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Work in Progress / Carnage Game Show

Mychal B
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Posted: 7th Jun 2012 23:41
you..are...simply ridiculous...o

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Posted: 8th Jun 2012 00:24
Beautiful explosions. Do you plan on shockwave physics?

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Posted: 8th Jun 2012 00:36
Haha. Thanks guys! I'm happy with how they turned out. I love doing particle effects.

@Josh - Definitely buddy. The explosions are gonna effect everything. I can't wait to blow up some rag dolls.

Matty H
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Posted: 12th Jun 2012 18:04
I am finalising the Dark Dynamix update and wanted to ask again about the moving wall crusher thingies. What was it that was preventing them from working? I'm pretty sure I covered it as lots of joint commands have been added but I can't remember and just want to double check to be sure.

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Posted: 12th Jun 2012 19:46
Thanks Matty. Gah, I'm gonna have to remember now too! What I did in the end was put the crusher walls into one group and the rest of the crusher into another group. This allowed me to turn of collision between them, but the character controller couldn't collide with anything except group 0, so my character couldn't run around my scene any more.

That was the last issue, but the reason why I implemented it that way was because I couldn't turn off the collision between the world and the walls in the joint settings. If the character controller collision with other groups is fixed, that'll be fine for me. Then I'll go back and retest with the joint settings against just to see if that was an issue and wasn't me just doing it wrong (can't remember now!)

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Posted: 12th Jun 2012 19:49
Grenades are in. The aiming system will be improved for the launcher once it's made. The character will aim up higher the further you move the crosshair away from your character, so you can get range and lob.

Interestingly, these grenade physX spheres are created upon launch and destroyed when the grenades explode and there isn't any noticable performance hit, so it's probably just things like triangle meshes which are CPU intensive to setup.

Matty H
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Posted: 12th Jun 2012 22:35
Yes I remember now, character controller can now take a group combination flag which should solve that issue.

Spheres, boxes and capsules should be pretty quick creating/destroying on the fly, they are pretty lightweight since they don't have triangle data etc.

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Posted: 14th Jun 2012 18:04
Brilliant. Looking forward to getting all that working.

Grenade launchers are done. They use a "hold down fire" technique to move up the aiming arc, allowing you to control the lob and get grenades into tricky places. It's a proper skill weapon though, and will reward practice.

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Posted: 14th Jun 2012 20:08
Weapon swapping, and the tactical options it may present. No swapping animation yet.

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Posted: 15th Jun 2012 21:52 Edited at: 15th Jun 2012 21:53
Hey Fallout,

just wanted to stop by and state that this is an absolutly amazing project!
I watched most of your videos. Your rate of progression is incredible and inspiring!

Are you working full-time on this? (Just for personal interest. If you feel like you don't want to answer because it might be too private then that's fine.)

Keep up the good work!

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Posted: 17th Jun 2012 10:49
Thanks Pauli. Yes, I am working on this full time. It's a TGC sponsored project. If I was working on this in my spare time it'd be crawling and I would probably have run out of steam by now!

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Posted: 17th Jun 2012 16:29
Very good, reminds me of a 3D gore "SmashTV". This is definitley worth a retail price tag. Congratulations on a very solid looking project.

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Posted: 17th Jun 2012 18:01
Great work Fallout, this is looking better and better!


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Posted: 20th Jun 2012 02:27
Working on your game fulltime is great Fallout, you are very lucky. I know what you are talking about, sometimes I feel like loosing steam spending almost all my free time on my project, expecting to get almost nothing from it.
Anyway, all the visual stuff, explosions, gore and other things are looking great. Still it is very hard to make the blood look liquid. Are you still working on the blood particles?

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Posted: 26th Jun 2012 13:34
Thanks for the comments chaps. Work is still continuing!

@Dimis. Not working on gore right now, but I will return to it again later on. I'm fairly happy with my blood spray particles atm, but there's probably room for improvement.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2012 13:35
I've been working on a whole new set of level prefabs recently, just so that I can produce better looking demos. Here's a screenie from the editor of a more detailed factory style complex.

Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 26th Jun 2012 14:12
Wow, that's a really nice looking model! I had an idea for the blood splatter. You could try using Normal maps as pasted images. So make a normal map for a model, then make spatter sprites with normal map sprites. Paste the diffuse red to the diffuse, and paste the normal map to the Normal Map. In other words, edit the Normal Map on the fly. I've never heard of anyone doing that before, but it should work very well.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2012 15:48
The cool thing about that is it's not a model. It's a bunch of models, and you can use the editor to make any factory style complex you like. That one took me about 15 minutes.

As for the normal mapping idea, editing a normal map on the fly would be quite cool. You could get some interesting effects with the lighting going on. The problem is my normal maps are reused everywhere, so editing them isn't really an option, as the change would affect multiple parts of the scenery. The texture usage is already really high too, so each model having it's own texture map would use too much vram. Interesting idea though!

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Posted: 26th Jun 2012 16:07
HD video of running around the level with the new prefabs. Quite happy with it for few days work! (minus the extra 2 days where I managed to delete it all and had to start from scratch ).

Best viewed on YouTube in full screen mode, cos it's HD!

