Thanks, Ancient One - I hadn't followed the links at the bottom. On the whole, programming is a thankless and humourless task, but for anybody who's been programming for a long time, this is sheer bliss.
We could drone on forever about what fun it all was or was not.
Turbo Pascal and Modula-2 made the dire load of old junk that was a PC (deliberately crippled by IBM) into something maybe usable. It was exciting to hit the "Go" key and have a program that ran a couple of seconds later, without multiple stages, linker problems, and all the other things which we have, it appears, sadly returned to.
The younger generation is now confronting the same old issues which we faced in the late seventies and early eighties. They will never, possibly, understand the sheer sense of empowerment that typing PRINT 5 * 3 and hitting Return meant as the number 15 appeared on the TV. Oh - maybe I'm wrong! Getting "15" to appear on an Android screen could take days of installation, many hours of work, 273 postings about path settings, NDK and SDK versions, required folders, version conflicts - and on and on, so you'd feel pretty good if you got there!
-- Jim