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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [LOCKED] my first game

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Joined: 24th Feb 2012
Posted: 7th Oct 2012 12:17
Hello everybody,

I'm new here and I wanna show you my first game, please have a look, and

have mercy, I know it can be done in a better way, in a more professional way, I just wanna know if I can continue, or it's better go fishing...
I made also the website for that, just go here:

here you can login and download.

I wanna make a lot of improvements, so I wait your suggestions, maybe why not, I'm open to some partnerships...

Ross tra damus
3D Media Maker
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Location: Looking to Escape London
Posted: 7th Oct 2012 13:28

Welcome to the Forum.

Sorry about this but I must suggest that you check the 'FPSC Community Rules' (at top of main page) before attempting to post further here.

An in-game 'screen shot' of your game is required in this section and 'team requests/partnerships' are 'not' allowed. If you wish to team up with someone you must do it privately via e-mail or other means and not in this Forum.

Good luck with your game.
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Posted: 7th Oct 2012 17:36
W.I.P evidence

SCREEN SHOTS are required for all posts you make in this board. If you've got a demo of a game then great, post a screenie of it, and maybe even a download. Otherwise, you're not really at the stage where you can call it a Work In Progress.

Sorry this thread does not meet any of the WIP board requirements.

Embedded jpeg FPSC in Game level screen shot inside thread and or screen shot attachments are a requirement for all WIP Threads.

Team requests are generally not allowed unless they meet very strict levels of evidence of a serious degree of advanced project design and development and then only at TGC discretion.

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