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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / newgame (R.E.M)

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Posted: 5th Sep 2012 01:20 Edited at: 5th Sep 2012 19:25
Story: ,it's a survival horror game .(I know there are many fpscreator games like this )Based on all the classics, silent hill resedent evil, jacobs ladder .James is a ground keeper assigned to look after an abandoned insane asylum .he gets a call that something is happening the lights are on ect
Anyways need to play to find out .... Will work more on it..

Developed . By joe borsellino : this game was done with the help of the fps forums
Thank you for your free media .

Features :fpscreator v 1.18
Post effects
Custom sound and music
Custom media
Custom scripts
Water scripts ect
Realese : free sometime hopefully November
Note any media I will make will be free to all fpscreator users as a thanks for there support
Bare in mind this is early development



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Posted: 5th Sep 2012 01:25 Edited at: 5th Sep 2012 19:23
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Posted: 5th Sep 2012 01:27
more pics


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Posted: 5th Sep 2012 01:29
This is actually looking great

But this is not how a WIP thread has to look like
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Posted: 5th Sep 2012 01:31 Edited at: 5th Sep 2012 19:11
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Posted: 5th Sep 2012 01:32 Edited at: 5th Sep 2012 19:23
pic weapon


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Posted: 5th Sep 2012 01:34
I am sorry i am new to this trying to get it right
bare with me ... i dont know why i cant post pics on the page
sorry .. if i am not in the right format
and what do you like abot it
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Posted: 5th Sep 2012 01:38 Edited at: 5th Sep 2012 01:43
just copy the link of the image press the "image" button and paste it there

The leveldesign is what I like its looking very creepy and atmospheric.

Just try to give the whole thread a better look then I think you will get lots of people interested in thsi game^^


As example check out this old thread of mine, its not looking perfect but atleast cleaned up and easy to read
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Posted: 5th Sep 2012 02:38 Edited at: 5th Sep 2012 19:22
ok well i edited the forum hope its better
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Posted: 5th Sep 2012 10:41
very atmospheric. like it a lot, move on.


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Posted: 5th Sep 2012 19:27 Edited at: 5th Sep 2012 19:28
hospital pic


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Posted: 5th Sep 2012 22:11 Edited at: 5th Sep 2012 22:12
WOW this is looking amazing!
Are you planning to release a demo or something?
Ross tra damus
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Posted: 5th Sep 2012 23:20
Very nice looking game so far.
You have a 'mixed' bunch of segments and entities in the rooms and make them work together very well.

All the best of luck with this.
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Posted: 5th Sep 2012 23:49 Edited at: 5th Sep 2012 23:55
thank you
to be honest how do even realease a demo , can i upload it here .
or if you can tell me how i will. like i said game is free , just a long way off befor i have an actual working one , but if you want one just tell me how i can get it to you and i will .

You have a 'mixed' bunch of segments and entities in the rooms and make them work together very well. - thank you
its still early-
my process was different this time , since i had to start over ,
I did a general layout and just now starting to detail with some entities , hope to find a balance and not jam too much all to often things dont look right , haveing troble with windows never look like they belong with those segments but anyways i;ll do my best , focus should be on getting a good scary game with a grate sound design

-just right now i need to experiment more and get one level done with gameplay - i just need more time my work seasons almost up so hopefully things will roll faster
thanks again
joe (R.E.M)


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Posted: 5th Sep 2012 23:52
Just upload it to and share the link with us

Keep up the good work!
michael x
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Posted: 6th Sep 2012 00:06
great work man top notch stuff. I can see why you was so crush about the last game you lost.well this is probably way better.

more than what meets the eye

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Posted: 6th Sep 2012 00:24
It looks top-notch to me. I'm not a fan of open area's, but you make them feel less open for the looks of things. Scenery is well set up and i love the way you light your scenes.

I'm keeping a close eye on this one! keep it up!

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Posted: 6th Sep 2012 01:48
Replied to your mail
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Posted: 6th Sep 2012 03:10
Omagamer just saw you posted a 16:9 black bar script do you think it's would be cool if I used a post effect like old movie style with your script would it work or would it be too much
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Posted: 6th Sep 2012 03:17
I would only use my script so your game looks like a real horrormovie

But I think an old movie post effect might ruin the look a bit.
Maybe try with old movie look and without and post both screenshots here so we all can give oyu feedback on what is looking better^^
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Posted: 6th Sep 2012 03:34
Do you think a film nioir horror look can be archived with fpscreator and would it look too stale
There is a lot of reasearch I need to do lol so little time thank you for the help
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Posted: 6th Sep 2012 03:39
Yeah you can do that for sure^^
Maybe play Max Payne 1&2 if you didnt play them they really got a great noir style
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Posted: 6th Sep 2012 03:53
I did as well as the new one from rock start but imagine a film noir horror game with Hitchcock style and a grate sound desin that would be fantastic ,but I hate the fact I can\'t work on it now but man with some reasearch
I could steer this away from silent hill and get a classic horror game , that would be so interesting
By the way I have been a gamer for lime 28 years so I have played everything I played resident evil when the critics said its was bad

I am excited hope I get a chance tommorrow
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Posted: 6th Sep 2012 22:26
Game looks good cant wait to play

A lot of my FPSC media can be found here. Hope you guys stop in.
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Posted: 7th Sep 2012 01:34
man getting a big problem : runtime error cant make my exe
to uplaod it says path d cannot be found error 8003
anyone can help me i am loseing my my and i tried reinstalling
and help
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Posted: 7th Sep 2012 01:42
Hey, glad I caught sight of this, Nice work! I like the level layouts, pretty decent for a new member! just started and you've already got some of the most interesting detail around. only problem is really the lighting. It's a bit too bland and white. Kinda boring if you ask me. I'd like to see some more colour in the lighting, blues and oranges, greens and yellows to really set the mood of the scene, not the boring whiteish colour you seem to frequently use here!

whether you choose to take my advice or not, keep up the good work! sorry about your runtime error, sounds like FPSC's having trouble referencing media at a certain place that it's supposed to be. make sure you've got all the models you use in your folders, and make sure any textures and meshes they reference in their .fpe files exist in the location specified. it's also always a good idea to run FPSC-Cleaner, as it is known to help fix a lot of problems. If nothing else works, you can always try re-installing with a different version.

