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Work in Progress / DBPro: Get Out Alive (Title WIP)

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Posted: 3rd Apr 2012 07:45 Edited at: 15th Sep 2012 06:23
Team Request

Team Request Thread: Also learn a great deal more about the game here!


I make some plugins for this project as well. I'm selling them for fairly cheap definitely worth checking out!

Dynamic Resources: I made a resources plugin to manage your resources! You can easily name and find the next available index. There are 260 commands in this plugin. Uses Lua! It is very useful for anyone who needs resource management!

Performance and Time: I created two plugins. One is a timing plugin for getting back really accurate time in Mili-Seconds, Seconds, Minutes, Hours, and Days. You can also set a factor to set a 24 hour day to happen in only 2 hours of game play. The other plugin for Game Performance will increase your performance at it's maximum. It does this by returning the time back to the CPU that the application isn't using. You can also create loops at different rates.

More Benefits of my performance plugin:
Instead of simply running something in a Do Loop you can set the rate it is executed. This way you can find the minimum amount of times per second it can run. This way you cut a lot of needless calculations per second out of the equation! It is great for For Loop, While Loops, and repeat Until Loop because it can be run at any rate! You can save on performance by using these practices.

Another one of these practices is to run the display loop at the FPS you want. Every other Loop can be run at different rates.

...and more to come!

Eventually the plugins will all form a big plugin library called the Game Template. It will be everything you would need for making a video game.

Summery of the story

Get Out alive is a zombie survival video game based on a new concept that zombies are possessed by paranormal entities. Once killed the entity can control a new host (zombie). This game will include a multiplayer zombie mode and a single player campaign with a story.

Now it seems simple enough another zombie survival game. The unique part of the game is that I'm having zombies possessed by spirits. Now the spirits strength in connection is what controls how powerful the zombie actually is. I dream of the time I can have zombies crawling on the walls and ceiling very fast and snatching the victims into a air duct.

The games visuals is very dark. Mostly during night time. A cloud of dark smoke appeared from hell covering the night sky so it is always dark and desolate. From the smoke comes the spirits which possess the zombies. It seems they are endless until about at the end of the story you find a way to seal the paranormal energy back in hell.

Features I have completed so far:
- Physics (Dark Physics)
- Character Controller
- AI (Dark AI)
- Behaviors: Always run towards and slash when close
- Decals: Bullet Holes
- Animated Blood Decals
- Weapons + Animations
- Decals on the walls (Debris, Cracks, Blood) [Update: Just finished]
- Fog (Spark Particles)
- Basic Editor for positioning level objects
- Dynamic Object Editor for positioning dynamic objects

Features I am working on:
- Shadows
- Muzzle Flash
- Response from zombie slashes (Bloody screen?)
- Add Knife
- Gibbing (Gore + Blood Sprays)
- Real-Time Fluid/Particle Blood
- Full screen shaders (Depth of Field, Contrast, Anti-Aliasing, SSOA, Deferred Shading)
- Terrain editor with the ability to add trees/rocks and other objects on the terrain.

Features of the game: WIP and Finished
- Advanced Lighting Shaders
- Real-Time Sky
- Particles Effects
- Fog
- Flash Light
- UV Painting (Came up with this myself)
- Real-like fluid blood.
- Several Weapon packs, Different types of zombies, and model packs from dexsoft games.
- Performance increases
- Multi-Threading Loading 1000 Objects at once (Experimental)
- Plugins to make programming easier.
- Plugins: I might or might not need help with these
- Multi-threading
- UV Projection
- File Search
- Resource Management
- Editors: Dynamic Object And Basic Editor
- Generic GUI class
- Tweaking the AI: Walk up stairs, complicated objects, and Behavior creation/editor. Also, might do something like nav meshes.
- Blood Sprays


Also, in-case someone missed it I created fog using Spark Particles here:

All The Sound Effects

Even Older Sound Effects:
I had some help from my sister to make these three:

For all of you who missed the last ones:

Older Sound Effects:

The following were made today:

Without Distortion:

With Distortion:

I made some more things for the shop keeper:


Design Runner: made me a texture for the hands found in Model Pack 10 to fit the solider model I was using.
Green Gandalf is helping with a blood shader.

