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AppGameKit Classic Chat / Hands On AGK BASIC (Book)

Mike Johnson
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Posted: 19th Jul 2012 15:38

The Hands on AppGameKit BASIC Book by Alistair Stewart (the author of Hands on DB Pro books) is now available. For more details please see:
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Posted: 20th Jul 2012 10:48
I have some questions.

- Would it be possible to show the list of contents?
- What are the postage and package costs?

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Posted: 20th Jul 2012 20:12 Edited at: 20th Jul 2012 20:45
Ok I broke down and got off my wallet and purchased Hands On AGK. I am glad I did. I just got it a few days ago and now I know how much I don't know. I think that's a good thing. If you are serious about programming in AppGameKit I believe it is a must have.


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Posted: 20th Jul 2012 20:17
Is it any good for a beginner with no experiance?

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Posted: 21st Jul 2012 00:48
fallen one, i think that the people who will find this book of most use are beginners with little or no experience, so go buy it now
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Posted: 21st Jul 2012 18:03
Quote: "Is it any good for a beginner with no experience?"

I'll soon let you know on that one as Ive ordered the book but haven't used AppGameKit as yet. Let's see if the book makes me a multimillionaire*

*May not represent accurate information

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Posted: 21st Jul 2012 18:36
I have the book, and I'm 80% done with it, and yes it's good for beginners, and pro's too. I consider it THE documentation for AGK.

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Posted: 1st Aug 2012 16:40 Edited at: 1st Aug 2012 16:41
Hi all,

This book looks very intriguing. I have two quick questions (well, three actually):

1. Will a digital version of the book become avaiable at some point? I like to dock documentation on one half of my screen, while positioning the IDE in the other half, so I can quickly reference stuff while programming. An electronic version of the book would allow me to do so, besides enabling me to read it on my eReader. I wouldn't mind if it contains DRM to counter piracy.

2. Will the book be updated as AppGameKit evolves and will customers be able to obtain these for free or for a small fee? The book covers the current AppGameKit 1.7-commandset. A future 1.8 release is planned in Q4 2012 if I'm not mistaken, which will add new stuff (3D-functionality) and (maybe) change the way some things are handled now. I'd dislike to invest a large amount of money several times.
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Posted: 1st Aug 2012 21:59
The author does not trust the eBook format, due to the danger of it being copied, so for now, it's only in paper format.

The update to 3D, will either come as downloadable electronic format, or a volume 2 book. I see that TGC are adding many new commands, so I'm guessing on a volume 2.

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2012 14:07 Edited at: 2nd Aug 2012 14:08
Thanks for answering Impetus73,

I feared as much when I saw only a paper-version avaiable. I can understand the author's dilemma regarding piracy. However, I imagine that the current format deters US and (mainland) European-based buyers etc., since shipping costs and VAT are added to the book's base price. Paying such an amount for every new volume can quickly become very expensive.

At this point, I think I won't be buying the book, but rather learn by experimenting and interacting with the forum. Should the author/TGC want to look at solving the dilemmas (both protection and delivering new content), I think an integrated solution might be avaiable: add DRM to the actual eBook(s) *and* let users register in order to obtain electronic updates: Only those who've bought the book can register and only registered users can obtain new or revised content. This provides an incentive to buy while making piracy difficult and inefficient. Ah, well... one can dream right?
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2012 15:48
The cost of the book and shipping is of little concern to me, I would have bought it even if it was 3 times as expensive. I'm more interesting in learning how to program better, so I can earn many times over, the cost of the book, by selling apps And I want to support the production of such books. You must remember that this is a book that will only sell a few hundreds or thousands copies, unlike "normal" books about C++ and so, that sells in tens of thousands each.

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2012 16:08
Again... PDF please...

But I will be buying the book as soon as I can [Physical copy I mean]

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2012 16:11 Edited at: 2nd Aug 2012 16:13
Sorry for double post but I thought two things needed mentioning...

from the link in OP...

Quote: "Much as we would like to offer it in ebook form, our previous ebooks have been pirated so heavily that we will not be offering that format for any new titles."

Makes sense... I did not realise the issue was that bad...


