Good thinking, but no, I don't create any files while I'm loading in the dictionary. I do create two files later, a config file and a scores file, but they are both really small.
In the compiled and installed Android game, the config/scores are written to the sd card in AGK/Unknown/media. Those are the only two files in the folder.
With the broadcast version, the folder is AGK/gamename/media, and all the dictionary files are in there with all my game graphics and my .byc file, as to be expected. Everything from the media folder gets copied to the device in a broadcast.
I can't find the dictionary files nor my game graphics on the sd card, so I'm assuming those files have to be unpacked somehow before they can be loaded by my code, and thus the long load time.
Now here's something interesting... in the game, I load in some other data from files with the .txt extension, and I found these in a "Documents" folder while exploring the files on my Kindle Fire. Apparently the Android OS thinks it knows to store ".txt" files in an internal documents folder. I'm going to rename my dictionary files to a ".txt" extension, see if that gets rid of the delay.
MORE EDIT: Didn't work, still takes alomst 3 minutes to load the dictionary files. Rats.
Some days, the bear will eat you.
Some days, you'll eat the bear.
Today, I'm eating the bear!