I made Green Gandalf this logo:

Green Gandalf will be featured in the beginning and credits of the game! I also am giving him all my plugins for free for his help!



Let me know what you think!



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Sergey K
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Posted: 3rd Apr 2012 20:43 Edited at: 1st Jun 2012 22:11
looks really promising! cant really comment more than that at this stage.
but keep it up. i will put an eye on that one.

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Dr Tank
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Posted: 8th Apr 2012 03:49
Looks like you've made a good start. Zombie games are more fun when you can kill the zombies though.

Enable shooting bits off zombies, like exploding heads, shoot the legs so they crawl etc.
Have melee options for the player that pushes the zombie away.
Be able to knock down zombies
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Posted: 8th Apr 2012 05:10 Edited at: 8th Apr 2012 05:12
@Dr Tank - Adding a combat knife and a police night stick. I thought of adding an exploding head. I would need gibs for that though. I might blow off the legs for the gray zombies and turn them into crawlers.

Currently the zombies won't die. I ran into a problem where zombies would fall though the geometry. I might add rag dolls to fix this problem.

Here is a screen shot of a level i'm working on:


Get Out Alive (Zombie WIP): My latest zombie game I am working on.


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Posted: 9th Apr 2012 19:51 Edited at: 10th Apr 2012 07:54
New Updates:
I am working on a level called Dead End Road. It is simply a road that has destroyed buildings that dead ends. The level will be covered in fog and an invisible wall will be put up so far down the road to prevent you from traveling to far. The screenshot above was an experimentation of building parts. I have many building parts and I am going to use them all together to make a destroyed rural block.

I am thinking about working more on the gore and I might make a gore system using my own blood particle system. This way I can control the blood splatters and how they form on the ground/walls. I might also add gibs for the limbs and head.

I will have a terminal to buy weapons, mods, and weapon mods. There will be cameras positioned everywhere. Those cameras are hooked upto a computer that calculates your points and saves that data onto the terminals so you can buy weapons and mods. There will be power ups light insta-kill, bomb, and more. There will be a teleporter to get to Juiced (weapon upgrades). A radio for playing your music in game.

I'll keep you guys posted about my progress.


Get Out Alive (Zombie WIP): My latest zombie game I am working on.


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Posted: 10th Apr 2012 06:17 Edited at: 10th Apr 2012 22:17
Completed The Level!

Name: Dead End Road

More Screenshots:

Here is a pix with a sphere to cast the fogs height on. Turned out nicely:

Logo for Level:

I honestly don't like it. I think it could have turned out better. Well that is the limit of my skills. Maybe I'll have my friend who is good with graphic design take a look at it.

I will post a video sometime soon!


Get Out Alive (Zombie WIP): My latest zombie game I am working on.


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Posted: 11th Apr 2012 20:43 Edited at: 13th Apr 2012 08:01
Here is the level preview vid as promised:


Get Out Alive (Zombie WIP): My latest zombie game I am working on.
Dark_ITheI _Angel
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Posted: 11th Apr 2012 21:51
ohh yes, i like to c someone working!!!

ok the fog is too much for my taste, design is ok but it needs more details , things around, etc etc... hey digital you working alone on this? Level,code,paintshop etc ??

_Me !!!!

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Posted: 11th Apr 2012 22:19 Edited at: 30th May 2013 07:21
@Dark_ITheI _Angel - I can tone down the fog a bit if I need to. I might add more objects like some destroyed objects with physics and scatter them around. I'm doing everything myself currently. The model packs were purchased though.



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Posted: 13th Apr 2012 08:01 Edited at: 13th Apr 2012 08:03
Here is another quick vid. Made a few changes. I just need to add some physics objects and the terminal for purchasing weapons.

I was thinking this can be the computer terminal you can buy weapons from:

Just need to find a teleporter pad for the weapons and I'm good to go!

