I just spent a frustrating half hour trying to figure out why the Android Player kept showing up after my spash screen when I ran my project in Eclipse.
Then I discovered that the same 'quick' fix for iOS/Mac Tier1 apps does NOT apply to Android Tier1 as I had thought.
In Xcode, you can set up the core interpreter.cpp to use the "bytecode.byc" string by adding a line to interpreter.h (as the third line):
In another thread that I cannot find, one where someone was having trouble compiling in cygwin for Android, I suggested the same fix.
But it turns out that that fix doesn't handle it all.
You still need to uncomment line #242 (v1072):
strcpy ( g_pInterpreterByteCodeFile, "bytecode.byc" ); // comment in for T1 BASIC APP
I apologize for providing incorrect advice.
Ancient Lady