I'm almost certainly old enough to make Ancient Lady look like a teenager (which she may well do!). Bought an Apple ][ when it came out in 1978. I'm actually a writer, and I learned to program using AppleSoft Basic at first, but when UCSD Pascal came out shortly after I found it by far the fastest and best language to develop with, and I still do.
I've used C/C++, various assemblers, Forth, Oberon, Modula-2, Lisp, APL - you name it!
I was one of the developers for Commodore and others for the Amiga and CDTV - programmed Music Maker for the CDTV launch and wrote chunks of the CDTV Developers' Manual. I also ported a PC CD writer program to the Amiga - the first time an Amiga wrote a CD. Blanks cost £25 each, and CD writers like the Philips cost £3,000. Think of that next time you chuck a naff DVD blank that cost you next to nothing into the rubbish can. Grown developers cried publicly if a disk burn failed.
When Commodore screwed up with the CD32, in which the engineers had removed a vital interrupt, making half the programs not work correctly, and then the monstrous Medhi Ali cashed in his chips and destroyed Commodore, I had to refocus on PC programming - much as I hated the primitive machines.
Fortunately, Delphi came out at about that time. Without question Delphi remains the best programming interface created so far. There is nothing that you can do in C++ that you can't do using Delphi, and a hell of a lot using Delphi that you can't do in C++ - or if you can it'll take you weeks instead of seconds.
I've only used Basic once since 1979. AppGameKit Basic has some crippling limitations, in my opinion - particularly in an over-reliance on globals, lack of call by reference, lack of inheritance... I could go on. I do not believe that Basic is easy to use well, and my aged opinion is that a strongly-typed language like Pascal with pre-declared variables saves huge amounts of time and frustration because the compiler will catch 90% of problems before you're even able to run the program.
Sorry for the long post - but I'm very old and inclined to ramble on a bit.
-- Jim