Digital Fury

Get Out Alive (Zombie WIP): My latest zombie game I am working on.
Voytek Pavlik
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Posted: 13th Apr 2012 10:15
Hello there DigitalFury

How is your project going? Is it going to be a commercial release?

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Posted: 13th Apr 2012 19:55 Edited at: 13th Apr 2012 22:40
@Voytek Pavlik - Its going well. I thinking on selling it when I'm done for real cheap. I might also make a modern warefare style multi-player addition as well. I don't know how far I'm going with this project quite yet.

I'm currently waiting on buying some model packs. I am going to redo dead end road and add a lot more content. Maybe even multiple floors to some of the buildings. I don't know yet. I'm waiting on my paycheck to get the model packs. I also am going to buy the new zombie pack and use those zombies instead. While I'm waiting I am going to work on the industrial levels.


Get Out Alive (Zombie WIP): My latest zombie game I am working on.
Voytek Pavlik
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Posted: 13th Apr 2012 21:17

Selling it? Good idea.

Will you need some music to be taken care of for it? Maybe for a trailer to make it look nice when promoting it to the buyers?

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Posted: 13th Apr 2012 23:37
@Voytek Pavlik - I found a few tracks I can use. I might just make a request for some music on the forums. I could pay someone to make a unique track. Who knows.

I am redoing dead end road with some new models I will be buying soon so a little to early for a trailer. The gore system isn't even finished so I don't think I can really show off much quite yet.


Get Out Alive (Zombie WIP): My latest zombie game I am working on.
Voytek Pavlik
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Posted: 14th Apr 2012 09:31

Check out some of my stuff


I\'ve been creating music for over 5 years: Dark Ambient, Metal, Symphonic, Experimental.
For your project perhaps Distorted Image, Epic Action or Kill Those F*ckers would fit.

There\'s also a thread I started

You can PM me whenever you decide to hire anyone for the custom music.


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Posted: 14th Apr 2012 13:44
hey DigitalFury, super cool effort so far, always good to see projects of this type being developed
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Posted: 14th Apr 2012 20:09 Edited at: 16th Apr 2012 08:57
@Voytek Pavlik - I'll let you know when I need em. I was thinking dark ambient might be the way to go.

@TheMechanic - Thanks


Get Out Alive (Zombie WIP): My latest zombie game I am working on.


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Posted: 15th Apr 2012 01:14 Edited at: 15th Apr 2012 01:14
It only took me 3 hours to wip up a quick editor. It has a snap feature for snapping to the edges of the object. It searches though all the folders and lists all the objects just like in 3d World Studios. Added a save feature along with a player camera view and a complete placement editor for objects!


Get Out Alive (Zombie WIP): My latest zombie game I am working on.


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Travis Gatlin
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Posted: 15th Apr 2012 15:45
I like it! Very COD Zombies-esque style to it. Very good thing! Keep working on this one, I might buy it!
You can find my latest work here. Please comment on my work and tell me what you think!
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Posted: 16th Apr 2012 02:49 Edited at: 16th Apr 2012 23:56
Here is a screenshot of the current level I'm working on in my editor:

I am wondering if anyone would buy my editor for a certain amount or something if I provided a video showing how to use it or something.


Get Out Alive (Zombie WIP): My latest zombie game I am working on.


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Design Runner
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Posted: 16th Apr 2012 03:28
That looks like a pretty sweet editor, I would consider it if it had the basic gadgets, move, scale, rotate, and a copy/paste. Is it specifically .dbo or is it .x?

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Posted: 16th Apr 2012 06:29 Edited at: 16th Apr 2012 08:58
@Design Runner - I just wrote a new editor. I'm actually working on a massive editor project as well. It can load anything dbp can load obviously. I have added some gadgets in my other editor I am working on. Maybe if I add those gadgets and maybe a few more dialogs it might be worth selling.

I'll setup a separate thread for that project.

For all who are interested in my editor here is a video of another editor I am working on:

Attached is an example of a gadget I invented for sizing and moving objects around. The same gadget that is featured in the video!

