i am pleased to announce Bullet Effects!
what are bullets effects you ask ?
well if you have played Tower Defense games before
you probably used diffrent types of towers
like flame throwers , ice towers, electric bounce and other kinds like poision and stuff.
so i wondered how would i apply these in my game first i thought that each tower will have its own effect but since the bullets in my game work as a standalone regardless the tower they came from a bullet effect must be applied.
therefor bullet effect.
i have worked for a few hours and implented an Ice effect that makes the creeps slow down and added another effect(still in development) Splash, so each Ice bullet effect all near by creeps it wont take dmg off them just add the slow down effect.
beside that ...
i am still struglling to find the HUD or Menu bar that will enable a player to choose what tower he wants to builds so im still thinking about it havent code anything yet i have a nice idea for it but im not really sure about it.
at the start of the day today i have jucied up the creeps , health bar , waves and towers just to see whats going on i played for 30 minutes and saw that the game start easy and then becomes extremlly hard , so what i did as i needed the extra cash from the creeps but becouse they are too hard to kill i couldnt so i did this:
each creep that finishes the path will not die , instead it will restart at the Start Point with the same Health points it had when it reaches the end point, so now you have better chance to get the extra cash you thought you lost.
the downside is that now there are too many creeps , but not to worry the Splash Tower will kill them all
good day
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