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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [X9] Paranormal Files: The Legend of Slender Man

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Posted: 9th Jul 2012 04:45 Edited at: 9th Jul 2012 04:47

Engine: X9

Developer: Astek


It wasn't but a few days ago a young girl was reported missing from a small community in El Paso Texas. This, however, was only the latest disappearance to strike the big state of Texas. It has almost become like a pandemic. In the last few months, more then 10 disappearances have been reported across Texas. While there have been 3 adults to go missing, the majority has been children (7). Investigative reports note that the kid's all complained of feeling nauseous, experiencing headaches, and vomiting (in certain cases). Symptoms ranged from child to child but every one of them reported seeing a man in a suit with incredibly long arms and the absence of a face. The fact the creature has no face is loosely noted as most of the kids seems to not remember the face details (or lack-thereof) for a sure fact. Each victim seemed to disappear out of thin air and at times when no one was present with them.

As a Texas Ranger, it is your job to observe several of these crimes scenes. Does Slender Man actually exist? Is there a better explanation for the happenings? It is your duty to find out but has this Slender Man made you his next target? Has he?

This game is a mystery/horror game that will take use of puzzles and story telling elements.

The Ranger's Office:

This is the latest in my Paranormal series of games. It is still early in development and I will keep you posted as I add more.

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Posted: 9th Jul 2012 04:57 Edited at: 9th Jul 2012 04:58
About time someone made a game about Slender Man

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Posted: 9th Jul 2012 09:42
Damn it! Someone thought of this before I did!

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Posted: 9th Jul 2012 17:11
Quote: "About time someone made a game about Slender Man"

Quote: "Someone thought of this before I did!"

Actually, there is a Unity game called "Slender" that did this. Instead of dropping you into the woods, I'm dropping you into urban environments. The fact I plan to do Mothman or Bigfoot, I'm going to save the forest adventures for a later title.

I also know I've dropped the ball on at least 3 projects here lately (ATTC, AOTA, and Unnamed Horror title) but unlike those titles, I plan to release the Paranormal Files games. Check out "The Lighthouse" if you already haven't. I think I will remaster it someday for giggles or something.

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Posted: 9th Jul 2012 18:34
textures, composing and allover clean graphical setting look really good, very plastic, wow. nice work.

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Posted: 9th Jul 2012 18:46
This sounds simply brilliant. Good job.

I'm looking forward to see how you pull off the model of
mr.slender himself

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Posted: 9th Jul 2012 20:05
I really like the two photo's of the game so far. Pretty accurate on how an old school office would be.

I seriously wouldn't mind showing the slender man what powers an RPK and a 7.62 round could do. Time to kill some Slender man

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Posted: 9th Jul 2012 22:09

Here is an update of the office. I'd wish someone had a coat rack model and perhaps a nice cowboy hat. I think it would complete the scene I'm trying to make.

Quote: "I really like the two photo's of the game so far. Pretty accurate on how an old school office would be."

I tried to stylize it around how a 1940's detective office would be and then design it around a modern look. Reference pictures do wonders.

Quote: "Time to kill some Slender man"

That would be too easy.

Quote: "textures, composing and allover clean graphical setting look really good, very plastic, wow. nice work."

Thanks. I'm trying to go for a dark toned and crisp style here.

Quote: "This sounds simply brilliant. Good job."

Thanks for the comments.

PC Specs: AMD X4 2.7Ghz, 8GB DDR3 RAM, Nvidia 9800GT, Win. 7 Pro 64 Bit
Disturbing 13
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Posted: 10th Jul 2012 00:00 Edited at: 10th Jul 2012 00:00
Quote: " I'd wish someone had a coat rack model and perhaps and perhaps a nice cowboy hat. I think it would complete the scene I'm trying to make."

I have bunch of cowboy hat models I made to piece together..well.. cowboys. I'll zip you up something and see about that coat rack as well. I'm a huge cryptid /legendary creature buff myself and would love to see this project come to full fruition. Check your mail soon.

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Posted: 10th Jul 2012 00:02
Quote: "I'm a huge cryptid /legendary creature buff myself"

Now why does that not surprise me? LOL

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Posted: 10th Jul 2012 00:24
This looks pretty cool.