I will work on this gadget a bit more. It does need movement and sizing on the y axis. I could just add two more boxes for that. Should be easy in theory.


Get Out Alive (Zombie WIP): My latest zombie game I am working on.


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Posted: 16th Apr 2012 23:45
Here is a vid of the Industrial 1 Level:

The vid doesn't show off the level that well. Maybe in game it would look a lot better.

Still progressing with the game nicely.


Get Out Alive (Zombie WIP): My latest zombie game I am working on.
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Posted: 24th Apr 2012 00:56
Playing around with the Physx Viewer and softbodies. I might use this as a solution for when enemies are killed. Just need to see how much resources it will take up.


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Posted: 24th Apr 2012 01:35
That is awesome!

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Posted: 24th Apr 2012 02:38 Edited at: 24th Apr 2012 02:50
...and shortly after testing the softbodies I realize I can't use them.

I might have to create my own version manipulating vertexdata. I have a theory about how it might work. Assign vertexes to a bone. Those vertexes will offset based on the bones offset. It should work in theory but I wouldn't count on it so I may just use stock animations.

It seems the only solution for ragdolls is Dark Dynamics which I plan on switching to.


Get Out Alive (Zombie WIP): My latest zombie game I am working on.
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Posted: 24th Apr 2012 06:47
I'm loving how this project is gradually getting better and better!

Fantastic models too! I would tune that fog down by just a bit though. Rather than having it strong on a further distance, make it blend in with the fog starting a little closer to the player, if you get what I mean.

By the way what's the name of the music in the Industrial 1 level video?

Abdul Ahad

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Posted: 24th Apr 2012 07:10 Edited at: 26th Apr 2012 01:19
I looked though my current music lib and can't find it. I most likely selected the song at random. I do have a ton of music on my twitter account:\digitalfury. Feel free to tap into the great music I post there!

Also, what I have shown so far isn't even close to what I have planned. I might add a campaign later. I also thought up of a cool way for zombies to die that is unique.

Digital Fury

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Posted: 24th Apr 2012 07:39
Looking forward to it mate!

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Posted: 25th Apr 2012 23:05 Edited at: 26th Apr 2012 00:33
I was just playing around with camera angles. I still want to get it positioned at the hands so I can see the gun. This is from the perspective of the head.


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Posted: 26th Apr 2012 00:32 Edited at: 26th Apr 2012 01:19
Here are two textures. One is UV mapped for the Model Pack 10 Hands and the other is for Task Force 341.

I will pay someone via paypal if they can correctly copy the hands from Task Force 341 to Model Pack 10 Hands or have an artist recreate an close copy.



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Posted: 26th Apr 2012 01:11
You can't post those on the forum man,they are copyrighted. it even says it on the image. Also, the bottom texture is stricly a hand texture while the top is a full body texture. Scaling the hands up will just cause pixilation. You would have to have an artist recreate the hand texture larger, a difficult task. I would be willing to try (I have graphic design and freelance 3d experience) but I don't own the textures and therefore sending them to me would be illegal.

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Posted: 26th Apr 2012 01:21
@Design Runner - I removed them. If you would be able to re-create it or if you have the textures and you could get it to work out somehow let me know.


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Posted: 27th Apr 2012 03:05
Some people might find this funny:


Get Out Alive (Zombie WIP): My latest zombie game I am working on.
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Posted: 27th Apr 2012 23:05 Edited at: 29th Apr 2012 20:44
EDIT: I actually solved my own problem. lol It is funny how the idea popped in my head how to fix it shortly after posting this.

I do have this problem still:
Edit: Fixed.

Thanks for any help in advance.


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Posted: 28th Apr 2012 09:20 Edited at: 28th Apr 2012 09:20
Check out all my signs I am using for the game:


Get Out Alive (Zombie WIP): My latest zombie game I am working on.


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mr Handy
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Posted: 28th Apr 2012 13:52
If you want to use soft bodies for killed enemies, you'll get "jelly zombie dancing time".

stop sign 2 has holes that it's back hasn't
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Posted: 28th Apr 2012 22:01 Edited at: 2nd May 2012 05:59
Quote: "If you want to use soft bodies for killed enemies, you'll get "jelly zombie dancing time".

stop sign 2 has holes that it's back hasn't"

True. I don't think it would work anyways. There is ragdolls now using Dark Dynamics.