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Posted: 7th Sep 2012 01:54
Im getting the exactly same problem all the time I want to build a game cleaners not working
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Posted: 7th Sep 2012 03:03
Thank you mr bugsy concerning the light color . I know I originally had more blues but I lost my work ,
Anyways I just start doing the level but thanks for the tip about light color I already know
I like light blues but
Seems like all is lost with this error gezzzzzzzz
Start over again no I will take a brake
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Posted: 7th Sep 2012 03:53
Dont lose your mind on that, just keep on mapping, maybe you find a way of fixing this error while working on it

its alway that with FPSCreator
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Posted: 7th Sep 2012 11:47
happens AFTER build the game or while building the game?
did you install fpsc on the common folder (programs(x86))?

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Posted: 7th Sep 2012 13:30
i did should i start over because i cal still make levels just this crashes while i build it says path d not found
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Posted: 7th Sep 2012 20:19
update (REM)
well seems like nothing is working with that specific level i have been showing, I will start over , this time i will go room by room test and move on and removeing the imfermary level,
its going to be long , but i guess i just want one level with at least all the elements of my game , and have it not crash
dont know if i have the patiance to start over for the 3rd time wount be as cool as this, this is painfull
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Posted: 12th Sep 2012 01:26
man it ant easy

just want to say its not easy doing a game by yourself
started A SWAMP LEVEL and doest deem right

hope this gets done it has too


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Posted: 12th Sep 2012 01:27
man it ant easy

just want to say its not easy doing a game by yourself
started A SWAMP LEVEL and doest deem right

hope this gets done it has too
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Posted: 18th Sep 2012 01:22 Edited at: 18th Sep 2012 01:22
heres some more almost ready for an early demo


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Posted: 18th Sep 2012 11:32
Looks great!
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Posted: 19th Sep 2012 16:42
I think the hallway could use some entities, the floor appears a little empty.

I like the atmosphere, anyway.

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Posted: 19th Sep 2012 17:57
wish i could put more , entities on floor ect but i a pushing the memory cap so unless i make the level smaller i have to watch when and where i detail rooms , lighting takes up alot since its dark
seems like the memeory cap makes it harder to make a decent size level
any tips

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Posted: 19th Sep 2012 18:18
I know that problem, man

You could also try just to add some debris overlays or just a varied ground texture. That way the ground would probably already appear a little more varied.

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Posted: 20th Sep 2012 00:47
I did that and but im at the limit the debree overlays are all too much , i think i am done with this level for now .i have a simple key puzzels to have a sense of exploration some enemies and a wepon
i should try some different aprroch on my next and add more detail
thats how i had it the first time more varied and more stuff just at least half the size
trying a sewer level a swamp level and a mansion level
none seem good though need alot more time and a brake
ill try resedent evil 6 demo tonite that might spark intrest and i should buy silent hill hd and replay when i have time

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2012 01:26
I think I'll do a YouTube video coming soon I hope
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Posted: 24th Sep 2012 22:25 Edited at: 24th Sep 2012 22:26
here is some pics of the sewer level some tips would be helpful


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Posted: 24th Sep 2012 22:27 Edited at: 24th Sep 2012 22:28


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The Nerevar
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Posted: 24th Sep 2012 23:03
Those are stunning screen shots!

Fulfilling the Nerevarine Prophecy, one trial at a time, because I... Am... The Nerevar!
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Posted: 25th Sep 2012 03:42 Edited at: 25th Sep 2012 03:53
Seems like i might change the level with the red metal gantry , the first pic seems not constant with the level.
I am not sure what do you guys think constant use of segments dose it get boreing or just adds to the real sense of place
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Posted: 25th Sep 2012 03:45
I really suck at spelling sorry I type my post fast
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Posted: 25th Sep 2012 03:57
Those are stunning screen shots

Thank you but I don't know if I'll keep that room

What did you like or not like
Bare in mind I am always fight the memory cap I actually had to tweak the setup to get my first level done its at 1.9+ g
Really wish they would change that
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Posted: 25th Sep 2012 04:55
I like the shadows, and the feeling between the two screens, the contrast adds character.

But... do what ever you can to keep the memory cap stable.

Fulfilling the Nerevarine Prophecy, one trial at a time, because I... Am... The Nerevar!
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Posted: 26th Sep 2012 23:29 Edited at: 26th Sep 2012 23:29
here is another early level
trying to do a warhouse


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Posted: 27th Sep 2012 00:04
Ohhhhhhhhhh! Spooky. I like the lighting and the color thereof! I kind of like warehouse situations when done good. I think you did a great job.

PC Specs: AMD X4 2.7Ghz, 8GB DDR3 RAM, Nvidia 9800GT, Win. 7 Pro 64 Bit

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