Slenderman is one of my favourites, I always wanted to do something with the character...

I know it's a really simple detail, but I especially like the alleyway out the window.

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Posted: 10th Jul 2012 01:38 Edited at: 10th Jul 2012 01:39
I think the revolver looks a bit big scale it down just a little...

Edit: also maybe make the office half a segement bigger I mean your head is like on those lights and stuff the office needs to be higher
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Posted: 10th Jul 2012 02:05
Quote: "I think the revolver looks a bit big scale it down just a little..."


Quote: "Edit: also maybe make the office half a segement bigger I mean your head is like on those lights and stuff the office needs to be higher"

It's the perspective the shot was taken from. The room is plenty big enough.

Quote: "I know it's a really simple detail, but I especially like the alleyway out the window."

Aiming for details! I think details make the immersion.

Quote: "I have bunch of cowboy hat models I made to piece together..well.. cowboys. I'll zip you up something and see about that coat rack as well."

Thank you! I was actually thinking of your Western pack when I posted earlier. I can't wait to see what you've got.

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Posted: 10th Jul 2012 09:10 Edited at: 10th Jul 2012 09:13
Mail sent, Hope it's satisfactory.

@BlackFox- LOL, yes I am predictable I guess.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2012 06:29 Edited at: 11th Jul 2012 06:29
Quote: "Mail sent, Hope it's satisfactory."

Very. Thank you for contributing. I won't have it in an upcoming screenshot but you can bet the hat and rack found a little nice corner to fill!

Funny story guys but my PC wouldn't start up right this morning. I had to go into Safe Mode and do a whole bunch of stuff to troubleshoot and get it working again. It looks like Slenderman is trying to stop me from making this game! Boy is he persistent.

Here is a screen I cooked up for you guys. This is the range:

I realize I haven't shown you anything creepy... but where is the fun in letting you in on my dirty tricks at the very beginning? Bookmark this page or something. More on this game will be coming up.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2012 20:03
Simply brilliant! I really like the attention to detail and how you make everything seem so "real" without the usual clutter of random objects you see in FPSC! This is like the perfect example of where each entity/segment has been placed after careful thought as to why exactly it is being placed there and how it adds to the scene!

Ill be following this


For KeithC
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Posted: 12th Jul 2012 05:30
That room looks great!For the first time I can't see any flaws in that picture.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2012 18:43 Edited at: 12th Jul 2012 18:47

I've been on the fence about whether to include a supporting character in this game. Most horror games put you alone and that's always a good approach. However, I can't see a smart officer going alone to something such as serious as a kidnapping crime scene.

So, I will introduce Sergeant Lathem as a supporting character. How long he actually stays in the story is undecided at this point. So there you have it! That's the news. Other then the fact I've completed 2 maps so far, nothing "big" is ready to be announced yet.

I'm going to eventually put this game on IndieDB, so I will tell you guys when I do.

Quote: "Simply brilliant! I really like the attention to detail and how you make everything seem so "real" without the usual clutter of random objects you see in FPSC!"

One thing you can always overlook in the game is the environment. I've noticed this when playing several games myself. When something sticks out like a sore thumb, people WILL notice that. The trick is to make the map feel so "realistic" that no one will second guess the placing of objects where they are placed, etc.

Quote: "That room looks great!For the first time I can't see any flaws in that picture."

I'm sure there is plenty of room for improvement... as with anything.

Thanks for the comments guys! Stay tuned.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2012 20:22
Quote: "I'm going to eventually put this game on IndieDB, so I will tell you guys when I do."

Do it! We need some good stuff there concidering all the crap that is uploaded there by the hour.

You seem to work more with textures now and your overall visual quality has improved a lot. The rooms have a certain realistic feel to it which is lagging in a lot of other games.

Your games always where entertaining and interesting aswell as well crafted... I guess I'll see the same from this title.

You are also one of the few fellas around here that know how to use FPSC.

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Posted: 16th Jul 2012 20:40 Edited at: 16th Jul 2012 20:40
Quote: "Do it! We need some good stuff there concidering all the crap that is uploaded there by the hour.