Quote: "Download a PDF version of a chapter from the book. Please note that although the PDF is in colour, the printed book is not in colour. Also the book will be available in printed form only."

Make a colour print then... I have decided I may not buy the book now until a Colour edition is made available... I am not bothered about the cost... but if NO PDF is planned ever... then I want a colour edition of the printed book...


Also I know the DBP books are black and White but I did pay for the PDF edition, I will buy the DBP books again just to have them for collective purposes and also to support both TGC and Digital-Skills, and possibly encourage them to make the jump towards Colour prints...

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2012 16:45
To print the book in color, will make the cost of each page almost 10 times higher. This is because the machine the book is printed on, is that much more exensive to use with color. I know, I service those machines

I'm sure you can get a color version speccial made, if you ask the author nicely, and are willing to pay the extra cost of doing that.

Maybe he will release a .PDF version later, when he have his developement costs covered, and thereby reducing the economic risk to himself by piracy?

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2012 16:54
Quote: "I'm sure you can get a color version speccial made, if you ask the author nicely, and are willing to pay the extra cost of doing that."

Good idea... I might just do that...

but 10x is a little of an overstatement lol, but I know its faily to the point I do Graphic Design and communicate and negotiate with Printers [No not the devices for others reading lol] and I do see a spike in COlour vs. BnW...

Good idea I should see about asking about a Colour book price...

I only debate this as sometimes the shading on the BnW prints are a tad bit confusing sometimes...

Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 5th Aug 2012 00:09
I just got my copy of AppGameKit manual this morning. Quite good so far, but if you're an experienced programmer , you may need to skip a few chapters that cover really basic programming.

Not bothered the book being in black and white, colour or not you still get the same knowledge.
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Posted: 5th Aug 2012 10:57
Whoo, $50 shipping to Canada! I'm really looking forward to this being on my bookshelf!

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Posted: 8th Aug 2012 05:57 Edited at: 8th Aug 2012 20:28
I have the book, and I'm in no way affiliated with TGC. As a long time developer, I have to say I really like this book. Yes, it is expensive, but you have to weigh that against what you get. There are 770 pages of examples, not just a single line of code, but enough for you to see the proper context of how each element of the AppGameKit language is used. Yes you could go search on forums, ask questions, experiment, etc., but having a "real" programmers manual beats everything else. I'm not going to wade into the arguments of electronic versus printed, I'm just saying the actual content of the book is great! You can tell is was written by a developer and is for developers. I have saved hours and hours of time being able to pull out examples from the book. Contact me on twitter @oregon_tony if you have any questions.
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Posted: 8th Aug 2012 20:08
I received the book last week and I'm sure I did the good choice in buying it.

I'm not a newbie in programming... started in 1983 on Thomson TO7, and after Atari ST, PC...

"Hands on AppGameKit Basic" is one of the best programming book I've read since Delphi 3 Programmer's Book (and I love Delphi).

First chapters are not usefull when we program, but the others are very interesting. Alistair Stewart did a very good job.

Many of you think the book is too expensive. 1,74 kg of printed paper have a cost. Writing and distributing it too.

If you think it's expensive, use AppGameKit documentation and forums.The book give a little more with the exercices, but you are not obliged to buy it.

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Posted: 9th Aug 2012 01:26
pprem - if you "love Delphi" get AppGameKit for Pascal (free in your download area).

-- Jim
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Posted: 11th Aug 2012 12:33
I hope its a nice one will be reading it this weekend.
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Posted: 11th Aug 2012 17:26
Quote: "pprem - if you "love Delphi" get AppGameKit for Pascal (free in your download area)."

I prefer use the original whith Tier 1 for the moment, but I downloaded AGK4P of course

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Posted: 18th Sep 2012 13:51
will this book ever be available on e.g. amazon ? (to save the money for shipping to germany)
Alien Menace
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Posted: 20th Sep 2012 17:40
There really should be a Kindle version of this book.

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Posted: 20th Sep 2012 23:57
you can buy the book from Digital Skills (based in UK), saving money:
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Posted: 21st Sep 2012 12:45
Nice Thread!

