I just ran a test using Tier 2 to show orientation.
Orientation 3 was reported for iOS orientation Landscape Right.
So, I made the test a bit more extensive. All tests done with iPad initially in default Portrait orientation.
I set the Xcode orientations allowed and used the SetOrientationAllowed command to match what appeared to be the same orientation. The results:
SetOrientation(1,1,0,0) and iOS Portrait Up and Down - the displayed and reported orientations matched and only the two portrait modes were allowed
SO(0,0,1,1) and iOS Land Right and Left - display and actual good, and allowed both
SO(1,0,0,0) and iOS Portrait (top) - display and actual consistent and would not allow a flip
SO(0,1,0,0) and iOS Portrait bottom - display and actual consistent and would not allow a flip
SO(0,0,1,0) and iOS Land Right (as from first test) - init display in Landscape Right, reporting Orientation 3 (the only one reported to be allowed); tilting to either Portrait orientation caused no change; tilt to Landscape Left and the display flipped to Landscape Left, but still reported Orientation 3 and could not be flipped back. And, when the app was closed, the display was still in Landscape Right mode.
SO(0,0,0,1) and iOS Land Left - similar behavior, initially correct for reported and actual orientation, but allowed flip to other Landscape and would not report the change.
There appears to be a stablization issue for the landscape modes.
Ancient Lady
AGK Community Tester