True! send us reinforcements

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Posted: 21st Jul 2012 19:38
I'm just posting to tell you guys that this game is still being worked on. I'm just trying to figure out how I'm going to do the string of levels.

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2012 11:08
mail sent

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2012 22:04 Edited at: 23rd Jul 2012 22:07

This screenshot was taken from a basement section in one of the levels. I decided to post this to give you guys something new to look at.

Quote: "mail sent"

Received. Its looking to shape up very nicely! I will reply when I have some more critiques.

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2012 23:02 Edited at: 23rd Jul 2012 23:03
Great work on this so far. The scenes look quite believable; props are placed logically, the textures are sharp and don't clash, simply smooth and realistic.

Good thinking on keeping the environments clean and retaining an overall realistic look to them, will mix really well with the paranormal events taking place there, a nice contrast.

Also: glad to see someone that doesn't "flood" his game with way too much shaders, ruining the visual quality by making everything bumpy, shiny and what not.

I still don't understand, why so many people create games about a myth that originated out of fun during a Photoshop contest, but I'm really looking forward how this project evolves.


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Posted: 26th Jul 2012 20:28
check this link out it might help you on ur game!!!

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Posted: 26th Jul 2012 21:41 Edited at: 27th Jul 2012 00:06
Quote: "check this link out it might help you on ur game!!!"

I've seen and played that game. By the way that is not originally what gave me the idea for this game. The game is okay for a 1-2 week mock up in Unity but I'm shooting for more of a story experience.

I know that Slenderman primarily targets kids but he also targets people who believe in him. A cop/ranger looking for these missing children could start to believe in the myth if he is more apt to it then other people.

I'm also going to be taking advantage of Slenderman's powers to the fullest. Placing you out in the woods is creepy but I'm setting the game in an urban/western environment to expand on the experience.

Quote: "I still don't understand, why so many people create games about a myth that originated out of fun during a Photoshop contest,"

Why not? It's an easy character to build a story upon. I mean, zombies aren't real and so many things make the scenario impossible. It's just easy to work with... for both cases.

PC Specs: AMD X4 2.7Ghz, 8GB DDR3 RAM, Nvidia 9800GT, Win. 7 Pro 64 Bit
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Posted: 1st Aug 2012 18:15
Small Update:

I am now on IndieDB. Be sure to check out the thread. It's not showing much more then what I am here but its a start.

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Cross Bones
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2012 18:42
This looks great! Would you consider releasing the Slenderman model? My game developer buddy was terrified while playing Slender, and I'd love to see his reaction of a Slenderman popping out in front of him in a shooter level. When I saw that screenie of the cop, I really thought it was something from a high quality platform game. No killing slenderboy? That's what I wanted to do the entire time playing slender. In my mind I thought of opening the game up in FPSC, putting a Vickers next to the spawn with a decent amount of ammo and letting 'er rip. A boy can dream, eh? Did you make those shooting range lanes? They look great. Can you provide more info as to how the game is going to be played? Until 4 days ago, I had never heard of Slenderman, now he's everywhere in my scope! I hope he doesn't think I believe in him or anything.

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Posted: 4th Aug 2012 05:31
Quote: "Would you consider releasing the Slenderman model?"

Not mine to say.

Quote: "No killing slenderboy?"

Story will explain it.

Quote: "Did you make those shooting range lanes?"

The models, no. The map, yes.

Quote: "Can you provide more info as to how the game is going to be played?"

As a first person adventure.

On a side-note, I'm needing some gameplay testers. I'm limiting it to only a few people. Any people interested?

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Posted: 4th Aug 2012 09:00
you already know you can count me in.

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Posted: 5th Aug 2012 03:45
Good. I think I know the entire story for the game now. You guys are going to love it. It stays close to Slenderman's attributes but I get to add my own twist and back story!

