im using vectors and i get acsses violations which i think causes GDK to crush at some points
here is parts of code obviusly i wont publish the entire code
but if you see something wrong pls help cause im kinda lost
creeps (ai bots) update
void UpdateCreeps(void)
// Updating Creeps
for (int c =0; c < creeps.size(); c ++)
int temp = creeps[c].Update() ; // 1 reached end point , 2 died cause hp is lower or equal to 0
if (creeps[c].dead) // if a creep is dead
creeps.erase(creeps.begin() + c);
else if (temp == 1 && lives > 0) // if a creep reached end point one life decrease
lives --;
else if (temp == 2) // if a creep is dead by towers money increase
cash += creeps[c].cost;
bullets update
void UpdateBullets(void)
// Updating Bullets
for (int b1 = 0; b1 < blts.size(); b1 ++)
if (blts[b1].alive)
int col = blts[b1].Update();
if (col > 0)
for (int bj = 0; bj < creeps.size(); bj ++)
if (col == creeps[bj].id)
creeps[bj].hp -= blts[b1].dmg;
// second Checking if bullets are dead
for (int b = 0; b < blts.size() ; b++)
if (!blts[b].alive)
if (dbIsObject(blts[b].id) == 1)
blts.erase(blts.begin() + b);
turrets Update
// Updating Turrets
for (int t1 = 0; t1 < PlayerT.size(); t1++)
if (PlayerT[t1].locked > 0)
if (GetDistance(PlayerT[t1].id,PlayerT[t1].locked) > PlayerT[t1].range)
PlayerT[t1].locked = 0;
for (int tj = 0; tj < creeps.size(); tj ++)
// if a tower is locked on a creep
if (PlayerT[t1].locked == creeps[tj].id)
// if the creep is in range
if (GetDistance(PlayerT[t1].id,PlayerT[t1].locked) < PlayerT[t1].range)
// if tower shooting timer achived
if (PlayerT[t1].sT.Update())
if (dbIsObject(PlayerT[t1].locked) == 1)
blts.push_back(Bullet()); // pushing back a new bullet into bullet vector
// adding all bullet data and position
// if the locked creep is dead releasing lock to enable the tower to lockon another creep
if (creeps[tj].dead)
PlayerT[t1].locked = 0;
// finding a new creep to lock on
for (int tj1 = 0; tj1 < creeps.size(); tj1 ++)
if (creeps[tj1].started)
if (GetDistance(PlayerT[t1].id,creeps[tj1].id) < PlayerT[t1].range && PlayerT[t1].locked == 0)
PlayerT[t1].locked = creeps[tj1].id;
and in game loop
UpdateHearts(); // Updating Hearts
UpdateGreenArrow(); // Updating Green Arrow
if (gameStarted)
if (creeps.size() == 0)
startWave = true;
if (startWave)
startWave = false;
// first checking to see if the player have lives left
if (lives <= 0) // game over
MMX = dbMouseX(); // Storing Mouse X
MMY = dbMouseY(); // Storing Mouse Y
CameraMovement(); // Camera Movement
for (int j = 0; j < PlayerT.size(); j ++)
if (towerSelect == PlayerT[j].id)
MouseClicks(); // Mouse Controls
for (int j = 0; j < PlayerT.size(); j ++)
if (towerSelect == PlayerT[j].id)
UpdateCreeps(); // Updating Creeps
UpdateTurrets(); // Updating Turrets
UpdateBullets(); // Updating Bullets
//dbText(0,0,convertInt(dbScreenFPS())); // shows Screen Frame Per seconds
dbText(0,20,convertInt(cash)); // printing amount of case
//dbText(0,40,convertInt(lives)); // printing lives not needed since the hearts addition
// Update the screen