes and styles.

Once you've chosen your prefab and placed it down, you can choose the perimeter walls by clicking one of the buttons. You'll get to chose from several wall types, appropriate for the wall area and also a texture to give you some control over the appearance. A default texture appropriate for the prefab (e.g. a clinical texture for a laboratory prefab) will be highlighted to keep things simple.

The rest of the level editor will probably be designed as I go, once I know what's needed. This first bit is just to get the geometry in place, which will allow us to make levels quickly for play testing purposes.

The level editor is what I'm working on now, and I expect it to take me the whole of next week to get it ready to use, but expect some screenshots and updates soon.

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Posted: 28th Mar 2012 17:06 Edited at: 28th Mar 2012 17:06
Editor progressing fairly well. All temporary graphics here, but the functionality is coming together. I've made around 20 classes for buttons, pop up windows, content panels, bitmap fonts, mesh loaders etc. So the ground work is going in to do this the OO way and make it easily modable/extendible.

Choose your area style. Later on there will be about 4 or 5 types.

The main screen. So far you can switch between perspective/orthographic view, switch the grid on and off and hide/show the arena model, plus move the camera about.

Right clicking on the prefab window allows you to choose a prefab to add to the map. Choose a category and the select a prefab model. It's all dynamic and loaded from data files, so it'll be fully extendible, with potential for users to add their own prefabs.

It looks a bit boring at the moment, but all the excitement comes later.

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Posted: 31st Mar 2012 13:46
I love editors. I probably like working on editors more then the actual game itself. This looks like it's coming along nicely. Do you have mouse placement or is it arrow keys?

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Posted: 31st Mar 2012 15:05
Yep, it all uses mouse placement at the moment. I'm going to try and make the editor as user friendly as possible.

As for them being fun to work on, editors are fun, but they take a hell of a long time. Somehow they're more fiddly than programming games themselves. I think it's because a game is comprised of a level with a load of things in it, which all do their own thing for the most part. An editor is comprised of a window, with sub windows, with sub panels, with bitmap text, containing buttons, which all work in a different way depending on what's open and what's closed etc. I'm constantly changing classes and their methods to keep it all structured.

The Slayer
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Posted: 1st Apr 2012 16:24
This IS a great project, Fallout! The vertex modification and the level editor sound very promising.
Unfortunaly, for some reason, the download reported as phising/malware on my machine. Any ideas why that happened or how to fix it? Thanks.

Nice work, dude!

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Posted: 1st Apr 2012 18:24
Hi Slayer. Not really sure why you're getting that problem. Can you normally download EXEs? All I can say is a good number of people have downloaded the file without an issue, and I've not snuck any viruses in there, or spyware or anything. So it's some sort of false report.

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Posted: 3rd Apr 2012 12:47
The main geometry modification of the level editor is mostly complete now. You can choose prefabs, click them into the world, rotate them, raise and lower them and delete them, with full error checking for overlapping or non-meshing level pieces.

After adding basic rooms you can click the small edit wall icons and choose from a selection of wall types to outline the room prefabs. They're then constructed using mesh/vertex commands to fit the room prefab you've applied them to.

These are all temporary graphics, models and textures, but it took about 1 minute to put this random level type thing together. Stair cases prefabs and similar will allow traversal of different heights in case you were wondering.

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Posted: 5th Apr 2012 20:41
I'm working with Dark Lights now. There are quite a few problems, but I'm slowly making progress. At the moment you can hit Render Lights whenever you like to render a light maps using 9 static lighting positions. I've also updated the temporary arena model here, so it's not quite so hideous.

Light maps get saved out to the file format, but restoring them is an issue, due to moving texture file locations and the like. One problem worth mentioning is:

Calling LMAddLightMapObject() on an object that was loaded before a previous dbSync command (e.g. load object, sync, LMAddLightMapObject), causes the object to get corrupted and the application to crash (usually).

The solution is simply to save and reload the models (or clone), before adding them to be light mapped. It's not possible to lightmap an object that has been in existence for some time and syncs have occurred. Probably something to do with what GDK does to the object on the first sync. But I needed to write the load/save functionality anyway!

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Posted: 6th Apr 2012 16:08
I've downloaded the demo and was very impressed at the quality so far. This is definetly one of the better DarkBasic games in the works and I enjoy following it's progress. Most DarkBasic games never see the light of day, don't let this fall by the wayside and please finish this to completion as you've started something great.

