EDIT I've stopped using MapScape, and switched over to a program called DeleD. It's a lot like MapScape and it exports the textures with the correct paths.
Hi, I've created a small test level in MapScape, exported it to a .DBO and loaded it into the my project. However, the map only shows the lightmap on a white texture, it doesn't load the brick walls or the concrete floors...
All of the textures for the map were included in the same directory as the .DBO file. I have no idea why it isn't loading. I even tried loading a map from Evolved's example and the same thing was happening!
I tried including the lightmap effect file with the DBO, but at that point the entire map turns invisible. I know it's still there because the characters collision still works.
dbLoadObject("test.dbo", 1, 1);
dbLoadEffect("lightmap.fx", 2, 0);
dbSetObjectEffect(1, 2);