I have the german version of DarkBASIC, I have no problems with it (except finding those bugs in my programs). I wanted to buy DarkMATTER, it says it will be available in the mid-november.
It's said there :
But this site won't be updated anymore, look at the following quote :
Quote: "Umstellung auf www.darkbasicpro.de
Darkbasic.de wird nicht mehr aktualisiert. Das Forum wird weiterhin im Betrieb sein, bis die neue Seite unter www.darkbasicpro.de gelauncht wird."
And following to this, I noticed there is nothing on http://www.darkbasicpro.de
So I have to ask my question here, I hope anyone can help me.
I was wondering if that a german version of DarkMATTER, if yes, what are the differences between that one and the english one ?
If that german site is not running anymore, where could I get it ?
"Begin at the beginning, and go on till you come to the end: then stop." - Lewis Carroll