I haven't looked at that version of the guide (I just used the simple one from the documentation Guides page).
First off, I'd make a shortcut on my desk to the batch file that opens the cygwin window. It makes it much simpler to start up.
Next, from the excerpt you posted, it doesn't look complete for updating the android environment when there is a new version of AGK.
You only need to do 1.9-2 when AppGameKit gets updated. You will also need to rebuild your Android apps and make sure that any changes to core stuff are copied.
These are commands I execute every time I update/change my AppGameKit version. I have my Windows AppGameKit installed in C:\TGC\AGK (I never use the Program Files directories if given the choice, I hate spaces in paths/file names). And I used simply 'android-ndk' for the Android NDK path (I used the most recent version).
To update the core AppGameKit stuff:
cp --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/IDE/common/include/* /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/common/include
cp -R --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/IDE/apps/interpreter/* /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/apps/interpreter
cp -R --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/IDE/apps/interpreter_android/* /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/apps/interpreter_android
cp -R --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/IDE/platform/android/* /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/platform/android
cp -R --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/IDE/templates/template_android/* /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/templates/template_android
To update my own projects after updating core AppGameKit (this is important to make sure that your project uses any new stuff):
cp -R --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/IDE/apps/interpreter_android/jni/* /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/apps/<myappname>/jni
cp -R --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/IDE/apps/interpreter_android/libs/* /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/apps/<myappname>/libs
cp -R --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/IDE/apps/interpreter_android/obj/* /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/apps/<myappname>/obj
cp -R --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/IDE/apps/interpreter_android/src/* /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/apps/<myappname>/src
After doing the above to make sure the permissions are correct and that Eclipse will be able to run the app on the Android device:
cd /cygdrive/c/Android
chown -R <winusername>:mkgroup *
chmod -R a+r,a+w *
cd /cygdrive/c/Android/android-sdk/platform-tools/
chmod -R a+x *.exe
Now, just so you have a working player, build the player:
cd /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/apps/interpreter_android
/cygdrive/c/android/android-ndk/ndk-build clean
/cygdrive/c/android/android-ndk/ndk-build 2> log.txt
Edit /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/apps/interpreter/interpreter.cpp to uncomment the correct line so that your app will run instead of the player. In v1075 and v1076 it is at line #255:
// Assign byte code filename when running standalone
// strcpy ( g_pInterpreterByteCodeFile, "bytecode.byc" ); // comment in for T1 BASIC APP
Copy from your AppGameKit Tier1 directory, clean and compile your app:
cd /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/apps/<myappname>
\rm ./assets/media/*.txt
\rm ./assets/media/*.png
\rm ./assets/media/*.jpg
\rm ./assets/media/*.wav
cp --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/Projects/Basic/<myappname>/media/*.jpg ./assets/media
cp --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/Projects/Basic/<myappname>/media/*.txt ./assets/media
cp --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/Projects/Basic/<myappname>/media/*.png ./assets/media
cp --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/Projects/Basic/<myappname>/media/*.wav ./assets/media
cp --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/Projects/Basic/<myappname>/media/<myappname>.byc ./assets/media/bytecode.byc
/cygdriveÆ’/c/android/android-ndk/ndk-build clean
/cygdrive/c/android/android-ndk/ndk-build 2> log.txt
Good luck!
Ancient Lady