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Posted: 21st Sep 2012 16:30
Thanks for the link,i puchased the book.
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Posted: 28th Sep 2012 04:15
I live in USA and it will cost almost more than the book to ship it here. So is there any place online that has the book somewhere in america? and by that I mean a warehouse that is located in America.
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Posted: 7th Oct 2012 20:39
Just bought this book, on chapter 3, getting back into programming now, feel like I did when I was a kid making my spectrum draw circles on the screen, yes I know that creating a game will only come in time, but this is really what I have been wanting, still on the early chapters, but I have found out so much about the program already.

Definately worth every penny
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Posted: 8th Oct 2012 13:53
The book is available through Amazon UK at £44.95
Even though it's shipping from the States, the p&p is only £2.80
The only problem is, it's not due to arrive until Nov 5th (I ordered it Saturday)
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Posted: 19th Oct 2012 08:45
@ Mike,

Will this be updated to incorporate the new commandsets - for instance 3d commands?

a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...
Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 19th Oct 2012 18:20
Quote: "October 2012 - Hands On AppGameKit BASIC Update

Now that TGC have released a new version of AppGameKit, we will be creating a supplement to Hands On AppGameKit BASIC which covers all the new commands made available in this release. This supplement will be released in PDF format and be available free-of-charge to all of those who purchase Hands On AppGameKit BASIC."

This was posted on the website.
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Posted: 19th Oct 2012 18:35
@ Bored of the Rings,

Noted and thanks...

a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...
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Posted: 29th Oct 2012 16:43
Does anyone know how long from time of order to receiving the AppGameKit Basic book takes ??
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Posted: 30th Oct 2012 04:07
If this is of any help from the time I ordered and received my book was four days.

I live in the US in Ohio It's worth the wait.


Ham and Eggs Breakfast
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Posted: 5th Nov 2012 15:40
These books are typically really good.
I'll be ordering it, but not through TGC since they are charging $50 for shipping to the US making the total price over $115. is charging 46.95GBP which includes shipping and equates to $76USD. That's a $40 savings!
I'm not really sure why TGC is charging so much for shipping.
Maybe they should just link us to digital-skills, their pricing seems unfair.

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Posted: 11th Dec 2012 17:01 Edited at: 12th Dec 2012 05:44
Hi all,

it has just come to my attention that has recently started selling an electronic (PDF) version of Hands on AppGameKit for the price 16.96 GBP. Quite a nice price i.m.h.o. You can download free updates as the 1.8 version progresses. I've ordered a copy through paypal and just got a mail containing an url from where I can download it. Thanks to the author and the store for making this possible!
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Posted: 11th Dec 2012 17:31
Zerotown - Super thank you!

Shall order soon!

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Posted: 14th Dec 2012 03:24
I don't really like to complain much, but I have to get this out. This will probably be the last book I buy from digital skills.
They do provide a quality product, but I was reluctant to buy the book in print form.
They seemed adamant that it would only be available in print form so I broke down and paid it. I ordered it direct from their site because TGC was selling it for a much higher price.
I received my book 2 days ago...

Not only is it now available in digital format (which is most preferable with a 4 inch thick paperback manual) it is one-quarter of the price I paid. I don't think I'd be as upset if it were 25% less that what I paid or if both versions were on sale and I just happened to miss the boat. But really? What crappy luck for me.

Alistair was nice enough to give me a free PDF of the book, but I'm still sore.
I've tried to make it a point in my life to not buy anymore paper books and this one made me break that principle. I guess my own principle is punishing me for breaking it.

Enough of this rant. Just had to voice my concern. Seems like a good manual and I do appreciate that I've been given a PDF copy at no further charge.

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Posted: 14th Dec 2012 05:48 Edited at: 14th Dec 2012 06:27
Naphier, there's nothing that can be said to make you feel better for paying the higher price, for something you really didn't even want -- the printed version.

But, I think there are a few observations to be made...

