here's another:
It must incorporate a device that you can sell online. You put it on like a hat and it reads your mind. It then sends your thoughts to the editor and gives you a choice:
1. Strategy.
2. Fighting.
3. Action.
4. RPG.
5. Sports.
6. Adventure.
(and possible others)
Then it fabricates all of your ideas into a complete full version game in minimal time. There are some negatives though:
The downsides:
1. The game market will become completely clogged.
2. People with below par minds are going to complain about their results (perhaps blondes, people below ten, etc).
3. The American/European/world economy will crash because alot of programmers will loose their jobs.
4. Another notch is taken down in astudious educational scores because people are no longer problem solving - using logical steps, etc...
"Power, precision, and don't forget about speed. If you practice everyday with these things in mind... you begin to develope A FIGHTING MODE." - Fist of Legend (Jet Li)