This game should be an inspiration to all of us would-be developers. You can count on my purchase the day it happens.

Mess with the best, die like the rest!
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Posted: 6th Apr 2012 22:45 Edited at: 6th Apr 2012 22:46
Thanks very much for your kind works Digiross. Don't worry, this game will (short of a financial catastrophe) make it to completion. I'm working on it full time, and putting my all into it, so I have no excuse! I'm excited about what it will become and have good support. If you liked the demo, the full game is going to be much much better. Hopefully I'll have some more interesting stuff to show at the end of next week.

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Posted: 13th Apr 2012 11:40
The level editor is coming along well. I've cracked most of my Dark Lights issues, finished the v1 basic level file format and saving/loading, improved the temporary room prefabs (so the screenies will make more sense) and various other things.

I made this level in about 10 minutes. There's nothing but room prefabs and generated walls here at the moment.


Post-render top

Post-render perspective

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Posted: 13th Apr 2012 13:36
Ramps added. Adds a lot more to the level.

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Posted: 13th Apr 2012 14:14
Very kul looking! The addition of ramps and higher levels really add to the level. Now may I suggest hangovers?

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 13th Apr 2012 15:17
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn bro!

Awesome looking.

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Posted: 13th Apr 2012 15:37
Quote: "Now may I suggest hangovers?"

No you may not. I toyed with the idea for a long time, and it'd be sweet to have tunnels and overhanging rooms, but it causes problems. Specifically, blending out geometry to see below overhangs would cause some issues, especially if there is an enemy above and below an overhang. What do you blend out? But the main problem would be aiming. When you move your cursor somewhere, it'd be impossible to tell if a player wanted to shoot at someone underneath an overhang, or through the window above. I can imagine lots of frustrated players, shooting rockets the wrong way just because their cursor is effectively pointing at several heights.

By taking out overhangs all together, I can be sure that wherever the cursor is, there is only 1 height they could be aiming at, and then the player's character can shoot there. It's a shame, and it's a weakness imposed by the view perspective, but I think there will be enough coolness to make up for it.

Quote: "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn bro!

Awesome looking."

Thanks dude! These are only temporary graphics, so hopefully when it's all new media and shading effects back in, it'll look even better.

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Posted: 15th Apr 2012 14:50
Looking sweet man! Love me some gore!

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Posted: 15th Apr 2012 17:07
Thanks mate. Can't wait to get working on the gore engine properly. When I can blow chest cavities open and send rag dolls spewing blood across the floor, I will be a happy man.

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Posted: 18th Apr 2012 15:35
I'm about to start work on death trap room prefabs. I've already built a temporary crusher room, so that'll be the next stage. Since the last update I've been working more on file formats, load and save dialog windows, editor based shaders (highlighting etc) and updating the interface. Everything has nice little icons now and there are many button and keyboard shortcuts to make level dev very fast.

As mentioned before, these are all temporary graphics.

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Posted: 20th Apr 2012 14:35
Animating crusher rooms now complete. It required quite a lot of work with prefab room classes, adding some inheritance, changing the file format and getting some animation in there, but it's done. This one pulls the walls in on hydraulic rams, which crush the player in the centre, but create run ways down the side .... for a short time at least.

I'll be working on a few more death trap rooms now the OO approach is sorted and animated room meshes are working.

4 crusher rooms arranged around another room prefab. Open ...

Closed ...

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Posted: 20th Apr 2012 14:58
Hah, I can already imagine the gore.

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Posted: 20th Apr 2012 15:26
Splat! More devious ways to kill people yet to come.

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Posted: 25th Apr 2012 17:22 Edited at: 25th Apr 2012 17:23
I've spent some time working on triggers now. When you add a trap to the map, a cog icon appears on it when it's selected. Clicking this gives you access to the triggers menu and you can then add triggers to the map to trigger the selected trap.

So far I've just made a laser trip trigger, which fires a laser across the whole map is activated whenever that beam is broken. The cool thing about this system is that traps can easily activate triggers, as can many other things. In the screeny you can see three laser trip triggers applied to the lower crusher, and the crusher itself is interfering with all of the beams, setting itself off again. This way you can set up looping traps and even a perpetual series of traps, depending on where you position your triggers.

