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Dark GDK / WinApi Video-Playing doesn't work on some WinXP PCs

AGK Master
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Posted: 14th Oct 2012 00:26
Hey guys, my game has a video-playing with is using WinApi:

Alse I use the standart Windows video codec and .WMV container with the low quality, so it is running on every "clear" Windows including XP SP2 with the standart windows media player. But it just shows the black screen instead of video when I execute the game on empty (just with video card setted)PC with Windows XP SP2.
Can you please suggest guys what can I do to prevent whis bug?
AGK Master
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Posted: 14th Oct 2012 17:50
I have a new information about this.

The video is playing, but it's covered the black box(on full screen). And It's playing under this black area...
Have no idea what to do.
In Windows 7 everithing is ok!
AGK Master
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Posted: 14th Oct 2012 22:57

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