Ron Erickson
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Posted: 26th Jun 2012 16:18
That looks absolutely fantastic Fallout!

a.k.a WOLF!
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Posted: 26th Jun 2012 16:20
Editing normal maps on the fly does indeed work quite nicely. I used it a while back to make some nice water that responded to objects moving through it. However, for multiple blood splats on different surfaces I think you would struggle for speed unfortunately. I'll have to start looking into blood effects again soon so, whilst you'll no doubt beat me to it again (Fallout), I'll give you a heads up if I come across anything you might be interested in.

The new, more complex, level design is looking great by the way. It isn't obvious at all that it has been forced or stitched together which is normally the issue with the method you're using, so clearly it has been well executed.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2012 17:30
@Ron - Thanks chap! Glad you're still following the game.

@Andrew - Thanks too Andrew. Interesting about the realtime normal map modification. Yes, give me a shout if you figure out anything cool. It's always handy to see other techniques and get new ideas.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2012 21:33
Looking at your tremendous progress I thought maybe you can write kind of a design document that explains some of the techniques you've used to make this game. Personally I would even pay for neatly written and explained material which is targeted at DBPro developers. I've read a lot of books from the Gems series but when it comes to implementing certain functionality in DBP it gets quite confusing. That could be a really valuable addition to existing DBP information base especially if you share some of your code snippets and explain why and how it was done. Believe me most of the folk here have dreamed of something like that for years. Top notch product Fallout. Cheers.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2012 22:03
Hi Olby. Thanks for the kind words mate.

I know what you mean. Everything I've done here I've seen others do elsewhere, so the skills are out there. It's just you rarely see it all put together in a 'semi-complete' way, and nobody ever really explains things in layman terms.

I guess what you'd like to see is it all in one place, with some clear explanations, rather than having to search around, scrutinizing code and examples and trying to piece it together from old threads. I know that's the sort of thing I'd find useful. I did intend to do an explanation of the shadow shader, because it's a lot simpler than you'd think. Evolved's more complex examples (which I learnt from) make it quite confusing because of the all the normal mapping and various layers, but stripped down to the basics, it's a cinch.

The only difficulty is it does take some time and effort to put docs together and I can't spare a lot of time to do it. Also, Carnage is written in GDK and I've made a lot of use of OO principles which would make it fairly useless to DBP users. However, I reckon I could find some time to put some examples together and explain things. Maybe I could create a selection of threads over a period of time which explain some principles and have a simple demo.

What things do you think would interest you the most?

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Posted: 27th Jun 2012 15:55 Edited at: 27th Jun 2012 15:58
Quote: "What things do you think would interest you the most?"

I believe that people can find loads of useful material about game engine basics i.e. resource management, timing, states and more (which differs for various programming languages). At the moment I feel that we need something to cover trivial techniques (some of which have been discussed in this thread): decals, lights & shadows, sound culling, render optimizations, etc. Once again there is wealth of information available but most of the time it is way too complicated to be implemented using DBP native commands. I suggest you to take a look at some of the Game Engine Gems and Game Programming Gems series books. They cover range of essential subjects where each technique is explained in about 2-5 pages including code snippets and illustrations. You don't have to be a writer to do this. Nor you need to explain the technique it self (yet again tons of papers available for all this). Essentially I would imagine you focusing on DBP/GDK aspect i.e. how to use current TGC command set to achieve certain effects. For example I use GDK+PureBasic but the commands are still the same so by stressing them rather than the programming language specifics would be advantageous.

Quote: "I guess what you'd like to see is it all in one place, with some clear explanations, rather than having to search around, scrutinizing code and examples and trying to piece it together from old threads. I know that's the sort of thing I'd find useful."

Exactly. Additionally, most of the time people suggest really useful methods, but 99% of them are quite self contained and when implemented in a regular game engine environment don't live up the expectations. For example if you search blob shadows rarely you would find explanations on how to do decal clipping or make decal follow the surface to which it is applied. These are just some of the issues I've faced with while doing technical write up for my FPS engine.

Phew, thats a long one.

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Posted: 27th Jun 2012 19:38
Makes sense Olby. Well I'll look to write a few articles when I get a chance then. There may be a lull in development at some point, or when the project comes to an end I may have time to explain how I did a few things. Hopefully they'll be of some help.

New vid coming imminently ...

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Posted: 27th Jun 2012 19:59 Edited at: 27th Jun 2012 20:01
Flame thrower is in. Not 100% happy with the visuals, so it may need some tweaks, but it's mostly done.

This is another skill weapon, rather than a run and gun weapon. It spews out flame rather than a jet, if you turn or move too fast while firing it, so you're likely to cook yourself. It's best suited to running into position and then unleashing firey death into a room or corridor or skip, much like a real life flame thrower.

It has a pre-ignition phase where it spews out fuel before igniting, which add a little more to the realism and challenge when using it. Flames also bounce off using surface normals, which should allow you to flame round corners etc if the angles are right!

Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 27th Jun 2012 20:18
Looks very cool! Now you have to do blistering, puss filled skin!

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Posted: 27th Jun 2012 20:19
Yeah, burn decals for my gore layer! And a nice sizzling hog roast sound.