1. Most programmer prefer their manuals in electronic format; mainly for the following reasons:

* Electronic books save desktop space (in the physical world), creating an uncluttered work area.
* They can be used as reference and read on-screen while coding/testing.
* Ebooks can be searched very quickly, instead of flipping through pages.
* You don't have to carry around your laptop AND a book, instead you simply have the ebook on the laptop, along with ALL your other ebooks.
* When you buy an ebook, you don't have to wait for snailmail to deliver it weeks later, you download it immediately after you've paid it.

2. If the customers DO NOT BUY printed books, publishers WILL HAVE TO publish the books as ebooks to begin with!

* It is extremely stupid to buy a printed book, when all you want is the ebook.
* So, don't do it.. Just don't!

And to publishers and book authors I would say, stop whining about piracy and start attending to the needs of your paying customers. Always offering books in ebook format is a good way to start!

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Posted: 15th Dec 2012 05:32
Thanks a lot for this ^_^
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Posted: 10th Jan 2013 21:39
Is there a way to save the screen display and save the file to a JPG or PNG file? In other words, I created a game being new to AppGameKit and it's a drawing game. I allow the user to color in 4 different colors and what I'd like to do is be able to save that picture somehow but I can't find commands in the Hands on AppGameKit Basic book that would allow this. Was hoping that I could somehow use Images and Sprites to pull it all together and then save that as a file.
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Posted: 11th Jan 2013 00:09
Just wanted to put in and update on this. The book has been great and I'm working with Alistair to help him catch some of the minor issues that I've run across. He's working hard on getting an addendum out and I really appreciate his efforts.

Also I see Daniel Foreman is making a book too along with instructional videos. I've donated to his project as I really like to see multiple versions of instructional books as they almost always offer a fresh insight to a few methods. I've really enjoyed Daniels instruction videos on YouTube and can't wait to see what he produces for AGK.


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Posted: 11th Jan 2013 04:45
In Chapter 16 the book describes the functions CopyImage() and SaveImage(). These may be the functions you're looking for. Additionally, you may want to check out GetImage().

Hands on AppGameKit doesn't describe GetImage(), I'm assuming because it appears to be a complex function. It looks like it take a lot of understanding of buffers and how Sync() works.
Though I've not gone through Chapter 16 yet, I'm pretty sure CopyImage() and SaveImage() are what you need.

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Posted: 11th Jan 2013 15:10
getimage() is a very powerful function that every AppGameKit programmer should study. You can create and catch dynamic images on the backbuffer, grab, assign to sprites and manipulate as you please. Only as an example, I used the function to create a simple windowing system, where the content of the window is an image created by drawing text objects (or a big image) to the backbuffer, getting only a portion of the backbuffer and rendering into a window frame. So you have the illusion of scrolling windows. Have a look at this video (from minute 1:34, not needed to see all the video): the 2 hiscore windows have been created in the way I have described. Similar (in a better way for sure) should have been done by @baxslash and others.
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Posted: 11th Jan 2013 17:24
I forgot to say that all the big tiles used in the Sudoku Puzzle game has been created using getimage(), combining little single digit tiles.
Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 11th Jan 2013 18:52

I sympathise, I bought the book after digital-skills announced they wouldn't be publishing ebook format due to piracy, so I got stung there too.

To the publishers, I would say "Anyone can photocopy a paper book and pass it on, what's the difference."

Oh well, enough said, I'm looking forward to the receiving the free supplement update for the 3D commands.
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Posted: 12th Jan 2013 00:21
Apologies! The Hands on AppGameKit book describes GetImage() as well. It is in Chapter 19. My mistake for not searching that far!

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Posted: 12th Jan 2013 05:09
Thanks so much for the replies. It worked. To copy the screen, I used the following commands:

id = GetImage(2,8,95,80)

I will need to work out the details of exactly where files are stored and create a way to name these files something unique but as a quick test, this worked and I was able to save the screen as a file.
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Posted: 15th Jan 2013 05:01
I am having difficulty with the AddSpriteShapePolygon command. Can someone explain to me an easy way to put a polygon around an object? Because, with an odd shaped object, I'd like to be able to allow the physics aspect of objects react appropriately to another object of an odd shape. The example in the AppGameKit Basics book doesn't show me how to calculate the coordinates. Any help in how someone else has done this successfully would be greatly appreciated.

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