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3 Dimensional Chat / 100 Models in 100 Days REDUX

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Posted: 30th Mar 2012 04:27 Edited at: 30th Mar 2012 04:32
100 Models in 100 Days REDUX

3 years ago I started an ambitious project where I would create 100 models in 100 days. I never quit made it all the way, but it was close. During the project I experimented with new techniques and overcame several obstacles. It was a learning experience I will never forget. So after 3 years, hundreds of models and several life changes later I thought it would be cool to redo all the models from the thread, utilizing what I've learned since then and attempt to create models that surpasses their past versions. As a bonus I'll also be taking snap shots of my progress as I redux each model and eventually will make a collection of tutorials. Should be fun!

Enough dribble!

Day 1 Model 1: Guitar REDUX

Not sure if I'll be able to post a model everyday, but I'll be working on this in my free time...well, free part of my free time.

Coming Next Time: Floating Platform REDUX

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Posted: 30th Mar 2012 11:28
wooooooooo can not wait to see how this goes...

But what is the story on the models? Use? Format? Availability? etc...

Like the guitar!!!

Looking forward to the next installment Josh

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Posted: 30th Mar 2012 13:17
Ahh I remember this

Good luck mate

Lazerus Reborn on Polycount and a few other places.
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 1st Apr 2012 01:11
Awesome, will be watching your progress.

I see that you're a cheapskate and like using TrueSpace 7, so I wonder what cheapskate methods you're using for UV Mapping and texturing? because I'm interested in cheapskate methods for myself. Although I am a Hexagon user, but I've never actually got along with its UV Mapping and Texturing tools, generally because they seem to be buggy on this laptop (and it was when I used it on my old laptop)

Unless of course you blew all your money on UVMapping and Texturing tools, something like Bodypaint 3D or ZBrush then I don't wanna hear from you.

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Posted: 1st Apr 2012 01:46 Edited at: 1st Apr 2012 01:57
Quote: "But what is the story on the models? Use? Format? Availability? etc..."

Yet to be decided.

Quote: "Ahh I remember this

Good luck mate "

Thanks man. Hopefully I'll get at least 1 or two models done a week between work and personal projects. This model took about 8 hours to complete, only because I was taking snapshots every few clicks and logging what I was doing for the tutorial series.

Quote: "I see that you're a cheapskate and like using TrueSpace 7, so I wonder what cheapskate methods you're using for UV Mapping and texturing? because I'm interested in cheapskate methods for myself. Although I am a Hexagon user, but I've never actually got along with its UV Mapping and Texturing tools, generally because they seem to be buggy on this laptop (and it was when I used it on my old laptop)

Unless of course you blew all your money on UVMapping and Texturing tools, something like Bodypaint 3D or ZBrush then I don't wanna hear from you. "

Lol! I actually use Wings3D for UVmapping. All you have to do is cut and hit unwrap and your pretty much done. I like the toolset and everything can be done with the mouse, which I prefer over the key shortcut method. As for texturing I use a 8 year old copy of PsP. I've currently taken up Gimp, which is a heck of a lot better in terms of extensions. I'll be making the switch soon.

Unfortunately I'll be dropping Truespace 7 soon. The fact that it's not supported by Microsoft anymore...after they bought it and promised to develop it more...I've started learning Blender. I'll be making the switch there soon as well.

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 1st Apr 2012 04:22
I have a really old copy of PsP laying around somewhere, but iirc it isn't great with undo and redo XD. I've been trying to switch from to gimp, but gimp is still pretty weird to use to me.

As for Wings, I was unaware it could UVMap, I think I'll check it out.

I could never get into Blender, but I have downloaded the latest and the interface looks a LOT better, perhaps it is time I get into that. I know my Carrara 5 Pro disk is in my sister's room but that's like finding a needle I a haystack.

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Posted: 5th Apr 2012 00:38
What happened to the last one? Hope this one is very successful.


.....the feel of solitude hurts inside....
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Posted: 5th Apr 2012 01:01 Edited at: 5th Apr 2012 01:02
Lol, everyone started acting like jerks! People were spamming the thread with "Where's the next model?", then I was receiving emails asking about the next model and why it's taking so long...So I gave up on the project. Year later I did finish it unofficially and it was added to the 100th newsletter as a special download, along with 100 textures.

On a side note, I got slammed with work again so it'll be another day or two before I get another model posted. As I said, I'm working on this on the side of my spare time...

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Posted: 5th Apr 2012 02:18
Where's the next model?..

Just teasing. Great stuff, Mr. Mooney. That guitar looks like some nylon strings would get some great sounds out of it. Nice presentation.

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Posted: 1st May 2012 19:23
Looks good Josh. I am seeing visions of an interactive instrument playing simulation game .... hmmmm ....

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Posted: 1st May 2012 19:50
Classic Guitar Hero!

I haven't forgotten about this, I've just been really busy with work.

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Posted: 1st May 2012 21:41
I wish somebody would make 100 medieval models in 100 days .

Would you ?

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2012 18:04
Day 2 Model 2: Floating Platform Redux

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2012 18:33

but erm ok...

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2012 18:59
Quote: "but erm ok..."


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Posted: 2nd Sep 2012 19:10 Edited at: 2nd Sep 2012 19:11
your house


Just had an interesting thought... TEXTURES!!! from the remains... grab some pictures if you can

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2012 19:54
Quote: "Just had an interesting thought... TEXTURES!!! from the remains... grab some pictures if you can"

Actually the house was cleaned up and fixed before I was allowed back in.

AGK Backer
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2012 20:54
bugger, that was quick... but I thought you mentioned your insurance was not with you?

Either way glad you are back up and running! Though I have had the opposite issue to you... Water leaks from roof >.< repairing tomorrow... did a quick fix yesterday...

I noticed you are epic in textures... I could learn a thing or two from you... if possible

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2012 18:07
You can now download the Acoustic Guitar Here!

Thanks guys!

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