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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / Island defence - Now on google play store

The Zoq2
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Posted: 5th May 2012 21:07 Edited at: 5th May 2012 21:08
Hi all, it has been a long time, but I have finaly released my "big" project that I have been working on the most to the google play store.

Island defence is a game where you pilot a helicopter, a cobra or a littlebird and defend an island from incoming ships. While the cobra is just a helicopter armed with rockets (Wich isn't that bad) the littlebird wich is weaker, allso has controll over a UAV helicopter to help defending the island.

Get it on google play

If you find any bugs, or got any suggestions, please post them here and I will look into them
Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 5th May 2012 22:51 Edited at: 5th May 2012 23:19
First time did i get a forced close app not responding.
Second time so have i bin waiting for 6 minutes for it to load?
A black screen with text loading cobra for a long while.
Seams to freeze when the sea image have loaded.
And starts and i cant control the heli to much?
Runs very slow on my device?
I cant see if it fires bullets?
The third time so did the heli simply fly away to the bottom where i couldt control it at all?
When i tryed to uninstall it so did android market tell me that they havent managed the install of the app even if i downloaded it from them?

Sadly so did it not work to well with my phone

I tryed to reinstall it but the same problems?
My phone dont like your game?
The Zoq2
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Posted: 5th May 2012 23:22
Quote: "A black screen with text loading cobra for a long while"

I am aware of that, sadly though, im not sure what causes it

Quote: "Seams to freeze when the sea image have loaded."

Did you tap one of the helicopters?

Quote: "And starts and i cant control the heli to much?"

Try pressing the "back button" and pressing calibrate

Quote: "I cant see if it fires bullets?"

It's a bit hard to see on smaller screens, could that be the problem

Quote: "The third time so did the heli simply fly away to the bottom where i couldt control it at all?"

That's something I have to counter

Quote: "When i tryed to uninstall it so did android market tell me that they havent managed the install of the app even if i downloaded it from them?"

That's odd

Thanks for taking your time to give feedback, I will try to fix most of this!
Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 5th May 2012 23:33 Edited at: 5th May 2012 23:33
Quote: "Did you tap one of the helicopters?"

I tapped the whole screen untill it started
Maybe some info like select your chopper?
Quote: "It's a bit hard to see on smaller screens, could that be the problem"

Could be but some bullets where visible and the second time so did it shoot alot of missiles before it whent off screen.

Quote: "Try pressing the "back button" and pressing calibrate"

Maybe an calibrate button on the start screen?

Quote: "Thanks for taking your time to give feedback, I will try to fix most of this! "

Always trying to help
The Zoq2
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Posted: 5th May 2012 23:53
Quote: "Maybe an calibrate button on the start screen?"

The game calibrates when you select your helicopter

Quote: "I tapped the whole screen untill it started
Maybe some info like select your chopper?"

Yea, im planning on adding that, im having some problems with "SetSpriteAnimation()" on android though so the patch may take a while...
The Zoq2
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Posted: 6th May 2012 12:14
I updated the game, It shouldn't get stuck on the loading screen and I remade the "animation" on the helicopters to only being one image.

Hopefully this will remove some of the problems you experienced...
The Zoq2
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Posted: 10th May 2012 16:54
Hmm, tripplepost. not good Hopefully the mods will be fine with it

I just wanted to say that I updated the game once more, now you should be able to zoom in on the helicopter to make the game easier to play on smaller screens.
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Posted: 10th May 2012 18:28 Edited at: 10th May 2012 18:29
The Zoq2, I'll break your run of posts for you

I've just downloaded Island Defence to give it a try and I have found a couple issues, which are bizarre... I will upload a couple images for you later, but the first issue is that when I click on the advert and then return back to the app, the Virtual Joystick and Virtual Button are replaced by different assets within your game (it will be alot clearer when I upload the image, but am at work so can't just yet), for example, I am now using a little image of the island to fire as opposed to the virtual button and the Virtual Joystick is now a strange square...

The second issue is that this game canes my CPU, its running at about 48%...

Like I say, I'll attach the images later but thought I'd let you know in case you want to try and replicate the issues...

Just click on the ad and then press the back button and start a game, you should see what I mean...
The Zoq2
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Posted: 10th May 2012 19:31
Quote: "The second issue is that this game canes my CPU, its running at about 48%..."

I believe that's a common problem for all AppGameKit apps.

As for the images replacing the joystick, it's someting I have noticed to, not when clicking ads, but on other ocations. Since it's the joysticks getting replaced, sadly I think there is nothing I can do about it. If anyone knows what causes it, please let me know

Thank you for the feedback!
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Posted: 10th May 2012 21:51
Hey the Zoq2,
I've tried your game. It works smooth in a htc explorer, using the zoom of course.
The game really likes me, but I've encountered some points that imho could be change/added in order to make it more playable in small screen devices:
-the zoom selection is really difficult, maybe using virtual buttons could be easier to select
-using virtual joy in a small screen is crappy. I'd like that using accelerometers not only choose the heli direction but the angle too instead using joy to select angle
-the options screen, the red rect in the right bottom, is hard to read... I don't know what is used for

Despite this points it seems a good game for me.
Thanks for sharing it and excuse my english.

PS.: of course I clicked in the ad!
The Zoq2
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Posted: 10th May 2012 23:39 Edited at: 11th May 2012 00:40
Quote: "-the zoom selection is really difficult, maybe using virtual buttons could be easier to select"

Oh yea, I may need to find a better system for that.

Quote: "-using virtual joy in a small screen is crappy. I'd like that using accelerometers not only choose the heli direction but the angle too instead using joy to select angle"

I realize that, but there is not realy any good way to do that. atleast if you want to be able to strafe. I do plan on making multiple control types though.

Quote: "-the options screen, the red rect in the right bottom, is hard to read... I don't know what is used for"

And my big screen stikes again
It says clear options and is used if the slider glitches out or if I release a new update with new options.

Quote: "Thanks for sharing it and excuse my english.

PS.: of course I clicked in the ad! "

Thank you for the feed back, and the ad

PS your english is fine!

I updated the APK, I added some new features to the options screen, made the lider (hopefully) more useable on smaller screens and added options for controlls.

No acellerometer only yet though
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Posted: 11th May 2012 08:05
Just played this on my HP Touchpad w/ ICS and it worked great, no problems. Nice job
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Posted: 14th May 2012 19:28
Tried your game on a Samsung Galaxy II phone, it worked well, but things were abit hard to hit, like the menu buttons. I had a similar problem, and solved it, by not only checking the point where the user clicks the screen, but infact the center and 8 additional points 13 pixels from the center of touch, in a circle. That increased sensitivity alot.

AGK user - novice
Did Amiga / AMOS programming in the 90's, just started programming again with AGK.
The Zoq2
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Posted: 14th May 2012 23:24
Quote: "Tried your game on a Samsung Galaxy II phone, it worked well, but things were abit hard to hit, like the menu buttons. I had a similar problem, and solved it, by not only checking the point where the user clicks the screen, but infact the center and 8 additional points 13 pixels from the center of touch, in a circle. That increased sensitivity alot."

That's a good idea, I have to try that...
Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 14th May 2012 23:35
Hi zoq
I havent had the time to test your last release but i will try to give it a go later this week .

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Posted: 16th May 2012 19:15
looks interesting, will there be a iOS version ,then I can play it.

The Miracrea Games
The Zoq2
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Posted: 17th May 2012 10:26
Quote: "looks interesting, will there be a iOS version ,then I can play it."

I would like to make an iOS version, but since don't have a mac or apple developer account I am not able to do it. Unless TGC or someone else wants to publish for me

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