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Posted: 1st May 2012 15:55 Edited at: 1st May 2012 16:01
Editor is almost at a complete usable state. I'm now moving onto the actual game mechanics, so soon we'll be able to load up a custom level and run around it. I'm basically going to work on graphics, shaders, shadowing, and other realtime visual effects until Dark Dynamix comes out, at which point I'll start implementing the actual controls.

Screen shot shows a level that took about 10 minutes to make and now includes spawn points (the little pyramids) and assault rifle pick-ups.

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Posted: 1st May 2012 18:24
This is looking too cool. I'm hoping you end up releasing the map editor with the final game, allow it to be modded.

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Posted: 1st May 2012 19:10 Edited at: 1st May 2012 19:12
Yeah, that's the plan mate! I'm not sure about it being modded. Perhaps we'll open it up in the future to allow people to add their own prefabs, but the map editor will be integral to the game. Players will be able to design their own maps in a few minutes, and they'll automatically be transferred between players when you setup a game. Hopefully it'll improve the longevity.

I recorded a vid today showing how it works, but I just can't edit and render it. Windows Movie Maker crashes, Adobe Premiere crashes, and my new Cyberlink Powerdirector crashes (actually, it shuts down my PC instantly at a certain point - proper memory explosion), all in different places, all for different reasons. Video editing seems to be an area in software where testing is really low down the priority order.

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Posted: 1st May 2012 19:52
Quote: "I recorded a vid today showing how it works, but I just can't edit and render it. Windows Movie Maker crashes, Adobe Premiere crashes, and my new Cyberlink Powerdirector crashes (actually, it shuts down my PC instantly at a certain point - proper memory explosion), all in different places, all for different reasons. Video editing seems to be an area in software where testing is really low down the priority order. "

Email me the vid my friend, I'll give it a go.

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Posted: 1st May 2012 20:19 Edited at: 1st May 2012 20:29
Thanks buddy, but it's 5GB worth of fraps captures. I've recorded the whole video again and am trying to render once more. I think the problem (hope!) was to do with how I recorded it. Hopefully it'll work this time. 5mins in of a 9 min vid. So far so good. Hopefully it won't just kill the whole PC like it did the last few times!

Edit: Worked! Uploading to YouTube now. I think it was something to do with how I edited the vid. Not that it should've crashed anyway. Seems like huge files tend to blow things up.

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Posted: 1st May 2012 21:34
Done! Video of the level editor in use ...

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Posted: 1st May 2012 22:57
Stunning work Fallout! Our dream is taking shape!


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Posted: 1st May 2012 23:22
Amazing editor, looks really easy to use also. Can't wait to see what else you come up with and what your art team throws in.

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Posted: 2nd May 2012 01:10
Very impressive!!!
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Posted: 2nd May 2012 01:16
Thanks chaps. It is indeed coming together. And yes Josh, with some proper artwork in there and some work on shaders, hopefully we'll be able to get some really good looking levels.

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Posted: 2nd May 2012 19:48
A quick vid demonstrating the approximate perspective in game. This is probably zoomed in too closely, but it gives a feel for how the height adds some vertigo factor and how being in the levels will feel.

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Posted: 2nd May 2012 20:57
Working on shaders. This is a simple modulation lightmap shader which will allow control over global arena brightness for things like the Ninja game mode and "Lights Out" power-up features.

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Posted: 3rd May 2012 01:14
I actually like the camera distance. Maybe add the option to increase and decrease the distance based on the weapon you have equipped? If you have a sword the camera is at the closest range, while being equipped with a sniper rifle will have the maximum distance.

The pulsating light could be a random event or trap that can be set off. Once it starts pulsating all the players have a spot light shown on them while the person who activated it doesn't. "Shadow KILL!"

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Posted: 3rd May 2012 12:05
Quote: "I actually like the camera distance. Maybe add the option to increase and decrease the distance based on the weapon you have equipped? If you have a sword the camera is at the closest range, while being equipped with a sniper rifle will have the maximum distance."

Yeah, that could play well. There will be a long period of play testing to get everything just right, and lots and lots of people will die. I'll figure out ideal camera distances during that era of death and mayhem.

Quote: "The pulsating light could be a random event or trap that can be set off. Once it starts pulsating all the players have a spot light shown on them while the person who activated it doesn't. "Shadow KILL!""

Yes dude! That's exactly it. There will be a "Pitch Black" ninja game mode, and a "lights out" power up, both of which plunge people into darkness and have them running around like scared little children. Just need to encorporate some sort of spot light based technique into the lightmapping shader and then things will be coming along nicely.

