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3 Dimensional Chat / T.ed question

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Joined: 14th Jul 2009
Location: Does it matter?
Posted: 9th Aug 2012 02:48
Wasnt really sure were to post this, hope this is the right place, anywho, does anyone know if T.ed has the ability to cut holes in the terrain for caves and the like? I know you can use the drag tool to accomplish this, but it is difficult to get decent results using that method. If not does anyone recommend a terrain editor that has this ability? The realm crafter pro terrain editor has the ability to remove sections of the mesh so I am sure there is something out there with this ability. If not I could try exporting the terrain from ted and loading it in blender maybe.. Dunno. Any recommendations?
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Posted: 9th Aug 2012 06:37
I'm no expert (I havn't even used T.ed) but i'm pretty sure I heard it can.

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Joined: 14th Jul 2009
Location: Does it matter?
Posted: 9th Aug 2012 07:09
I've been searching for the answer to this and so far have come up with nothing. It seems the ted forums are closed. I have the most up to date version and for the life of me cant find a way to do it. I will keep searching till I find an answer though.
Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 9th Aug 2012 16:40 Edited at: 9th Aug 2012 16:43
You might be better off just making a cave model, and merging the texture into the landscape. I did that with a waterfall, and it looked good.

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Posted: 13th Sep 2012 17:49 Edited at: 13th Sep 2012 18:10
Look On The website for the tutorial about how to use T.ED.

It don't say you can do holes...but there is nothing like giving it a try.

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