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Work in Progress / Blood Red Sea

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Posted: 11th Sep 2012 09:58 Edited at: 12th Sep 2012 08:36
Step up and take charge of of both your ship, and crew
Blood read sea is going to be a pirate themed sandbox game, that gives you the freedom to fight, lead, build, and destroy all in the search of shiny things to feed your pirate empire.

You will be dropped onto your first vessel, with only a few others to help you wrest control of the high seas. As you progress you will be able to recruit more crew, buy/ build new ships, conquer islands, and build your own port on them.

You will have to fight to survive, as food and rum becomes scarce, Disease runs relentless, and the navy makes every viable attempt to send your vessel to the depths.

The look
The game will be top-down tile based, with random map generation. Although most of the game play will be at sea, large sections of land will be available.

No! Swords, guns, cannons, and sea monsters is where it is at!
Although it deserves mention that you will not individually be able to control your crew, the cannons are all you.

Why 2-d?
Simple, so i can spend the majority of my attention on the actual game-play itself, making sure it is fun, and not worry about how pretty it looks.

I would love the feed back. Also before you ask, not releasing screenshots/demo at this time, but plan on it within the next few days.

Currently Being worked on
= completed
= in progress
= not started, but planned to start soon

Port from DBP to DGDK
Basic ship control and AI
Basic ship stats
Enemy ships, and ai
Various ship classes with unique stats
Map loading, generation, and regeneration
Combat mechanics
simple g.u.i.
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Location: Where beer does flow and men chunder
Posted: 11th Sep 2012 11:42
I am always a fan of a good pirate game.

will there be multiplayer? could be cool if you can make and break alliances with all manner of devious skullduggery available to the player.

will there be quests? puzzles? tales of the high sea sung over accordion music and danced on peg legs?

I think you should be able to spread rumors about your own or others pirate crews which can effect pirates reaction to you.

how about a 2d bar fighting mode?

can we have some more information regarding game play plans?

you have certainly peaked my interest

New World Order
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Posted: 11th Sep 2012 12:06
ooooooh Pirates!!
This sounds awesome! .. ah, I remember the countless hours spent at sea in Cutthroats: Terror on the High Sea
Mr Kohlenstoff
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Posted: 11th Sep 2012 15:47
Making it a 2D game sounds like a good idea. After reading the first half of your post I was pretty skeptical, assuming it would become a 3D game. In 2D, however, your concept seems reasonable, even though it's probably still a ton of work (sounds pretty complex overall).

Good luck with it anyway, and some more details on the gameplay would be nice, as Kezzla already said.

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Posted: 11th Sep 2012 22:09
Quote: "will there be multiplayer?"

Hard to say, if there will be, it will more than likely come late in development. It shouldn't be too difficult of a feature to add though, and it would definitely be awesome to have.

Quote: "quests? puzzles? tales of the high sea sung over accordion music and danced on peg legs?"

Yes, there will be quests. The main way to find sea monsters will be through quests, as due to the random map generation, sea monsters will be few, and far between (but awesome). You can pick up a quest at any pirate friendly port, or your own when you advance that far.

As far as game play goes, let me see if i can explain it better.

Movement && Control
When at sea You can control your ship by right clicking to set a location. Your ship will then automatically navigate to the desired coordinates. The time at which this takes is based on two factors your ship's speed, and your crew's skill.

When on land you will control your crew by simply adding a task in the task manager, and then watch as they find the best way to go about accomplishing it.

Combat && Boarding
If you have found an enemy ship, and you wish to roll the dice. First you must activate combat mode (will probablly be spacebar), which will raise your colors and let everyone know you mean business. then you can control your cannon fire by pulling up next to the vessel on the appropriate side and using the number keys to fire. Effectiveness will be based on a number of variables, including distance from target, your cannons rating, your cannon skill, and a pinch of randomness. the same goes for attacking port with your ship.

When the time comes you can order your crew to attempt to board the ship, in one of two ways. if you are close enough they can use a rope swing to attempt the boarding. this will be the more effective method of boarding. You can also order them to use a small boat to attempt the boarding, if the ship is farther away this is the more dangerous of the options but allows you to keep your ship at a safe distance. Boarding success will be based on crew skill, the number of your crew you order to board, and the skill, and number of enemies still alive on the boarded vessel.

if boarding is successful, you will then be given the option to take the contents of the ship, order your crew to repair and use the ship, or you can just be a jerk and sink the ship (provided its not sinking already).

You will be required to nourish your crew properly, in order to avoid starvation, disease, and mutiny.Supplies can be looted, or harvested from land. I will be adding an option that will make the game somewhat rouge-like, in that if you die, your save is deleted. but i will leave that completely up to the player (i like to play like that, but i understand some do not).

i hope this answers some of your questions regarding the game.

Quote: "Making it a 2D game sounds like a good idea. After reading the first half of your post I was pretty skeptical, assuming it would become a 3D game. In 2D, however, your concept seems reasonable, even though it's probably still a ton of work (sounds pretty complex overall)."

Yes i understand, and i would also like you guys to understand, that this is going to take a very lengthy amount of time to make. although a playable version, should be ready in a few weeks, many of the abilities iv mentioned may not be available for a few months (good thing im unemployed .).
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Posted: 12th Sep 2012 01:43 Edited at: 12th Sep 2012 01:47
Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 12th Sep 2012 05:02 Edited at: 12th Sep 2012 05:05
Quote: ""

pirate translation:

Virtual Nomad @ California, USA . DBPro V7.7
AMD Phenomâ„¢ X4 9750 Quad-Core @ 2.4 GHz . 8 GB PC2-6400 RAM
ATI Radeon HD 3650 @ 512 MB . Vista Home Premium 64 Bit
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Posted: 12th Sep 2012 23:07
Quote: "i'm sure you're anxious to share what's in your mind;
what's in OURS, as a result, looks splendid!

alas, a simple shiftable, selectable grid does not a WIP make
hope to see something PIRATE soon!"

although my "grid" is far more complex than you have stated, this is in fact due to my reluctance to explain it farther. That said it was the first major hurdle the game has thrown in my direction, and now that it is properly constructed, work can begin on the more "pirate-y" elements of the game.

Recently, i have finished the classes to the majority of the ships that will be available. I have also begun work on some of the AI aspects of the game aswell. As i stated earlier, i will often times focus more on the game-play as oppose to the graphics. I love games that work hand in hand with your imagination, and that is what i have planned for Blood Red Sea.

The game is very far from finished, this is evident. By posting my WIP as early as possible i have allowed the community to have a major influence on the games development. This is why i encourage your comments both positive and negative, they allow me to discover issues with the game much sooner, making it allot easier to correct them in early game development.

Take for example this comment
Quote: "how about a 2d bar fighting mode?"

I had no intentions of creating such a feature when i began work, however now it may find its spot in the game. This is only possible due to early announcement, and development focused on game-play.

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