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Posted: 3rd May 2012 15:19
Getting some variety into the lighting with positional pixel lighting and high contrast light mapping. I'm having lots of problems with GDK apparently not supporting passing in vectors and arrays. The array command isn't there at all and the vector values don't seem to work, so things are very limited atm.

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Posted: 5th May 2012 16:35 Edited at: 5th May 2012 17:46
The level shader now has a nice combo of tweakable lightmapping, pixel lighting and normal mapping, which should give me all the tools I need to make the level look good. Obviously would still benefit from the skilled touch of a good 3D artist, but this should give me all the tools I need to make the geometry look good. How I'm going to add character shadows, I don't know just yet.

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Posted: 5th May 2012 17:33
Looks very similar to how I'm doing my lighting at the moment. Very nicely pulled off, and if this is only place-holder art then it should be a sight to behold once finalised.

Looking forward to seeing how you do handle dynamic shadows. My attempts are looking ok at the moment but there is still a fairly obvious difference between the dynamic and static shadows.

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Posted: 5th May 2012 17:55
Thanks Andrew. I'll probably have exactly the same problems you're having. If I could incorporate the shadow shading into the current level shader, I think it'd be possible to test pixel brightness of shadow vs final lighting. e.g. (this is how my shader works):

1. Sample light map texture. This become the base brightness.
2. Calculate pixel/normal lighting and add to this base brightness for each light
3. Combine with base texture

What I would expect to do is, before step 3, calculate the shadowing from whatever source/method for the pixel, and if the brightness is darker, modify the base brightness. If the shadow brightness is lighter, just leave the pixel alone.

How I'd get the shadows in there though, I'm not sure just yet. I'm already using a lot of registers and texture layers and not sure I could accommodate the dynamic shadows too. I may be looking at multi-passing and all that kind of thing, but I've not dabbled in that yet.

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Posted: 6th May 2012 03:03
Indeed, I have been meddling along a similar thought pattern. I was trying to render an image of just the dynamic shadows to combine with the lightmap. I've been trying both using the built in shadow shader and then making it a screen based effect but also tried using a cube map based shadow shader to apply to another texture layer and keeping it all as an object effect. Neither have quite worked as I'd like yet and certainly speed is becoming an issue. I'll let you know if I have a breakthrough, thats if you don't beat me to it.

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Posted: 6th May 2012 18:28
Nice one. I'll update this thread with any progress I make on that front. If you want to know how I figured it out (if I do and you like the effect!) just shout. I'll probably start looking into this on Tuesday, assuming Dark Dynamix isn't released, at which point I'll be smashing cubes together.

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Posted: 6th May 2012 20:53
Thanks, very much appreciated. Ah, indeed, I'm also looking forward to that being released. I've been using Newton up until now which is fairly decent but it looks as though Dark Dynamix may be able to offer a little more.

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Posted: 6th May 2012 21:01
Your game is simply terrible

at being awful because it's looking pretty damn good. Liking the lighting effects and use of normal mapping, I hope there's going to be graphics quality options (like in the previous demos) I'm pretty sure my lil' old laptop isn't going to like having too many shaders at once. Bear in mind, you are over due a demo (no pressure old bean)

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Posted: 6th May 2012 21:32
I realised after I posted that vid that I'd used the wrong normal map. The arena floor/wall one was correct, but all the normal maps for the level pieces walls/floors were using their primary texture as the normal map. As soon as I loaded in the right texture, it looked loads better, so really happy with it now.

@Andrew - The thing I really need the most is rag dolls with boned models. I only played with newton a few times years ago. Does it support those now?

@Brynster - Hmmmm. Aside from the level editor, there is no game to demo right now, since this is being built from the ground up. Once there is some single player gameplay in there, I think I'll aim to release the level editor and a single player "run and shoot" style demo about the same time. Will that please thee, good sir?

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Posted: 7th May 2012 01:23
Well it certainly includes some rag doll demos. I remember Walaber made a ragdoll editor tool which he made available way back when he was still working on the wrapper. Having not played with them much I'm not sure how solid they are but there is certainly some support. I'm not sure if this is all of them but I've tried to quickly grab the ragdoll commands available in the keywords file.

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Posted: 7th May 2012 17:15
Looks like it has potential then. I'll give Matty's Dark Dynamix a good go first though. I think with him actively updating it and it being more current, it's the sensible choice, but it's good to have a backup solution.

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