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AGK Master
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Posted: 26th Oct 2012 05:57 Edited at: 5th Jan 2013 18:22
IMPOSSIBLE QUEST (iPhone / iPad / Mac)

The video is from Mac version.
In the final version he will die falling down, now is a test.

Release : February/March
Features :
- Multiplayer (play with another user in the same map, seeing him when on the same level or room)

The game is at 80% complete, now we are working on the rooms (with tiles).
Robots and character are done in 3D ported in 2D. I think sprites look nicer in this way.

Long life to Steve!
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Posted: 4th Nov 2012 05:03
I like the look and feel overall but I feel the wall tiles need to be a bit either more detailed or less detailed if that makes sense?

They appear to be falling in a slightly awkward middle ground that is not sastifying ultimately.

Much of your other art looks like pixel art, but the wall does not ; that might be part of it.

Otherwise very nice good luck with your release.

AGK Master
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Posted: 4th Nov 2012 12:12
Yes infact in the final version there will be some changes.
This happen when you do a game in some periods. We started it some months ago, and continued now... so is easy to forget what you done.

Some of that object was old.

Long life to Steve!
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Posted: 5th Jan 2013 18:10 Edited at: 5th Jan 2013 18:21
Publishing a video in the first post.
And deleting the old images.
Still working on this game, done using 3D and rendering in 2D.

2013 will be a great year!!

Edit : Video available.

Long life to Steve!
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Posted: 10th Jan 2013 23:40
Looking good! Impossible Mission was pretty good in it's day and this looks very similar. Good luck with it.

AGK Master
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Posted: 11th Jan 2013 09:59
Thx Vader, latelty im working alone, and is very difficult to follow 7 games doing graphics and code, and doing updates for bugs of previous apps.
I have to design 52 levels in tile mode and to do the 2nd player in multiplayer.

Long life to Steve!
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Posted: 12th Jan 2013 18:28
Great Beginning Gekko you rocks

Keep up the good work !

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