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Work in Progress / My Magic Storybook - looking for AGK input

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Posted: 13th Jun 2012 17:52 Edited at: 15th Jun 2012 13:40
Hi all.

Here is a few short video's of an early WIP of a new interactive storybook creator I am coding. At the moment I am doing the editing suite and windows based player single handed, although what I am looking for ideally is for someone to team up that is good with AppGameKit (app game kit) and develop a player for mobile platforms.

The concept is to take childrens books and bring them into the electronic age of i-Pads and Android with some style, while also being fun and interactive.

Anyway, here are a few links to some early video's of the editor and a very early player (similar would be desired for the AppGameKit platform):



Here is simple code for an automatic word "grabber" that will allow words to highlight as they are spoken, with working interface and options.

Anyone up for the AppGameKit challenge?

(Please note - I am NOT advertising for staff, nor am I promissing any income)
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Posted: 15th Jun 2012 03:57
whats APG?

and I don't want to hit you down but KIDS need to touch books not a screen, you are approving spoiling their eyes try to understand where I am coming from with this...

there IS an age rating on the use of such devices perhaps look into this before venturing further into this project...

fair enough its handy for grown ups but more often than not, its the children that read these books when they can and they do...

I could be half right and half wrong here but either way I like the concept

perhaps try a different approach, and also you are going to hit copyright issues from DAY 0

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Posted: 15th Jun 2012 13:46 Edited at: 15th Jun 2012 13:50
Thanks for pointing out that typo - APG should have been AGK. Lol.

I understand your point about them touching books, but this project is being designed from the ground up for a touch screen - hence the move to AppGameKit for tablets and phones. I'm handling the windows version (bare in mind there will be a small flood of windows 8 based touch tablets soon), and the editor, but i-pads etc are the target platform.

And I am aware of the copyright issues, however I was previously a novel writer and have a smattering of experience with publishers and a few contacts - that won't be an issue as the goal is to licence the software to them (publishers are great with books, normally not with technology). The simple fact is, printed books ARE coming to the end of their life, and the publishing industry is aware of this and changing to meet this, all be it slowly. However, current Kindles etc cannot do what this will (Many more features other than just showing pictures are coming, some of which are really good). I have a 3 year old who already loves it, and can comfortably use a touch screen, so hopefully it will find it's market.

Good points though.
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Posted: 15th Jun 2012 13:54 Edited at: 15th Jun 2012 13:56
Quote: "Poke a Rock, Nothing Happens, Poke a man, He Speaks,
- MrValentine 2012 -"


Fixed post...

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