There is no bullet holes on the back of that one. I don't have a texture that has bullet holes going though the back though so I might have to make it.


Get Out Alive (Zombie WIP): My latest zombie game I am working on.


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Posted: 2nd May 2012 05:59 Edited at: 2nd May 2012 20:12
I worked very hard on the custom blood emitter for a few days and it finally came out right!

I am going to add some code later to have the blood stick together and maybe even blood dripping down walls.

Attached is a demo showing off how the blood sticks to the floors and surfaces.

Get Out Alive (Zombie WIP): My latest zombie game I am working on.


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mr Handy
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Posted: 2nd May 2012 16:03
Runtime Error 506 - Could not load image at line 72.
LOAD IMAGE E:\Program Files\The Game Creators\Projects\Get Out Alive\Media\Decals\Blood\Blood Spray,1,0,0

«It's the Shader, shader me this, shader me that»
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Posted: 2nd May 2012 20:12 Edited at: 2nd May 2012 20:15
Fixed it. Thanks for telling me.


Get Out Alive (Zombie WIP): My latest zombie game I am working on.
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Posted: 2nd May 2012 20:12 Edited at: 2nd May 2012 20:15
Now I am going to work on gore. I had a few ideas but the objects I am currently using do not have limbs. All limbs are on limb 3 for the objects I am using so I have to find some alternative way of handling limbs. I might need to export the file using another program that will export the limb information correctly. I plan on having some form of gore. At minimum having the head explode when you shoot it.


Get Out Alive (Zombie WIP): My latest zombie game I am working on.
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Posted: 6th May 2012 00:58
Sorry guys I haven't posted any more progress. I've been busy buying and converting over model's from the model packs. I have a bunch of new model packs that are sure to add a lot of detail to my game. I am buying a lot of debree packs to add some extra detail. I also am adding a better road for the Dead End Road level. I am also adding better phone poles, buildings, and adding more ruins.

I will get back to you once I have the updated levels finished.


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Posted: 7th May 2012 14:23

as we all know

all good things take time .. Even the Gory parts ;o) lol

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Posted: 7th May 2012 14:55 Edited at: 7th May 2012 14:56

I'm impressed

this looks like it was conceived in FPS creator but is not

in DarkPhysics there was a peace that had to do with items
being attracted to one item

I know with a bit of kicking it in the but it could be
used for blood dripping down the walls

or at best you could create your own version of the same thought

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Posted: 10th May 2012 23:45 Edited at: 10th May 2012 23:46
Here is a short vid showing off a new feature:

Doesn't show the cursor but I am moving around using the GUI gadgets.


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Posted: 18th May 2012 23:26 Edited at: 18th May 2012 23:26
@Everyone - Sorry it's been so long i've been busy.

Here is the latest with the project:


Get Out Alive (Zombie WIP): My latest zombie game I am working on.
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Posted: 19th May 2012 14:55 Edited at: 19th May 2012 22:02

I'm very impressed that is a large level

ya tings come up
I hope to get started soon on my own projects
I've been waiting for things to settle down :oP

as well as waiting for needed additions for DBP to come into existence ;o)

I know there are 3 more things needed
but I will have to wait for them to make an appearance

to move side ways - is to move forward
Since a Strait line gets thin fast
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Posted: 19th May 2012 19:50 Edited at: 27th May 2012 05:45
@Resourceful - The great thing is that I'm not even done yet! That is just 3-4 buildings on one side. The other side will have 4 buildings as well. I could have around 8-10 buildings in my level.


Get Out Alive (Zombie WIP): My latest zombie game I am working on.


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Posted: 19th May 2012 22:00

I did not think you would be dun yet

for some reason I got 2 copy's of the same message
but looking here on the forum you only posted once

to move side ways - is to move forward
Since a Strait line gets thin fast

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