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Posted: 28th Jun 2012 09:49
I've slightly improved the stream particles since the video, and upped the radius of fire when the stream hits something. Seems to feel more solid now.

Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 28th Jun 2012 16:31
Yeah, the yellow reflections look good too.

Stab in the Dark software
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Posted: 28th Jun 2012 16:35
Your editor looks excellent. What method are you using for the interface in your editor?
The blood is hilarious, nicely done. Video is awesome.


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Posted: 28th Jun 2012 17:52
Looks amazing man.

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Posted: 28th Jun 2012 23:25
Quote: "Your editor looks excellent. What method are you using for the interface in your editor?
The blood is hilarious, nicely done. Video is awesome."

Thanks a lot. The editor is just a bunch of custom classes and tools based around sprites. I'm not using any existing C++ interfaces or community plug ins.

Quote: "Looks amazing man."

Thanks man!

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Posted: 4th Jul 2012 21:19
Fire demo is in. Surfaces can be set on fire with residue fuel, and dynamic objects (including) people can be set on fire too. This is the first pass of this effect, and it'll be improved.

Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 4th Jul 2012 23:48
Don't stand by walls and flamethrow... eek!

Matty H
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Posted: 5th Jul 2012 16:50
That looks great Fallout.

You said earlier that you simplified one of Evolved's shadow shaders, I too have looked at some of his shaders and they do more than I need, I'm also a complete noob when it comes to shaders

Could I try your shader?

I have started looking into making a racing game and I'm putting all the bits and bobs together to get a look I am happy with. A simple shader just to cast shadows from the vehicles from a single light source(sun)is all I need, everything else will be static lighting I think.

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Posted: 5th Jul 2012 18:24
The fire effects look amazing! What's the number of dynamic lights you can handle in your game?

@Matty H:
I could help you out with some simple shadow shaders. Just tell me if you need something.

Matty H
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Posted: 5th Jul 2012 18:56
Hi Pauli,

I need a shader(simple and fast would be good) that will create shadows from a single light source(sun) for a few dynamic objects, some lines of code demonstrating how to use it would be useful too Do you have anything like that?

I am doing a proof of concept, making sure all the effects and models all work nice together etc

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Posted: 5th Jul 2012 19:52
@Matty - Ahhh! Well it started life simple. I figured out how to do the shadow shading stuff by looking at Evolved's stuff, stripped out the basic concepts and made a simplified version. But, after that I loaded the shaders up with GPU bone animation, pixel lighting and other things. So they're not simple anymore.

When do you need it? I could simplify the one I've made back to something simple at the weekend. I could kill three birds with one stone too, as I said I'd do the same for Andrew Neale and also said I'd write a forum post kinda how-to thing to explain the concepts.

@Pauli - Thanks mate. I've been working really hard on the fire effects today to make the much better.

I can only handle 7 dynamic pixel lights in the shaders, but the trick is to have lots of quick flashes of lights. So explosions and muzzle flares and flames can all have a short life. Also when a new light source is needed, the most appropriate existing light is killed first (dimmest, off screen, oldest etc.). So far seems to work ok.

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Posted: 5th Jul 2012 20:42
Almost finished updates to the fire system. All objects can now inherit from a flammable class, have custom ignition thresholds, catch times, burn times and burn out times. Fire now looks better and can set fire to other things causing chain reactions. It's pretty cool.

I'll try and post a vid tomorrow once I've finished implementing the new fire system on the player. For now, here's a screeny of a bunch of boxes going up in flames.

Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 5th Jul 2012 22:50 Edited at: 5th Jul 2012 22:51
It's come a long way from those funny block-head men.

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Posted: 6th Jul 2012 00:45
No no Pincho. That's the quality of visual I'm aiming for in the final game.

I like leaving all the old stuff on though. I think it's cool to see evolution of projects. My fave WIPS are those that start with almost nothing and slowly get better and better over the months.

Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 6th Jul 2012 02:39 Edited at: 6th Jul 2012 02:44
Yeah it's good to see the progression of projects. Mine tend to start with weeks of graphics though.

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Posted: 6th Jul 2012 11:07
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Posted: 6th Jul 2012 14:21
Thanks dude. Here is the accompanying vid.

Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 6th Jul 2012 14:43
Sufferin' succotash that's good!

Matty H
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Posted: 6th Jul 2012 16:36
That is extremely cool.

Don't worry about the shadow shader, your time is best spent completing this great project I think I thought you had it there but of course you have needed to add to it to suit your system.

Maybe just some advice on the steps you took, which one of Evolved's shaders did you start with?

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Posted: 6th Jul 2012 17:42 Edited at: 6th Jul 2012 22:44
Thanks gents.

Matty, I think I'll make a new post now in the DBP forum with a shadow shader tutorial. I don't mind. I don't contribute as much help to others as I'd like to, cos I'm normally wrapped up in a project.

I'll keep it real simple and make a quick shader. Hopefully that'll be a good starting point for you.

Edit: Thread here.

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Posted: 9th Jul 2012 10:58
I like this screenshot showing the fire damage skinning. The character doesn't look very happy.

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