I'm working on a simple database app that I will use in my projects. I made the app keyboard controlled cause I'm planning on using this mostly on my laptop. The current version looks like DOS but that will change later. You navigate and modify the database using commands. The only limit you have is a bit over 65000 entries and that each entry can only hold 256 bytes of data. An entry can be either a directory or data, each data is devided into index (name) and data (text or a value). You can create any form of tree structure you want, just create directories inside directories.
Current version is still an alpha but it should be fully operational exept that an export command will be added. This command exports the data base to a text file that you should be able to write an import function for in your programs. I will create an example import that you will be able to use in DB/DBP.
Version: A.1.0
C&C, suggestions and bug reports are welcome
This shot shows how DAdata can be used in an RPG. I just added the edit commands (copy, cut and paste):