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Posted: 5th Aug 2012 08:58
i would like to test it too, because i play the slender game too and dont found it very good

Yes, i´m a noob, but i like it
The Nerevar
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Posted: 10th Aug 2012 08:12
I've just googled slender man! scary stuff, I peed my pants, even when watching this reaction video:

I'm familiar with this, but I'm still learning!
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Posted: 11th Aug 2012 04:03
I might have a heart attack and die, but I'll test it if you still have some spots available.

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Posted: 11th Aug 2012 04:39
Disturbing 13 has contributed nicely with a model. For the sake of what I'm doing... I'm going to try and keep the game relatively simple. I think I'm starting to thing "too big" and it will ultimately kill the game for me.

Expect some updates in the future.

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Posted: 12th Aug 2012 01:49
Indeed keep it simple; you're doing great at the pace your going. There seems to be some sort of slenderman race going on right now (4 possible people making games about slenderman), but I can tell you the first to release won't nessecarily be the best. Take all the time you need on it to give it that special ASTEK feel.

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Posted: 12th Aug 2012 02:01
The less, the better in horror games.

Amnesia for example...

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Posted: 13th Aug 2012 06:22
Quote: "Take all the time you need on it to give it that special ASTEK feel."

Oh I will alright. I'm just having a little trouble knowing exactly what I want to do for a level right now.

Quote: "The less, the better in horror games. "


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Posted: 13th Aug 2012 06:55
Hello, I just want to start off by explaining I love the SlenderMan Meme and I have beat the Slender game. Quite big controversy over such a simple character, I must say.

This is a stunning game from what I have been seeing. Your models are clean, your environments are very thoughtful, and the idea that you are adding a story to such an uninformable character gives this game automatic play value. Honestly, this seems to be the most professional game I have yet to see being created in FPSC.

I will be waiting to play this, and I will definitely add this to my game collection. Keep it up.
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Posted: 13th Aug 2012 22:57

I have a new screen for you guys. It's very work in progress but I'm taking an old map I had in mind and re-imagining it for this game.

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Posted: 14th Aug 2012 01:11
Wow.. that is quite creepy indeed.

If I were you, I would work on the model of that car a little? It seems to simple compared to the other models.

But that is just my opinion, of course.

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Posted: 14th Aug 2012 02:47
whoa, that will make the game way too creepy for me!

looks good though...

I'm familiar with this, but I'm still learning!
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Posted: 15th Aug 2012 04:39
Hot damn, this looks really good, I wanna play it[/img]
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Posted: 15th Aug 2012 05:18
Thanks for the comments guys.

I'm thinking about adding a realistic looking rain effect. Does anyone know a great setting to set my rain decal at? My rain isn't that great.

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The Nerevar
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Posted: 15th Aug 2012 07:22
isn't there a postprocessing effect for rain?

I'm familiar with this, but I'm still learning!
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Posted: 15th Aug 2012 16:34
Quote: "isn't there a postprocessing effect for rain?"

Yes but when you look up, the rain is pouring the wrong way.

I'm going to have to use particles for this.

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Posted: 15th Aug 2012 18:44
there are a couple rain decals the look nice from FPS-Files.

and the rain drop impact decal from the sprite pack.

I'm familiar with this, but I'm still learning!
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Posted: 15th Aug 2012 18:51
Quote: "there are a couple rain decals the look nice from FPS-Files."

I know. I'm looking for some great settings for the particles however. I've tinker around but my rain doesn't look that great.

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2012 21:17
What probably isn't a shock to all, this game will be taking a long delay or it is to be canned entirely.

This discision comes from the spike of Slenderman titles on the forum and around the net. I feel that a good horror story game could be made from Slenderman, yet I also feel that the craze is turning into a slow burn. People will most likely be burned out on Slenderman by time I release the project.

This decision comes from careful thought and planning. I must also note that I plan not to show my work publicly anymore, unless I am 3/4 of the way done with the game.

Thanks to Disturbing13 for the help and whoever else may have pitched in. If this project does develop any further, it wont be until a long time from now.


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Posted: 3rd Sep 2012 01:08
Man that sucks but I completely understand. I'm not sure how far you got but can you use what you have for maybe another Urban legend, like Sasquatch,Chupra Cabres, Jersey Devil, Flat-woods Monster, The RouGaroo or Mothman?

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